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平台: VS2010 + OpenCV2.4.6






* File:	CompressiveTracker.h
* Brief: C++ demo for paper: Kaihua Zhang, Lei Zhang, Ming-Hsuan Yang,"Real-Time Compressive Tracking," ECCV 2012.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Yang Xian
* Email: yang_xian521@163.com
* Date:	2012/08/03
* History:
* Revised by Kaihua Zhang on 14/8/2012, 23/8/2012
* Email: zhkhua@gmail.com
* Homepage: http://www4.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~cskhzhang/ * Project Website: http://www4.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~cslzhang/CT/CT.htm ************************************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <vector>

using std::vector;
using namespace cv;
// 压缩感知跟踪器类
class CompressiveTracker

int featureMinNumRect;
int featureMaxNumRect;
int featureNum;                 //特征数目,这里我们设定了50个特征
vector<vector<Rect>> features;  //特征:[x,y,w,h]
vector<vector<float>> featuresWeight; //特征的权重
int rOuterPositive; //初始正样本采集半径
vector<Rect> samplePositiveBox;  //正样本集
vector<Rect> sampleNegativeBox;  //负样本集
int rSearchWindow;  //搜索窗口
Mat imageIntegral;  //积分图
Mat samplePositiveFeatureValue; //正样本特征集
Mat sampleNegativeFeatureValue; //负样本特征集
vector<float> muPositive;    //正样本的均值
vector<float> sigmaPositive; //负样本的标准差
vector<float> muNegative;    //负样本的均值
vector<float> sigmaNegative; //负样本的标准差
float learnRate;  //学习率
vector<Rect> detectBox;  //检测窗口
Mat detectFeatureValue;  //检测窗口的特征集合
RNG rng;

void HaarFeature(Rect& _objectBox, int _numFeature);
void sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _rInner, float _rOuter, int _maxSampleNum, vector<Rect>& _sampleBox);
void sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _srw, vector<Rect>& _sampleBox);
void getFeatureValue(Mat& _imageIntegral, vector<Rect>& _sampleBox, Mat& _sampleFeatureValue);
void classifierUpdate(Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, vector<float>& _mu, vector<float>& _sigma, float _learnRate);
void radioClassifier(vector<float>& _muPos, vector<float>& _sigmaPos, vector<float>& _muNeg, vector<float>& _sigmaNeg,
Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, float& _radioMax, int& _radioMaxIndex);
void processFrame(Mat& _frame, Rect& _objectBox);
void init(Mat& _frame, Rect& _objectBox);


#include "CompressiveTracker.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

featureMinNumRect = 2;
featureMaxNumRect = 4;	// number of rectangle from 2 to 4
featureNum = 50;	// number of all weaker classifiers, i.e,feature pool
rOuterPositive = 4;	// radical scope of positive samples
rSearchWindow = 25; // size of search window

muPositive = vector<float>(featureNum, 0.0f);
muNegative = vector<float>(featureNum, 0.0f);
sigmaPositive = vector<float>(featureNum, 1.0f);
sigmaNegative = vector<float>(featureNum, 1.0f);

learnRate = 0.85f;	// Learning rate parameter


// 计算haar特征
void CompressiveTracker::HaarFeature(Rect& _objectBox, int _numFeature)
/*Description: compute Haar features
-_objectBox: [x y width height] object rectangle
-_numFeature: total number of features.The default is 50.
features = vector<vector<Rect>>(_numFeature, vector<Rect>());
featuresWeight = vector<vector<float>>(_numFeature, vector<float>());

int numRect;
Rect rectTemp;
float weightTemp;

//for i=1:M
for (int i=0; i<_numFeature; i++)
numRect = cvFloor(rng.uniform((double)featureMinNumRect, (double)featureMaxNumRect));

for (int j=0; j<numRect; j++)

rectTemp.x = cvFloor(rng.uniform(0.0, (double)(_objectBox.width - 3)));
rectTemp.y = cvFloor(rng.uniform(0.0, (double)(_objectBox.height - 3)));
rectTemp.width = cvCeil(rng.uniform(0.0, (double)(_objectBox.width - rectTemp.x - 2)));
rectTemp.height = cvCeil(rng.uniform(0.0, (double)(_objectBox.height - rectTemp.y - 2)));

weightTemp = (float)pow(-1.0, cvFloor(rng.uniform(0.0, 2.0))) / sqrt(float(numRect));


