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2014-08-06 16:43 633 查看






import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Sprite;

import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
import flash.geom.Matrix;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;

* 高效的不规则物体碰撞检测类
public class HitTest
public function HitTest()

/** 判断两物体是否发生碰撞(可调节精度) */
public static function complexHitTestObject( target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject,  accuracy:Number = 1 ):Boolean
return complexIntersectionRectangle( target1, target2, accuracy ).width != 0;

/** 获取碰撞相交矩形区域 */
public static function intersectionRectangle( target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject ):Rectangle
// 如果有任一对象没加入显示列表,或者两对象hitTestObject的结果为false,则代表两对象没有发生碰撞
if( !target1.root || !target2.root || !target1.hitTestObject( target2 ) ) return new Rectangle();

// 分别得到两对象的显示矩形区域
var bounds1:Rectangle = target1.getBounds( target1.root );
var bounds2:Rectangle = target2.getBounds( target2.root );

// 得出两对象相交部分的矩形区域
var intersection:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
intersection.x   = Math.max( bounds1.x, bounds2.x );
intersection.y    = Math.max( bounds1.y, bounds2.y );
intersection.width      = Math.min( ( bounds1.x + bounds1.width ) - intersection.x, ( bounds2.x + bounds2.width ) - intersection.x );
intersection.height = Math.min( ( bounds1.y + bounds1.height ) - intersection.y, ( bounds2.y + bounds2.height ) - intersection.y );

return intersection;

/** 获取碰撞相交矩形区域(可调节精度) */
public static function complexIntersectionRectangle( target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject, accuracy:Number = 1 ):Rectangle
if( accuracy <= 0 ) throw new Error( "ArgumentError: Error #5001: Invalid value for accurracy", 5001 );

if( !target1.hitTestObject( target2 ) ) return new Rectangle();

var hitRectangle:Rectangle = intersectionRectangle( target1, target2 );
// 判断重叠区域的长宽任一是否超过碰撞临界值,没超过则视为两对象没有发生碰撞。临界值默认为1,可根据accuracy调节精度
if( hitRectangle.width * accuracy <1 || hitRectangle.height * accuracy <1 ) return new Rectangle();

//---------------------------------- 核心算法---------------------------------------
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData( hitRectangle.width * accuracy, hitRectangle.height * accuracy, false, 0x000000 );

bitmapData.draw( target1, HitTest.getDrawMatrix( target1, hitRectangle, accuracy ), new ColorTransform( 1, 1, 1, 1, 255, -255, -255, 255 ) );
bitmapData.draw( target2, HitTest.getDrawMatrix( target2, hitRectangle, accuracy ), new ColorTransform( 1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255, 255 ), BlendMode.DIFFERENCE );

var intersection:Rectangle = bitmapData.getColorBoundsRect( 0xFFFFFFFF,0xFF00FFFF );

//----------------------------------  ---------------------------------------

// Alter width and positions to compensate for accurracy
if( accuracy != 1 )
intersection.x /= accuracy;
intersection.y /= accuracy;
intersection.width /= accuracy;
intersection.height /= accuracy;

intersection.x += hitRectangle.x;
intersection.y += hitRectangle.y;

return intersection;

protected static function getDrawMatrix( target:DisplayObject, hitRectangle:Rectangle, accurracy:Number ):Matrix
var localToGlobal:Point;
var matrix:Matrix;

var rootConcatenatedMatrix:Matrix = target.root.transform.concatenatedMatrix;

localToGlobal = target.localToGlobal( new Point( ) );
matrix = target.transform.concatenatedMatrix;
matrix.tx = localToGlobal.x - hitRectangle.x;
matrix.ty = localToGlobal.y - hitRectangle.y;

matrix.a = matrix.a / rootConcatenatedMatrix.a;
matrix.d = matrix.d / rootConcatenatedMatrix.d;
if( accurracy != 1 ) matrix.scale( accurracy, accurracy );

return matrix;

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