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微软Azure•英雄会第五届在线编程大赛月赛第四题:Core allocation

2014-08-20 10:49 423 查看


* declartion here


* every test case is individually.



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>

struct query


 char opcode;

 int opnum;

 char result;

 char succ_mach_num;   //case opcode is A, save acquired mach num

 struct query *next;


struct data{

// int num_case;    // num of test case

 int num_mach;  // num of machine in this test case

 int num_query;   // num of query in this test case

 int *CiCore;

 struct query *m_query;

 struct data *next;


typedef struct box{

 int num_case;   //num of test case

 struct data m_data;



#define LEN_INT 10

int gMalloc =0;

int gFree =0;

void *m_malloc(int size)


 void *temp;

 gMalloc += size;

 temp = (void *)malloc(size);

 printf("malloc %p\n",temp);

 return temp;


void m_free(void *addr)


 printf("free %p\n",addr);



void m_setbuf(void)


 char ch;

 while((ch = getchar()) != '\n');


void m_scanf_num(int *num)


 char ch[LEN_INT] = {0};

 int ch_num = 0;

 *num = 0;






  ch[ch_num] = getchar();

  if((ch[ch_num] < '0' || ch[ch_num] > '9') && ch[ch_num] != '\n')


   //printf("bad input, try again\n");

   ch_num = 0;

   *num =0;




  if(ch[ch_num] == '\n')


   if(ch_num == 0)






  *num = *num*10 + ch[ch_num] - '0';



  if(ch_num > LEN_INT)



   ch_num = 0;

   *num = 0;

  // printf("too long, try again\n");





void m_input(Bigbox *box)


 int loop, loop_case;

 int isshow =1;

 Step1:   // get num of test case

  //printf("pls input the num of test case\n");


  struct data *head = &(box->m_data);

  loop_case = 0;

ext = NULL;

  head->m_query = NULL;

  head->CiCore = NULL;

 Step2:   // get n_mach and n_query

  //printf("Case#%d:pls input the num of machine\n",loop_case);


  //printf("Case#%d:pls input the num of query\n",loop_case);


  if(head->num_mach <=0 || head->num_query <=0)


  // printf("illegal input args, try again  %d %d\n",head->num_mach,head->num_query);

   goto Step2;


 Step3:   // get machines and querys

  head->CiCore = (int*)m_malloc(sizeof(int)*head->num_mach);

  struct query *temp = head->m_query;

  for(loop = 0; loop < head->num_mach; loop++)


  // printf("Case#%d:input num of cores in NO.%d machine\n",loop_case,loop);




  for(loop = 0;loop < head->num_query; loop++)




    if(loop == 0)


     head->m_query = (struct query*)m_malloc(sizeof(struct query));

     temp = head->m_query;

     temp->next = NULL;




     temp->next = (struct query*)m_malloc(sizeof(struct query));

     temp = temp->next;

     temp->next = NULL;




    //printf("Case#%d:  query_%d input the opcode\n",loop_case,loop);

   isshow = 1;

   #if 1

   scanf("%c %d",&(temp->opcode),&(temp->opnum));








    if(temp->opcode != 0x0A)




   if(temp->opcode != 'A' && temp->opcode != 'F')



    //printf("bad opcode, try again\n");




   //printf("Case#%d:  query_%d input the opnum\n",loop_case,loop);




  if(loop_case < box->num_case)


   //printf("test case%d\n",loop_case+1);

   head->next = (struct data*)m_malloc(sizeof(struct data));

   head = head->next;

   memset(head, 0 , sizeof(struct data));

   head->m_query = NULL;

   head->CiCore = NULL;

   head->next = NULL;

   goto Step2;



void showdata(Bigbox head)


 //printf("num of case: %d\n",head.num_case);

 int temp = 1,ii;

 struct data *temp_data;

 struct query *temp_query;

 temp_data = &(head.m_data);

 while(temp <= head.num_case)


  temp_query = temp_data->m_query;


  //printf("%d %d\n",temp_data->num_mach,temp_data->num_query);





  while(temp_query != NULL)