// 计算正负样本图像模板的坐标(取样本)
void CompressiveTracker::sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _rInner, float _rOuter, int _maxSampleNum, vector<Rect>& _sampleBox)
/* Description: compute the coordinate of positive and negative sample image templates
-_image:        processing frame
-_objectBox:    recent object position  [x y width height]
-_rInner:       inner sampling radius
-_rOuter:       Outer sampling radius
-_maxSampleNum: maximal number of sampled images 样本总数
-_sampleBox:    Storing the rectangle coordinates of the sampled images. 存储样本图像坐标[sx,sy,sw,sh]
int rowsz = _image.rows - _objectBox.height - 1; //行
int colsz = _image.cols - _objectBox.width - 1;  //列
float inradsq = _rInner*_rInner;
float outradsq = _rOuter*_rOuter;

int dist;

int minrow = max(0,(int)_objectBox.y-(int)_rInner);              //最小行
int maxrow = min((int)rowsz-1,(int)_objectBox.y+(int)_rInner);   //最大行
int mincol = max(0,(int)_objectBox.x-(int)_rInner);              //最小列
int maxcol = min((int)colsz-1,(int)_objectBox.x+(int)_rInner);   //最大列

int i = 0;

float prob = ((float)(_maxSampleNum))/(maxrow-minrow+1)/(maxcol-mincol+1);

int r;
int c;
Rect rec(0,0,0,0);

for( r=minrow; r<=(int)maxrow; r++ )
for( c=mincol; c<=(int)maxcol; c++ ){ //先列,后行
dist = (_objectBox.y-r)*(_objectBox.y-r) + (_objectBox.x-c)*(_objectBox.x-c);

if( rng.uniform(0.,1.)<prob && dist < inradsq && dist >= outradsq ){

rec.x = c; //x
rec.y = r; //y
rec.width = _objectBox.width;
rec.height= _objectBox.height;




void CompressiveTracker::sampleRect(Mat& _image, Rect& _objectBox, float _srw, vector<Rect>& _sampleBox)
/* Description: Compute the coordinate of samples when detecting the object.*/
int rowsz = _image.rows - _objectBox.height - 1;
int colsz = _image.cols - _objectBox.width - 1;
float inradsq = _srw*_srw;

int dist;

int minrow = max(0,(int)_objectBox.y-(int)_srw);
int maxrow = min((int)rowsz-1,(int)_objectBox.y+(int)_srw);
int mincol = max(0,(int)_objectBox.x-(int)_srw);
int maxcol = min((int)colsz-1,(int)_objectBox.x+(int)_srw);

int i = 0;

int r;
int c;

Rect rec(0,0,0,0);

for( r=minrow; r<=(int)maxrow; r++ )
for( c=mincol; c<=(int)maxcol; c++ ){
dist = (_objectBox.y-r)*(_objectBox.y-r) + (_objectBox.x-c)*(_objectBox.x-c);

if( dist < inradsq ){

rec.x = c;
rec.y = r;
rec.width = _objectBox.width;
rec.height= _objectBox.height;




// Compute the features of samples
// 计算样本的特征值
void CompressiveTracker::getFeatureValue(Mat& _imageIntegral, vector<Rect>& _sampleBox, Mat& _sampleFeatureValue)
int sampleBoxSize = _sampleBox.size();
_sampleFeatureValue.create(featureNum, sampleBoxSize, CV_32F);
float tempValue;
int xMin;
int xMax;
int yMin;
int yMax;
for (int i=0; i<featureNum; i++)  //每一个特征
for (int j=0; j<sampleBoxSize; j++) //每一个样本
tempValue = 0.0f;
for (size_t k=0; k<features[i].size(); k++)
xMin = _sampleBox[j].x + features[i][k].x;                         //x
xMax = _sampleBox[j].x + features[i][k].x + features[i][k].width;  //x
yMin = _sampleBox[j].y + features[i][k].y;                         //y
yMax = _sampleBox[j].y + features[i][k].y + features[i][k].height; //y
tempValue += featuresWeight[i][k] *
(_imageIntegral.at<float>(yMin, xMin) +
_imageIntegral.at<float>(yMax, xMax) -
_imageIntegral.at<float>(yMin, xMax) -
_imageIntegral.at<float>(yMax, xMin));
_sampleFeatureValue.at<float>(i,j) = tempValue; //特征值

