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1. 算法推导 


















2. 改进的Logistic回归算法


上图展示了随机梯度下降算法在200次迭代中(请先看第三和第四节再回来看这里。我们的数据库有100个二维样本,每个样本都对系数调整一次,所以共有200*100=20000次调整)三个回归系数的变化过程。其中系数X2经过50次迭代就达到了稳定值。但系数X1和X0到100次迭代后稳定。而且可恨的是系数X1和X2还在很调皮的周期波动,迭代次数很大了,心还停不下来。产生这个现象的原因是存在一些无法正确分类的样本点,也就是我们的数据集并非线性可分,但我们的logistic regression是线性分类模型,对非线性可分情况无能为力。然而我们的优化程序并没能意识到这些不正常的样本点,还一视同仁的对待,调整系数去减少对这些样本的分类误差,从而导致了在每次迭代时引发系数的剧烈改变。对我们来说,我们期待算法能避免来回波动,从而快速稳定和收敛到某个值。











使用alpha x gradient来更新回归系数






3. python实现

# coding=utf-8
Created on 2014年9月13日

@author: Ryan C. F.


from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time

def sigmoid(inX):
simoid  函数
return 1.0 / (1 + exp(-inX))

def trainLogRegres(train_x, train_y, opts):
train a logistic regression model using some optional optimize algorithm
input: train_x is a mat datatype, each row stands for one sample
train_y is mat datatype too, each row is the corresponding label
opts is optimize option include step and maximum number of iterations
# calculate training time
startTime = time.time()

numSamples, numFeatures = shape(train_x)
alpha = opts['alpha']; maxIter = opts['maxIter']
weights = ones((numFeatures, 1))

# optimize through gradient ascent algorilthm
for k in range(maxIter):
if opts['optimizeType'] == 'gradAscent': # gradient ascent algorilthm
output = sigmoid(train_x * weights)
error = train_y - output
weights = weights + alpha * train_x.transpose() * error
elif opts['optimizeType'] == 'stocGradAscent': # stochastic gradient ascent
for i in range(numSamples):
output = sigmoid(train_x[i, :] * weights)
error = train_y[i, 0] - output
weights = weights + alpha * train_x[i, :].transpose() * error
elif opts['optimizeType'] == 'smoothStocGradAscent': # smooth stochastic gradient ascent
# randomly select samples to optimize for reducing cycle fluctuations
dataIndex = range(numSamples)
for i in range(numSamples):
alpha = 4.0 / (1.0 + k + i) + 0.01
randIndex = int(random.uniform(0, len(dataIndex)))
output = sigmoid(train_x[randIndex, :] * weights)
error = train_y[randIndex, 0] - output
weights = weights + alpha * train_x[randIndex, :].transpose() * error
del(dataIndex[randIndex]) # during one interation, delete the optimized sample
raise NameError('Not support optimize method type!')

print 'Congratulations, training complete! Took %fs!' % (time.time() - startTime)
return weights

# test your trained Logistic Regression model given test set
def testLogRegres(weights, test_x, test_y):
numSamples, numFeatures = shape(test_x)
matchCount = 0
for i in xrange(numSamples):
predict = sigmoid(test_x[i, :] * weights)[0, 0] > 0.5
if predict == bool(test_y[i, 0]):
matchCount += 1
accuracy = float(matchCount) / numSamples
return accuracy

# show your trained logistic regression model only available with 2-D data
def showLogRegres(weights, train_x, train_y):
# notice: train_x and train_y is mat datatype
numSamples, numFeatures = shape(train_x)
if numFeatures != 3:
print "Sorry! I can not draw because the dimension of your data is not 2!"
return 1

# draw all samples
for i in xrange(numSamples):
if int(train_y[i, 0]) == 0:
plt.plot(train_x[i, 1], train_x[i, 2], 'or')
elif int(train_y[i, 0]) == 1:
plt.plot(train_x[i, 1], train_x[i, 2], 'ob')

# draw the classify line
min_x = min(train_x[:, 1])[0, 0]
max_x = max(train_x[:, 1])[0, 0]
weights = weights.getA()  # convert mat to array
y_min_x = float(-weights[0] - weights[1] * min_x) / weights[2]
y_max_x = float(-weights[0] - weights[1] * max_x) / weights[2]
plt.plot([min_x, max_x], [y_min_x, y_max_x], '-g')
plt.xlabel('X1'); plt.ylabel('X2')

# coding=utf-8
Created on 2014年9月13日

@author: Ryan C. F.


