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【coursera 学习笔记】An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python--week0

2014-10-02 16:57 716 查看


简介:coursera 的课,ps 在学德语中,Python德文指大蟒蛇,难怪他的图标……

平台:http://www.codeskulptor.org/viz/index.html (rice uni 的老师自己搭建的)


0Expressions, variables and assignments"We want... a shrubbery!"
1Functions, logic, conditionals"Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock" game
2Event-driven programming, local and global variables, buttons and input fields"Guess the Number" game
3The canvas, static drawing, timers, interactive drawingStopwatch: The Game
4Lists, keyboard input, motion, positional/velocity control"Pong" game
5Mouse input, more lists, dictionaries, images"Memory" game
6Classes, tiled images"Blackjack" game
7Acceleration and friction, spaceship class, sprite class, soundSpaceship from "RiceRocks" game
8Sets, groups of sprites, collisions, sprite animationFull "RiceRocks" game

Week zeroHelp

Comments — CodeSkulptor

Non-computational parts of the program that textually describe the behavior of the program.
Comments begin with
, everything to right
of the hash is ignored by Python.
Comments should be frequent so you and others can understand the code.
Lecture examples - CodeSkulptor
More examples - Comments,
Strings, and Print

Strings — CodeSkulptor

Sequence of characters enclosed by a pair of single or double quotes
Examples are
"cats hate dogs"
 are fun!'
Strings are one kind of data in Python. Their data type is denoted
Lecture examples - Hello World
More examples - Comments, Strings, and Print

# Comments, strings and print

#	Number sign(#)后面的语句都是注释.

# A string is a collection of characters enclosed by quotation
#	marks (引号)or apostrophes(撇号)

"This is a string"
'This is also a string'

# To print these strings and other things to the box on the
#	right, the word print is used.

print "Output Number One"
print 'Output Number Two'

# print statements on their own can be used to print blank(打印空白行)
#	lines to the screen, which separates output and makes it
#	easier to read. 

print "Hello"

# Multiple strings can be printed on the same line by using
#	commas to separate them.(多个输出时 用逗号隔开) This automatically inserts a 
#	space in between the two strings.(这样字符串之间会自动生成一个空格)

print "One", "Two"
print "One", "Two", "Three"

# If you want to include a quotation mark or apostrophe in
#	your string, you need to make the symbols around the 
#	string be the opposite type.(如果有双重引用,要用不同的号)

print "You're awesome!"
print '"Thank you!" I replied.'

# Congratulations!!! You are off to a great start :)

Numbers — Arithmetic Expressions

There are two kinds of numerical data in Python: integers and decimal numbers.
Integers correspond to the data type
Decimal numbers are represented by floating-point numbers corresponding to the data type
Floating-point numbers have around 15 decimal digits of accuracy.
In CodeSkulptor, all numbers (even integers) are represented internally as floating-point numbers.
Lecture examples - Arithmetic
More examples - Floats
and Ints

Arithmetic Operators — Arithmetic Expressions

Five basic arithmetic operators; addition (
subtraction (
), multiplication (
division (
) and exponentiation (
CodeSkulptor implements a subset of Python 2. In Python 2, the division operator (
returns a float approximation to the exact answer if either of the operands is a float. If both operands are integers, division returns the exact answer round down to the nearest integer.
The integer division operator
the quotient of two numbers..
Lecture examples - Arithmetic
More examples - Arithmetic
Operations, Division

Arithmetic Expressions — Arithmetic Expressions

An arithmetic expression is either a number or an operator applied to two arithmetic expressions.
Arithmetic expressions are entered as a sequence of numbers and arithmetic operators.
Expressions are formed by grouping operators and operands via precedence: "Please excuse my dear Aunt Sallie"; parentheses, exponentiation, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction.
Lecture examples - Arithmetic Expressions
More examples - Order
of Operations for Arithmetic Expressions, Possible
Errors for Arithmetic Expressions

Variables — Variables

Variable names consist of a
sequence of letters, number and underscores (
Variable names start with a letter or underscore and are case sensitive.#以字母或者下划线打头。区分大小写
Single equals (
) is used for assignment
to variables. Double equals (
) is used for testing
Lecture examples - Variables
More examples - Variable Naming, Vabiable
Assignment, Variable
Operations, Formulas

# Arithmetic expressions - numbers, operators, expressions

print 3, -1, 3.14159, -2.8

# numbers - two types, an integer or a decimal number
# two corresponding data types int() and float()

print type(3), type(3.14159)#查看函数类型
print type(3.0)

# we can convert between data types using int() and float()
# note that int() takes the "whole" part of a decimal number and doesn't round
# float() applied to integers is boring。int()截取浮点数的整数部分,不取舍

print int(3.14159), int(-2.8)
print float(3), float(-1)

# floating point number have around 15 decimal digits of accuracy
# pi is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971...
# square root of two is 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696...

# approximation of pi, Python displays 12 decimal digits Python只显示12位

print 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971

# appoximation of square root of two, Python displays 12 decimal digits

print 1.4142135623730950488016887242096980785696

# arithmetic operators
# +		plus		addition
# -		minus		subtraction
# *		times		multiplication
# /		divided by 	division
# **    power		exponentiation

print 1 + 2, 3 - 4, 5 * 6, 2 ** 5

# Division in Python 2
# If one operand is a decimal (float), the answer is decimal

print 1.0 / 3, 5.0 / 2.0, -7 / 3.0

# If both operands are ints, the answer is an int (rounded down)

print 1 / 3, 5 / 2, -7 / 3

# expressions - number or a binary operator applied to two expressions
# minus is also a unary operator and can be applied to a single expression

print 1 + 2 * 3, 4.0 - 5.0 / 6.0, 7 * 8 + 9 * 10

# expressions are entered as sequence of numbers and operations
# how are the number and operators grouped to form expressions?
# operator precedence - "please excuse my dear aunt sallie" = (), **, *, /, +,-

print 1 * 2 + 3 * 4
print 2 + 12

# always manually group using parentheses when in doubt

print 1 * (2 + 3) * 4
print 1 * 5 * 4
# Addition
print "Ex. 1:", 4 + 5
print "Ex. 2:", 3 + 4 + 7

# Subtraction
print "Ex. 3:", 5 - 2
print "Ex. 4:", 3 - 7

# Multiplication
print "Ex. 5:", 6 * 4
print "Ex. 6:", 2 * 3 * 5

# Division
print "Ex. 7:", 10 / 2
print "Ex. 8:", 5 / 3

print "--------"
# Decimals, negative numbers, and fractions can also be used

# Decimals
print "Ex. 9:", 1.5 + 2.75
print "Ex. 10:", 2.0 * 1.75
print "Ex. 11:", 5.0 / 2.0 + .5

# Negative numbers
print "Ex. 12:", -4 + 8
print "Ex. 13:", 6 * -5
print "Ex. 14:", 4 - -3
print "Ex. 15:", -5.0 / -.75

# Fractions (include parenthesis)
print "Ex. 16:", (3.0 / 4.0) + (5.0 / 4.0)
print "Ex. 17:", 5 * (1.0 / 2.0)
print "Ex. 18:", -(1.0 / 2.0) * 3
print "Ex. 19:", (3.0 / 4.0) + .75
</pre><pre name="code" class="python">

print  “sher”+“rry”
# 数字变成字符串
print "Joe Warren" + " is " + str(52) + " years old."
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