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2014-06-08 12:16 381 查看
最近在阅读 zookeeper的源码。此系列文章仅作为个人记录,所以可能有点乱

zookeeper client端的代码分析:

zookeeper client 与 server之间的所有通信,包括 ping, getData, getChild, event 等等,都是通过ClientCnxnSocket 的实现类ClientCnxnSocketNIO 去做的。 ClientCnxnSocketNIO的源码如下:

public class ClientCnxnSocketNIO extends ClientCnxnSocket {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory

private final Selector selector = Selector.open();

private SelectionKey sockKey;

ClientCnxnSocketNIO() throws IOException {

Client 是由两个线程处理所有的事情的。SendThread处理所有请求的发送和相应的接受,该线程只关心两个队列,outgoingQueue和pendingQueue。要被发送的请求都会被ClientCnxn以packet的形式放入到 outgoingQueue中,对于用户的请求(不是ping和权限验证的请求)再发送出去后会被SendThread放入到pendingQueue中。当SendThread 接受到response(包括events 和其他的请求结果)时,会通过eventThread放入到WaitingEvents队列中,等待eventThread处理。

ClientCnxn 部分源码如下:

public class ClientCnxn {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClientCnxn.class);

private static final String ZK_SASL_CLIENT_USERNAME =

/** This controls whether automatic watch resetting is enabled.
* Clients automatically reset watches during session reconnect, this
* option allows the client to turn off this behavior by setting
* the environment variable "zookeeper.disableAutoWatchReset" to "true" */
private static boolean disableAutoWatchReset;
static {
// this var should not be public, but otw there is no easy way
// to test
disableAutoWatchReset =
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("zookeeper.disableAutoWatchReset is "
+ disableAutoWatchReset);

static class AuthData {
AuthData(String scheme, byte data[]) {
this.scheme = scheme;
this.data = data;

String scheme;

byte data[];

private final CopyOnWriteArraySet<AuthData> authInfo = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<AuthData>();

* These are the packets that have been sent and are waiting for a response.
private final LinkedList<Packet> pendingQueue = new LinkedList<Packet>();

* These are the packets that need to be sent.
private final LinkedList<Packet> outgoingQueue = new LinkedList<Packet>();

private int connectTimeout;

* The timeout in ms the client negotiated with the server. This is the
* "real" timeout, not the timeout request by the client (which may have
* been increased/decreased by the server which applies bounds to this
* value.
private volatile int negotiatedSessionTimeout;

private int readTimeout;

private final int sessionTimeout;

private final ZooKeeper zooKeeper;

private final ClientWatchManager watcher;


class EventThread extends Thread {
private final LinkedBlockingQueue<Object> waitingEvents =
new LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>();

/** This is really the queued session state until the event
* thread actually processes the event and hands it to the watcher.
* But for all intents and purposes this is the state.
private volatile KeeperState sessionState = KeeperState.Disconnected;

private volatile boolean wasKilled = false;
private volatile boolean isRunning = false;
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