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Module Function Only
compile(pattern, flags=0)
Compile REpattern with any optionalflags and return a regex object
Module Functions and regex Object Methods
match(pattern, string, flags=0)
Attempt to match REpattern tostring with optionalflags;
return match object on success,None on failure
search(pattern, string, flags=0)
Search for first occurrence of REpattern withinstring with optionalflags;
return match object on success,None on failure
findall(pattern, string[,flags])
Look for all (non-overlapping) occurrences ofpattern instring; return a list of matches
finditer(pattern, string[, flags])
Same asfindall() except returns an iterator instead of a list; for each match, the iterator returns a match object
string, max=0)
Splitstring into a list according to REpattern delimiter and return list of successful matches, splitting
at mostmax times (split all occurrences is the default)
sub(pattern, repl, string, max=0)
Replace all occurrences of the REpattern instring withrepl,
substituting all occurrences unlessmax provided (also seesubn() which, in addition, returns the number of substitutions made)
Match Object Methods
Return entire match (or specific subgroupnum)
Return all matching subgroups in a tuple (empty if there weren't any)





>>> m = re.match('foo','foo')
>>> if m is not None:

>>> m
<_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x0138F170>
>>> m = re.match('foo','bar')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match('foo','food on the table')
>>> m.group()
>>> re.match('foo','food on the table').group()


>>> m = re.match('foo','seafood')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.search('foo','seafood')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()


>>> bt = 'bat|bet|bit'
>>> m = re.match(bt,'bat')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match(bt,'blt')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match(bt,'He bit me!')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.search(bt,'He bit me!')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()



>>> anyend = '.end'
>>> m = re.match(anyend,'bend')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match(anyend,'end')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match(anyend,'\nend')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.search('.end','The end.')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

' end'
>>> patt314 = '3.14'
>>> pi_patt = '3\.14'
>>> m = re.match(pi_patt,'3.14')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match(patt314,'3014')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match(patt314,'3.14')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()



>>> m = re.match('[cr][23][dp][o2]','c3po')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match('[cr][23][dp][o2]','c2do')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match('r2d2|c3po','c2do')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match('r2d2|c3po','r2d2')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()


>>> patt = '\w+@(\w+\.)?\w+\.com'
>>> re.match(patt,'nobody@xxx.com').group()
>>> re.match(patt,'nobody@www.xxx.com').group()
>>> patt = '\w+@(\w+\.)*\w+\.com'
>>> re.match(patt,'nobody@www.xxx.yyy.zzz.com').group()
>>> m = re.match('\w\w\w-\d\d\d','abc-123')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match('\w\w\w-\d\d\d','abc-xyz')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.match('(\w\w\w)-(\d\d\d)','abc-123')
>>> m.group()
>>> m.group(1)
>>> m.group(2)
>>> m.groups()
('abc', '123')
>>> m = re.match('ab','ab') # 无子组
>>> m.group()
>>> m.groups()
>>> m = re.match('(ab)','ab')
>>> m.group()
>>> m.groups(1)
>>> m.groups()
>>> m = re.match('(a)(b)','ab')
>>> m.group()
>>> m.group(1)
>>> m.group(2)
>>> m.groups()
('a', 'b')
>>> m = re.match('(a(b))','ab')
>>> m.group()
>>> m.group(1)
>>> m.group(2)
>>> m.groups()
('ab', 'b')

>>> m = re.search('^The','The end.')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()


>>> m = re.search('^The','end. The')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.search(r'\bthe','bitethe dog')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.search(r'\bthe','bite the dog')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()

>>> m = re.search(r'\Bthe','bitethe dog')
>>> if m is not None: m.group()



>>> re.findall('car','car')
>>> re.findall('car','scary')
>>> re.findall('car','carry the barcardi to the car')
['car', 'car', 'car']

>>> re.sub('X','Mr.Smith','attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')
'attn: Mr.Smith\n\nDear Mr.Smith,\n'
>>> re.subn('X','Mr.Smith','attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')
('attn: Mr.Smith\n\nDear Mr.Smith,\n', 2)
>>> print re.sub('X','Mr.Smith','attn: X\n\nDear X,\n')
attn: Mr.Smith

Dear Mr.Smith,

>>> re.sub('[ae]','X','abcdef')
>>> re.subn('[ae]','X','abcdef')
('XbcdXf', 2)

>>> re.split(':','str1:str2:str3')
['str1', 'str2', 'str3']


from random  import randint ,choice
from string import lowercase
from sys import maxint
from time import ctime
doms = ('com','deu','net','org','gov')

for i in range(randint(5,10)):
dtint = randint(0, maxint - 1) #date
dtstr = ctime(dtint)
shorter = randint(4,7) #login shorter

em = ''
for j in range(shorter):     #generate login
em += choice(lowercase)

longer = randint(shorter,12) # domain longer

dn = ''
for j in range(longer):
dn += choice(lowercase)

print '%s::%s@%s.%s::%d-%d-%d'%(dtstr,em,dn,choice(doms),dtint,shorter,longer)
Wed Sep 10 01:27:06 2025::ivepup@lyduwbnwec.deu::1757438826-6-10

Thu Mar 24 10:37:16 2011::hvvyogn@wtplvnkuocfh.net::1300934236-7-12

Sun Sep 14 18:00:06 2036::uebmhs@vmcjmxjpqiul.org::2104999206-6-12

Thu Mar 28 10:46:48 1985::phsdtd@srgwdpovndy.deu::480826008-6-11

Wed Dec 12 23:31:36 2012::xhfd@qgtrtgkfja.com::1355326296-4-10

Mon Mar 14 10:20:36 2011::uynyvfm@xiimpgwkmw.gov::1300069236-7-10

Mon Oct 11 01:42:40 1976::ehqt@ntxfyu.gov::213817360-4-6

Wed Feb 27 12:07:46 1985::zwcqrlu@zyifcxsleb.com::478325266-7-10

Sun Sep 13 11:27:21 1970::mtfn@umbsfsrmrue.deu::22044441-4-11

Sun Sep 04 16:13:58 2005::qhwz@mvbgvpe.net::1125821638-4-7

REF:Core Python Programming
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