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2014-08-14 14:37 330 查看

1).deb包。如software-1.2.3-1.deb。它是Debain Linux提供的一种包封装格式。安装deb包的命令是"dpkg -参数",包管理工具 apt-get。
3).rpm包。如software-1.2.3-1.i386.rpm。它是Redhat Linux提供的一种包封装格式。安装rpm包的命令是"rpm -参数,包管理工具 yum 。

大多数Linux应用软件包的命名也有一定的规律,它遵循:名称-版本-修正版-类型例如: 1) software-1.2.3-1.tar.gz 意味着:    软件名称:software    版本号:1.2.3    修正版本:1     类型:tar.gz,说明是一个tar包。2) sfotware-1.2.3-1.i386.rpm    软件名称:software    版本号:1.2.3    修正版本:1    可用平台:i386,适用于Intel 80x86平台。    类型:rpm,说明是一个rpm包。    注:由于rpm格式的通常是已编译的程序,所以需指明平台。3.包里的内容:

1) 一种就是可执行文件,也就是解开包后就可以直接运行的。在Windows中所 有的软件包都是这种类型。安装完这个程序后,你就可以使用,但你看不到源程序。而且下载时要注意这个软件是否是你所使用的平台,否则将无法正常安装。
2) 另一种则是源程序,也就解开包后,你还需要使用编译器将其编译成为可执行文件。这在Windows系统中是几乎没有的,因为Windows的思想是不开放源程序的。


1) 取得应用软件:通过下载、购买光盘的方法获得;
2) 解压缩文件:一般tar包,都会再做一次压缩,如gzip、bz2等,所以你
–xvzf软件包名”,就可以一步完成解压与解包工作。如果不是,则先用解压软件,再执行“tar –xvf 解压后的tar包”进行解包;
3) 执行“./configure”命令为编译做好准备;
4) 执行“make”命令进行软件编译;
5) 执行“makeinstall”完成安装;
6) 执行“makeclean”删除安装时产生的临时文件。
7) 运行应用程序:一般来说,Linux的应用软件的可执行文件会存放在/usr/local/bin目录下!不过这并不是“放四海皆准”的真理,最可靠的还是看这个软件的 INSTALL和README文件,一般都会有说明。
8) 卸载:通常软件的开发者很少考虑到如何卸载自己的软件,而tar又仅是完成打包的工作,所以并没有提供良好的卸载方法。有两个软件能够解决这个问题,那就是Kinstall和Kife,它们是tar包安装、卸载的黄金搭档

1) 操作系统:RedHat(Red Hat/Fedora)
2) 常见的安装包格式 rpm包,安装rpm包的命令是“rpm -参数”
3) 包管理工具 yum
4) 支持tar包
安装: rpm –ivh 软件包名.rpm( -I 安装软件,-t测试安装,不是真的安装,-p显示安装进度,-f忽略任何错误,-U升级安装,-v检测套件是否正确安装)
卸载: rpm –e 软件名(注意使用的是软件名,而不是软件包名)
查询:查询当前系统安装的软件包: rpm –qa ‘*软件包名*’
yum update [package list]upgrade specified packages (or all installed packages if none specified)
yum install <package list>install latest version of package(s), Yum refreshes each time it's used
yum remove <package list>remove specified packages from system
yum list [package list]list available packages from repositories
1) 操作系统:Debian系列(Ubuntu)
2) 常见的安装包格式 deb包,安装deb包的命令是“dpkg -参数”
3) 包管理工具apt-get
4) 支持tar包
安装: dpkg –i 软件包名.deb
卸载: dpkg –e 软件名
查询:查询当前系统安装的软件包: dpkg –l ‘*软件包名*’

dpkg -Gi package(s).debinstall/upgrade package file(s)
dpkg -r package remove package
dpkg -l '*spell*' show all packages whose names contain the word spell and already installed in system
dpkg -l package show version of package installed
dpkg -s package show all package metadata
dpkg -I package.deb show all package file's metadata
dpkg -S /path/file what package does file belong
dpkg -L package list where files were installed
dpkg -c package.deb list where files would be installed
dpkg -x package.deb extract package files to current directory
dpkg -s package | grep ^Depends:list files/packages that package needs
dpkg --purge --dry-run packagelist packages that need package (see also whatrequires)
apt-get dist-upgradeupgrade specified packages (or all installed packages if none specified)
apt-get install <package list>install latest version of package(s)
apt-get remove <package list>remove specified packages from system
apt-cache list [package list]list available packages from repositories

TaskRed Hat/FedoraUbuntu
Adding Removing and Upgrading Packages
Refresh list of available packagesYum refreshes each time it's usedapt-get update
Install a package from a repositoryyum install package_nameapt-get install package_name
Install a package fileyum install package.rpm或者rpm -i package.rpmdpkg --install package.deb
Remove a packagerpm -e package_nameapt-get remove package_name
Check for package upgradesyum check-updateapt-get -s upgrade或者apt-get -s dist-upgrade
Upgrade packagesyum update或者rpm -Uvh [args]apt-get dist-upgrade
Upgrade the entire systemyum upgradeapt-get dist-upgrade
Package Information
Get information about an available packageyum search package_nameapt-cache search package_name
Show available packagesyum list availableapt-cache dumpavail
List all installed packagesyum list installed或者rpm -qadpkg --list
Get information about a packageyum info package_nameapt-cache show package_name
Get information about an installed packagerpm -qi package_namedpkg --status package_name
List files in an installed packagerpm -ql package_namedpkg --listfiles package_name
List documentation files in an installed packagerpm -qd package_name-
List configuration files in an installed packagerpm -qc package_name-
Show the packages a given package depends onrpm -qR package_nameapt-cache depends
Show other packages that depend on a given package (reverse dependency)rpm -q -whatrequires [args]apt-cache rdepends
Package File Information
Get information about a package filerpm -qpi package.rpmdpkg --info package.deb
List files in a package filerpm -qpl package.rpmdpkg --contents package.deb
List documentation files in a package filerpm -qpd package.rpm-
List configuration files in a package filerpm -qpc package.rpm-
Extract files in a packagerpm2cpio package.rpm | cpio -viddpkg-deb --extract package.deb dir-to-extract-to
Find package that installed a filerpm -qf filenamedpkg --search filename
Find package that provides a particular fileyum provides filenameapt-file search filename
Misc. Packaging System Tools
Show stats about the package cache-apt-cache stats
Verify all installed packagesrpm -Vadebsums
Remove packages from the local cache directoryyum clean packagesapt-get clean
Remove only obsolete packages from the local cache directory-apt-get autoclean
Remove header files from the local cache directory(forcing a new download of same on next use)yum clean headersapt-file purge
General Packaging System Information
Package file extension*.rpm*.deb
Repository location configuration/etc/yum.conf/etc/apt/sources.list
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