from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from LogisticRegression import *

def loadData():
train_x = []
train_y = []
fileIn = open('/Users/rcf/workspace/java/workspace/MachineLinearing/src/supervisedLearning/trains.txt')
for line in fileIn.readlines():
lineArr = line.strip().split()
train_x.append([1.0, float(lineArr[0]), float(lineArr[1])])
return mat(train_x), mat(train_y).transpose()

## step 1: load data
print "step 1: load data..."
train_x, train_y = loadData()
test_x = train_x; test_y = train_y
print train_x
print train_y
## step 2: training...
print "step 2: training..."
opts = {'alpha': 0.001, 'maxIter': 100, 'optimizeType': 'smoothStocGradAscent'}
optimalWeights = trainLogRegres(train_x, train_y, opts)

## step 3: testing
print "step 3: testing..."
accuracy = testLogRegres(optimalWeights, test_x, test_y)

## step 4: show the result
print "step 4: show the result..."
print 'The classify accuracy is: %.3f%%' % (accuracy * 100)
showLogRegres(optimalWeights, train_x, train_y)

-0.017612    14.053064    0
-1.395634    4.662541    1
-0.752157    6.538620    0
-1.322371    7.152853    0
0.423363    11.054677    0
0.406704    7.067335    1
0.667394    12.741452    0
-2.460150    6.866805    1
0.569411    9.548755    0
-0.026632    10.427743    0
0.850433    6.920334    1
1.347183    13.175500    0
1.176813    3.167020    1
-1.781871    9.097953    0
-0.566606    5.749003    1
0.931635    1.589505    1
-0.024205    6.151823    1
-0.036453    2.690988    1
-0.196949    0.444165    1
1.014459    5.754399    1
1.985298    3.230619    1
-1.693453    -0.557540    1
-0.576525    11.778922    0
-0.346811    -1.678730    1
-2.124484    2.672471    1
1.217916    9.597015    0
-0.733928    9.098687    0
-3.642001    -1.618087    1
0.315985    3.523953    1
1.416614    9.619232    0
-0.386323    3.989286    1
0.556921    8.294984    1
1.224863    11.587360    0
-1.347803    -2.406051    1
1.196604    4.951851    1
0.275221    9.543647    0
0.470575    9.332488    0
-1.889567    9.542662    0
-1.527893    12.150579    0
-1.185247    11.309318    0
-0.445678    3.297303    1
1.042222    6.105155    1
-0.618787    10.320986    0
1.152083    0.548467    1
0.828534    2.676045    1
-1.237728    10.549033    0
-0.683565    -2.166125    1
0.229456    5.921938    1
-0.959885    11.555336    0
0.492911    10.993324    0
0.184992    8.721488    0
-0.355715    10.325976    0
-0.397822    8.058397    0
0.824839    13.730343    0
1.507278    5.027866    1
0.099671    6.835839    1
-0.344008    10.717485    0
1.785928    7.718645    1
-0.918801    11.560217    0
-0.364009    4.747300    1
-0.841722    4.119083    1
0.490426    1.960539    1
-0.007194    9.075792    0
0.356107    12.447863    0
0.342578    12.281162    0
-0.810823    -1.466018    1
2.530777    6.476801    1
1.296683    11.607559    0
0.475487    12.040035    0
-0.783277    11.009725    0
0.074798    11.023650    0
-1.337472    0.468339    1
-0.102781    13.763651    0
-0.147324    2.874846    1
0.518389    9.887035    0
1.015399    7.571882    0
-1.658086    -0.027255    1
1.319944    2.171228    1
2.056216    5.019981    1
-0.851633    4.375691    1
-1.510047    6.061992    0
-1.076637    -3.181888    1
1.821096    10.283990    0
3.010150    8.401766    1
-1.099458    1.688274    1
-0.834872    -1.733869    1
-0.846637    3.849075    1
1.400102    12.628781    0
1.752842    5.468166    1
0.078557    0.059736    1
0.089392    -0.715300    1
1.825662    12.693808    0
0.197445    9.744638    0
0.126117    0.922311    1
-0.679797    1.220530    1
0.677983    2.556666    1
0.761349    10.693862    0
-2.168791    0.143632    1
1.388610    9.341997    0
0.317029    14.739025    0


(a) 批梯度上升(迭代100次)(准确率90%) (b)随机梯度下降(迭代100次)(准确率90%) (c)改进的随机梯度下降 (迭代100次)(准确率93%)


(e) 批梯度上升(迭代1000次)(准确率97%) (d)随机梯度下降(迭代1000次)(准确率97%) (f)改进的随机梯度下降 (迭代1000次)(准确率95%)

4. 逻辑回归与线性回归的区别

详见:http://blog.csdn.net/viewcode/article/details/8794401 后续学完一般线性回归再进行总结。
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