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using namespace std;

struct Node
int data;
Node* next;

typedef class Node List_Node;

void init_list(Node *head)
head = nullptr;
cout << "the list have been inited" << endl;

List_Node *creat_list()
List_Node *head = nullptr;

List_Node *p1, *p2;
p1 = p2 = new Node;//p1为工作指针,p2为移动指针

cout << "plz input data:";
cin >> p1->data;//创建一个新的节点,从cin读入数据
p1->next = nullptr;//新的节点的next指向null

while (p1->data > 0)//这里把输入的数据
if (head == nullptr)
head = p1;
p2->next = p1;

p2 = p1;

p1 = new Node;
cin >> p1->data;
p1->next = nullptr;

return head;

List_Node* creat_list2()
Node *head=nullptr;

p1 = new Node;
cin >> p1->data;

while (p1->data > 0)
p1->next = head;
head = p1;

p1 = new Node;
cin >> p1->data;
return head;

//4.输出链表:即大家所说的打印链表print the list
void print_list(Node *Head)
if (Head == nullptr)
cout << "empty list" ;
cout << "the list is:";
while (NULL != Head)
cout << Head->data<<" ";
Head = Head->next;

cout << endl;

//5.清除链表:clear the list
void clear_list(Node* head)
Node *pNext;

if (head = nullptr)
cout << "the list is empty" << endl;
while (nullptr != head)
pNext = head->next;
delete head;

head = pNext;//表头下移动
cout << "the list had been emptied" << endl;

//6.return the list zize
int size_list(Node* head)
int size = 0;
while (head != nullptr)
head = head->next;//the head move forward next step

return size;

//7.return the  n element
int get_element(Node*head,int n)
int i = 0;
if (n < 0)
cout << "n  is  not a available value" << endl;
if (head == nullptr)
cout << "the list is empty" << endl;

while (head != NULL)
if (i == n)
head = head->next;

if (i < n)
cout << "the list's len is shorter then n" << endl;

return head->data;


int *get_element_addr(Node*head, int x)
if (nullptr == head)
cout << "the list is empty" << endl;

while ((head->data != x) && (head->next != nullptr))
head = head->next;

if (head->data == x)
cout << x << " " << &(head->data) << endl;

return &(head->data);

//9. 把链表中第n个节点的值修改为x,成功返回1,失败返回0
int modify_list(Node *head, int n, int x)

int i = 0;

if (nullptr == head)
cout << "the list is empty" << endl;

while (head != nullptr)
if (i == n)

head = head->next;

if (i < n)
cout << "n out of the range" << endl;

head->data = x;

return 1;

//10. 在表的头部插入一个新的节点成功返回true insert a new node into the head of the list
bool  insert_head_Node(Node **head, int insertelem)//这里把整个链表作为输入才能修改整个链表,不然就
{                                                   //想当与传值参数而无法修改链表
Node *insert_node=new Node;
insert_node->data = insertelem;

insert_node->next = *head;
*head = insert_node;

return 1;

//11. insert the new node at the end of the list
bool  insert_end_Node(Node **head, int insertelem)
Node *pHead = *head;
Node *pTemp = new Node;//临时的节点用来存储数据

Node *insert_node = new Node;
insert_node->data = insertelem;
insert_node->next = nullptr;
pTemp = pHead;

while (pHead->next != nullptr)
pHead = pHead->next;

pHead->next = insert_node;

*head = pTemp;

return true;


int main()
Node *my_list;
my_list = creat_list2();//use the second way to creat forward list.
print_list(my_list);//print the list.

int len = size_list(my_list);//output the length of the list.
cout << len << endl;

int value = get_element(my_list,3);//输出第三个节点的数据
cout << value << endl;

cout << "修改后的";
modify_list(my_list, 3, 20);

cout << "在头部插入新的节点后";
insert_head_Node(&my_list, 30);

cout << "在尾部插入元素后";
insert_end_Node(&my_list, 100);

/* 向有序单链表中插入元素x结点,使得插入后仍然有序 */
/* 从单链表中删除表头结点,并把该结点的值返回,若删除失败则停止程序运行 */
/* 从单链表中删除表尾结点并返回它的值,若删除失败则停止程序运行 */
/* 从单链表中删除第pos个结点并返回它的值,若删除失败则停止程序运行 */
/* 从单链表中删除值为x的第一个结点,若删除成功则返回1,否则返回0 */
/* 交换2个元素的位置 */
/* 将线性表进行快速排序 */
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