// Update the mean and variance of the gaussian classifier
void CompressiveTracker::classifierUpdate(Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, vector<float>& _mu, vector<float>& _sigma, float _learnRate)
Scalar muTemp;
Scalar sigmaTemp;
for (int i=0; i<featureNum; i++) //对应每一个特征
meanStdDev(_sampleFeatureValue.row(i), muTemp, sigmaTemp);
//更新:sigma = sqrt(beta*sigma1^2 + (1-beta)*sigma2^2)
_sigma[i] = (float)sqrt( _learnRate*_sigma[i]*_sigma[i]	+ (1.0f-_learnRate)*sigmaTemp.val[0]*sigmaTemp.val[0]
+ _learnRate*(1.0f-_learnRate)*(_mu[i]-muTemp.val[0])*(_mu[i]-muTemp.val[0]));	// equation 6 in paper
_mu[i] = _mu[i]*_learnRate + (1.0f-_learnRate)*muTemp.val[0];	// equation 6 in paper

// Compute the ratio classifier
// 这函数的返回值_radioMax,_radioMaxIndex
void CompressiveTracker::radioClassifier(vector<float>& _muPos, vector<float>& _sigmaPos, vector<float>& _muNeg, vector<float>& _sigmaNeg,
Mat& _sampleFeatureValue, float& _radioMax, int& _radioMaxIndex)
float sumRadio;
_radioMax = -FLT_MAX;
_radioMaxIndex = 0;
float pPos;
float pNeg;

int sampleBoxNum = _sampleFeatureValue.cols;

for (int j=0; j<sampleBoxNum; j++)
sumRadio = 0.0f;
for (int i=0; i<featureNum; i++)
pPos = exp( (_sampleFeatureValue.at<float>(i,j)-_muPos[i])*(_sampleFeatureValue.at<float>(i,j)-_muPos[i]) / -(2.0f*_sigmaPos[i]*_sigmaPos[i]+1e-30) ) / (_sigmaPos[i]+1e-30);
pNeg = exp( (_sampleFeatureValue.at<float>(i,j)-_muNeg[i])*(_sampleFeatureValue.at<float>(i,j)-_muNeg[i]) / -(2.0f*_sigmaNeg[i]*_sigmaNeg[i]+1e-30) ) / (_sigmaNeg[i]+1e-30);
sumRadio += log(pPos+1e-30) - log(pNeg+1e-30);	// equation 4
if (_radioMax < sumRadio)
_radioMax = sumRadio;
_radioMaxIndex = j;

void CompressiveTracker::init(Mat& _frame, Rect& _objectBox)
// compute feature template
// 计算特征模板
HaarFeature(_objectBox, featureNum);

// compute sample templates
// 计算样本模板
sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rOuterPositive, 0, 1000000, samplePositiveBox);
sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rSearchWindow*1.5, rOuterPositive+4.0, 100, sampleNegativeBox);
integral(_frame, imageIntegral, CV_32F);

getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, samplePositiveBox, samplePositiveFeatureValue);
getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, sampleNegativeBox, sampleNegativeFeatureValue);

classifierUpdate(samplePositiveFeatureValue, muPositive, sigmaPositive, learnRate);
classifierUpdate(sampleNegativeFeatureValue, muNegative, sigmaNegative, learnRate);
void CompressiveTracker::processFrame(Mat& _frame, Rect& _objectBox)
// predict
// 对当前视频帧(图像)进行采样,采样的结果返回到detectBox中([x,y,w,h])
sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rSearchWindow,detectBox);
// 计算当前视频帧(图像)的积分图像
integral(_frame, imageIntegral, CV_32F);
// 计算采样的所有矩形框特征集合detectFeatureValue
getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, detectBox, detectFeatureValue);
int radioMaxIndex;
float radioMax;
//muPositive, sigmaPositive, muNegative, sigmaNegative,这些是前一帧(张)图像的均值和标准差
radioClassifier(muPositive, sigmaPositive, muNegative, sigmaNegative, detectFeatureValue, radioMax, radioMaxIndex);
_objectBox = detectBox[radioMaxIndex];

