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Magento 自定义后台menu Insert dynamical menu in Magento’s Admin

2014-08-19 11:17 218 查看

Magento 自定义后台menu Insert dynamical menu in Magento’s Admin

时间 2013-06-13 14:48:29 Just Code
http://justcoding.iteye.com/blog/1886183 方法 1. 外联

Hello everyone! I’ve recently got frustrated with Magento’s core functionality which requires XML definition for Administration menus. And I really wanted to add quick website / store links to it. Solution was to overwrite one of Magento’s Adminhtml blocks,
and inject my non-XML, dynamic menu to it. If you’re interested in how I did it, read on.

To make it upgradeable, and painless, I’ve decided to make an extension just for this. It consists of only 2 Files, config.xml, and one Block rewrite.

First, I’ve created config.xml, and set it like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And since Magento parses XML as always, ideal solution for me was to hook on that parsed data just before printing the menu. So, block I mentioned earlier is “Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Page_Menu”. And here, I was interested in getMenuArray() method, and since
it looks like this:

* Retrieve Adminhtml Menu array
* @return array
public function getMenuArray()
return $this->_buildMenuArray();

This was the bes place to interfere in Magento’s core. I’ve created my own class “Inchoo_ExtendedMenu_Block_Adminhtml_Menu” with source code:

class Inchoo_ExtendedMenu_Block_Adminhtml_Menu extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Page_Menu
public function getMenuArray()
//Load standard menu
$parentArr = parent::getMenuArray();
//Prepare "View Sites" menu
$parentArr['view_sites'] = array(
'label' => 'View Sites',
'active'=>false ,
'click' => 'return false;',
'last'=> true,
'children' => array()
$app = Mage::app();
$j = 0;
$allWebsites = $app->getWebsites();
$totalWebsiteCount = count($allWebsites) - 1;
foreach ($allWebsites as $_eachWebsiteId => $websiteVal){
$_storeName = $app->getWebsite($_eachWebsiteId)->getName();
$_websiteUrl = array(
'label' => $_storeName,
'active' => false ,
'url' => '#',
'click' => "return false",
'sort_order' => $j++ * 10,
'level' => 1,
'children' => array()
if(count($parentArr['view_sites']['children']) == $totalWebsiteCount){
$_websiteUrl['last'] = true;
} else {
$_websiteUrl['last'] = false;
$parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1] = $_websiteUrl;
$allStores = $app->getWebsite($app->getWebsite($_eachWebsiteId)->getId())->getStores();
$totalCount = count($allStores);
$i = 0;
foreach ($allStores as $_eachStoreId => $val){
$_websiteId = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getWebsiteId();
if($_websiteId == $j){
$_storeName = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getName();
$baseUrl = $app->getStore($_eachStoreId)->getUrl();
$_websiteUrl = array(
'label' => $_storeName,
'active' => false ,
'click' => "window.open(this.href, 'Website - ' + this.href); return false;",
'sort_order' => $i++ * 10,
'level' => 2,
'url' => $baseUrl
if(count($parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1]['children']) + 1 == $totalCount or $totalCount == 0)
$_websiteUrl['last'] = true;
$_websiteUrl['last'] = false;
$parentArr['view_sites']['children'][$j - 1]['children'][$i] = $_websiteUrl;
return $parentArr;

What I did her was overwrite of “getMenuArray()” call on parent method, and population of resulting array with my own dynamic menu.

Result looks like this on default Magento installation:

And you can
download it here .


As always, please make backup before installation, as this is provided for usage at your own risk.

来源: http://inchoo.net/ecommerce/magento/insert-dynamical-menu-in-magentos-admin/
方法 2. 内联

We have already seen in a previous post how to
override a controller into Magento. This time I’ll show you how to create your own controller in admin panel in an
efficiant way , because there are many solutions here and there but they do not always work and are sometimes obsolete. We will access our controller under a new custom tab.


Before showing you the code, here is what the admin panel will look like:

And here is the module structure:

Module configuration


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Helper definition needed by Magento -->
<foo_bar before="Mage_Adminhtml">JR_CreateAdminController_Adminhtml</foo_bar>

Tabs and sub-tabs creation


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mycustomtab module="jr_createadmincontroller" translate="title">
<title>My Custom Tab</title>
<index module="jr_createadmincontroller" translate="title">
<title>Index Action</title>
<list module="jr_createadmincontroller" translate="title">
<title>List Action</title>
<custom translate="title" module="jr_createadmincontroller">
<title>My Controller</title>
<index translate="title">
<title>Index Action</title>
<list translate="title">
<title>List Action</title>

Controller creation



class JR_CreateAdminController_Adminhtml_CustomController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
->_title($this->__('Index Action'));

// add template


public function listAction()
->_title($this->__('List Action'));

// my stuff



Code of the extension is available on GitHub: https://github.com/jreinke/magento-create-admin-controller-example/downloads . Your turn now!

来源: http://www.bubblecode.net/en/2012/02/08/magento-create-your-own-admin-controller-in-a-new-tab/
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