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curl operate elasticsearch

2014-07-11 17:40 375 查看
export elasticsearchwebaddress=localhost:9200

# 1. Add document

curl -X PUT "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/1" -d '


"first_name" : "John",

"last_name" : "Smith",

"age" : 25,

"about" : "I love to go rock climbing",

"interests": [ "sports", "music" ]


curl -X DELETE "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/1" -d '


"first_name" : "John",

"last_name" : "Smith",

"age" : 25,

"about" : "I love to go rock climbing",

"interests": [ "sports", "music" ]


curl -X PUT "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/2" -d '


"first_name" : "Jane",

"last_name" : "Smith",

"age" : 32,

"about" : "I like to collect rock albums",

"interests": [ "music" ]


curl -X PUT "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/3" -d '


"first_name" : "Douglas",

"last_name" : "Fir",

"age" : 35,

"about": "I like to build cabinets",

"interests": [ "forestry" ]


# 2. Retrive information

curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/1"


curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search"

curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search?q=last_name:Smith"

curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search" -d '


"query" : {

"match" : {

"last_name" : "Smith"




curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search" -d '


"query" : {

"filtered" : {

"filter" : {

"range" : {

"age" : { "gt" : 30 }



"query" : {

"match" : {

"last_name" : "smith"






curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search" -d '


"query" : {

"match" : {

"about" : "rock climbing"




curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search" -d '


"query" : {

"match_phrase" : {

"about" : "rock climbing"




curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search" -d '


"query" : {

"match_phrase" : {

"about" : "rock climbing"



"highlight": {

"fields" : {

"about" : {}




curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search" -d '


"aggs": {

"all_interests": {

"terms": { "field": "interests" }



} '

curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search" -d '


"query": {

"match": {

"last_name": "smith"



"aggs": {

"all_interests": {

"terms": {

"field": "interests"





curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/megacorp/employee/_search" -d '


"aggs" : {

"all_interests" : {

"terms" : { "field" : "interests" },

"aggs" : {

"avg_age" : {

"avg" : { "field" : "age" }






curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/_cluster/health"

curl -X GET "$elasticsearchwebaddress/_cluster/health?pretty"

curl -X PUT "$elasticsearchwebaddress/blogs" -d '


"settings" : {

"number_of_shards" : 3,

"number_of_replicas" : 1



curl -X PUT "$elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/123" -d '


"title": "My first blog entry",

"text": "Just trying this out...",

"date": "2014/01/01"


curl -i -X GET http://localhost:9200/website/blog/124?pretty
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:9200/website/blog/123?pretty\&_source=title,text
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:9200/website/blog/123?pretty
curl -i -X GET http://localhost:9200/website/blog/123/_source
#Checking whether document exists.

curl -i -XHEAD http://localhost:9200/website/blog/123
#Updating a document

curl -X PUT $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/123 -d '


"title": "My first blog entry",

"text": "I am starting to get the hang of this...",

"date": "2014/01/02"


curl -X PUT "$elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/124" -d '


"title": "My first blog entry",

"text": "Just trying this out...",

"date": "2014/01/01"


curl -X DELETE $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/123

curl -X DELETE $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1232

curl -X PUT $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1232 -d '


"title": "My first blog entry",

"text": "I am starting to get the hang of this...",

"date": "2014/01/02"


curl -X PUT $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1/_create -d '


"title": "My first blog entry",

"text": "Just trying this out..."


curl -X PUT $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1?version=1 -d '


"title": "My first blog entry",

"text": "Starting to get the hang of this..."


curl -X PUT $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/2?version=5\&version_type=external -d '


"title": "My first external blog entry",

"text": "Starting to get the hang of this..."


curl -X PUT $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/2?version=10\&version_type=external -d '


"title": "My first external blog entry",

"text": "This is a piece of cake..."


#Partial update document

curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1?pretty

curl -X POST $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1/_update -d '


"doc" : {

"tags" : [ "testing" ],

"views": 0



#Use scripts to update the value

curl -X POST $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1/_update -d '


"script" : "ctx._source.views+=1"


curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1?pretty

curl -X POST $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1/_update -d '


"script" : "ctx._source.tags+=new_tag",

"params" : {

"new_tag" : "search"



curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1?pretty

curl -X POST $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/1/_update -d "


\"script\" : \"ctx.op = ctx._source.views == count ? 'delete' : 'none'\",

\"params\" : {

\"count\": 1




#cannot found

curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/pageviews/1?pretty

curl -X POST $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/pageviews/1/_update -d '


"script" : "ctx._source.views+=1",

"upsert": {

"views": 1



curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/pageviews/1?pretty

curl -X POST $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/pageviews/1/_update?retry_on_conflict=5 -d '


"script" : "ctx._source.views+=1",

"upsert": {

"views": 0



#Retrieve multiple documents through multiple requests.

curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/_mget?pretty -d '


"docs" : [


"_index" : "website",

"_type" : "blog",

"_id" : 2



"_index" : "website",

"_type" : "pageviews",

"_id" : 1,

"_source": "views"




curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/_mget?pretty -d '


"docs" : [

{ "_id" : 2 },

{ "_type" : "pageviews", "_id" : 1 }



curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog/_mget?pretty -d '


"ids" : [ "2", "1" ]


#bulk API allows us to make multiple create, index, update or delete requests in a single step.

curl -X POST $elasticsearchwebaddress/_bulk -d '

{ "delete": { "_index": "website", "_type": "blog", "_id": "123" }}

{ "create": { "_index": "website", "_type": "blog", "_id": "123" }}

{ "title": "My first blog post" }

{ "index": { "_index": "website", "_type": "blog" }}

{ "title": "My second blog post" }

{ "update": { "_index": "website", "_type": "blog", "_id": "123", "_retry_on_conflict" : 3} }

{ "doc" : {"title" : "My updated blog post"} }


curl -X GET $elasticsearchwebaddress/website/blog
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