   //printf("%c %d\n",temp_query->opcode,temp_query->opnum);

   temp_query = temp_query->next;


  temp_data = temp_data->next;






void m_output(Bigbox box)


 struct data *temp_data = &(box.m_data);  

 struct query *temp_query;

 int **free_mach_now = (int**)m_malloc(sizeof(int**)*box.num_case);

 int loop_temp;

 int loop_mach;


 for(loop_temp=0; loop_temp < box.num_case; loop_temp++)


  free_mach_now[loop_temp] = (int*)m_malloc(sizeof(int*)*temp_data->num_mach*2);

  for(loop_mach= 0; loop_mach < temp_data->num_mach; loop_mach++)


   *(free_mach_now[loop_temp] + loop_mach) = temp_data->CiCore[loop_mach];     //save  CiCores

   *(free_mach_now[loop_temp] + loop_mach + temp_data->num_mach) = 0;           //save first pos of free CiCores


  temp_data = temp_data->next;


 temp_data = &(box.m_data);  //set head link

 //reponse acquire

 struct data dummy;

 struct query *dummy_query ;

 char case_num = 0;

 char ii;


 //printf("result here:\n");


 while(temp_data != NULL)


  printf("Case #%d:\n",case_num+1);

  temp_query = temp_data->m_query;

  dummy_query = temp_data->m_query;


  for(loop_temp = 0; loop_temp < temp_data->num_query; loop_temp++)




    case 'A':

    case 'a':


     for(loop_mach= 0; loop_mach < temp_data->num_mach; loop_mach++)


      if(*(free_mach_now[case_num]+ loop_mach) >= temp_query->opnum)


       printf("%d %d\n",loop_mach+1,*(free_mach_now[case_num]+ loop_mach + temp_data->num_mach)+1 );

       *(free_mach_now[case_num]+ loop_mach + temp_data->num_mach) += temp_query->opnum;  //re-locate first free cores pos.

       *(free_mach_now[case_num] + loop_mach)  -= temp_query->opnum;   //minus some Cicores

       temp_query->result = 1;   //this acquire done

       temp_query->succ_mach_num = loop_mach;  //save the num of acquire mach




     if(loop_mach >= temp_data->num_mach)


      temp_query->result = 0;   //this acquire undone

      printf("-1 -1\n");



    case 'F':

    case 'f':

     //free acquire

     ii = temp_query->opnum;

     while(dummy_query != NULL)


      if(dummy_query->result == 1/*dummy_query->opcode == 'A' || dummy_query->opcode == 'a'*/)


       if(ii -1 == 0)



        if((dummy_query->opcode == 'A' || dummy_query->opcode == 'a'))


         //printf("Case#%d free here mach_num%d\n",case_num+1, dummy_query->succ_mach_num);

         *(free_mach_now[case_num]+ dummy_query->succ_mach_num + temp_data->num_mach) -= dummy_query->opnum;  //re-locate first free cores pos.

         *(free_mach_now[case_num] + dummy_query->succ_mach_num)  += dummy_query->opnum;   //minus some Cicores

         dummy_query = temp_data->m_query;

         temp_query->result = 1;






      dummy_query = dummy_query->next;


     dummy_query = temp_data->m_query;





   temp_query = temp_query->next;



  temp_data = temp_data->next; //next test case;


 //free malloc memory

 for(loop_temp=0; loop_temp < box.num_case; loop_temp++)






int main()


 Bigbox datahead; 




 //showdata(datahead);   //test whether data struct is ok or not

 m_output(datahead);   //really Algorithm

 struct data *temp_data = &(datahead.m_data);

 struct data *temp_next;

 struct query *query_next;

 struct query *temp_query;

 int num=0;

 //free malloc memory

 while(temp_data != NULL)


  temp_query = temp_data->m_query;


  while(temp_query != NULL)


   query_next = temp_query->next;


   temp_query = query_next ;


   temp_next = temp_data->next;

   if(num != 0)


   num =1;

   temp_data = temp_next;



 return 0;

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