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java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value

2014-05-09 10:24 495 查看
这个错误是因为没有设置 id 自增长造成的

从 hibernate 生成的 sql 语句中很明显可以看出:

Hibernate: select users0_.id as id1_, users0_.enabled as enabled1_, users0_.password as password1_, users0_.username as username1_ from ss_users users0_ where users0_.id=2
Hibernate: select authorties0_.u_id as u1_1_, authorties0_.a_id as a2_1_, authoritie1_.id as id0_0_, authoritie1_.authority as authority0_0_, authoritie1_.username as username0_0_ from ss_a_u authorties0_ left outer join ss_authorities authoritie1_ on authorties0_.a_id=authoritie1_.id where authorties0_.u_id=?
Hibernate: delete from ss_a_u where u_id=?
Hibernate: insert into ss_a_u (u_id, a_id) values (?, ?)

java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Field 'id' doesn't have a default value:
ss_a_u 表的 主键 id 没有自增长,所以没有默认值报错
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