// update
// 在当前帧中,采集正样本samplePositiveBox
sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rOuterPositive, 0.0, 1000000, samplePositiveBox);
// 在当前帧中,采集负样本sampleNegativeBox
sampleRect(_frame, _objectBox, rSearchWindow*1.5, rOuterPositive+4.0, 100, sampleNegativeBox);

// 由于上面已经计算得到了积分图像,所有就直接拿来使用
// 计算正样本和负样本的特征集合samplePositiveFeatureValue,sampleNegativeFeatureValue
getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, samplePositiveBox, samplePositiveFeatureValue);
getFeatureValue(imageIntegral, sampleNegativeBox, sampleNegativeFeatureValue);

// 更新正负样本的均值和标准差
classifierUpdate(samplePositiveFeatureValue, muPositive, sigmaPositive, learnRate);
classifierUpdate(sampleNegativeFeatureValue, muNegative, sigmaNegative, learnRate);


* File:	RunTracker.cpp
* Brief: C++ demo for paper: Kaihua Zhang, Lei Zhang, Ming-Hsuan Yang,"Real-Time Compressive Tracking," ECCV 2012.
* Version: 1.0
* Author: Yang Xian
* Email: yang_xian521@163.com
* Date:	2012/08/03
* History:
* Revised by Kaihua Zhang on 14/8/2012, 23/8/2012
* Email: zhkhua@gmail.com
* Homepage: http://www4.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~cskhzhang/ * Project Website: http://www4.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~cslzhang/CT/CT.htm ************************************************************************/
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "CompressiveTracker.h"
#include <Windows.h>     /*这个是我添加上去的*/

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

void readConfig(char* configFileName, char* imgFilePath, Rect &box);
/*  Description: read the tracking information from file "config.txt"
-configFileName: config file name
-ImgFilePath:    Path of the storing image sequences
-box:            [x y width height] intial tracking position
History: Created by Kaihua Zhang on 15/8/2012
void readImageSequenceFiles(char* ImgFilePath,vector <string> &imgNames);
/*  Description: search the image names in the image sequences
-ImgFilePath: path of the image sequence
-imgNames:  vector that stores image name
History: Created by Kaihua Zhang on 15/8/2012

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

char imgFilePath[100];
char  conf[100];

char tmpDirPath[MAX_PATH+1];

Rect box; // [x y width height] tracking position

vector <string> imgNames;

// CT framework
// 这里把压缩感知跟踪写成了一个C++类
CompressiveTracker ct;

Mat frame;
Mat grayImg;

sprintf(tmpDirPath, "%s/", imgFilePath);

frame = imread(imgNames[0]);

cvtColor(frame, grayImg, CV_RGB2GRAY);
ct.init(grayImg, box);

char strFrame[20];

FILE* resultStream;
resultStream = fopen("TrackingResults.txt", "w");
fprintf (resultStream,"%i %i %i %i\n",(int)box.x,(int)box.y,(int)box.width,(int)box.height);

/*                       运行时                        */
for(int i = 1; i < imgNames.size()-1; i ++)
sprintf(tmpDirPath, "%s/", imgFilePath);

frame = imread(imgNames[i]);// get frame
cvtColor(frame, grayImg, CV_RGB2GRAY);

ct.processFrame(grayImg, box);// Process frame

rectangle(frame, box, Scalar(200,0,0),2);// Draw rectangle

fprintf (resultStream,"%i %i %i %i\n",(int)box.x,(int)box.y,(int)box.width,(int)box.height);

sprintf(strFrame, "#%d ",i) ;


imshow("CT", frame);// Display

return 0;

void readConfig(char* configFileName, char* imgFilePath, Rect &box)
int x;
int y;
int w;
int h;

fstream f;
char cstring[1000];
int readS=0;
f.open(configFileName, fstream::in);

char param1[200]; strcpy(param1,"");
char param2[200]; strcpy(param2,"");
char param3[200]; strcpy(param3,"");

f.getline(cstring, sizeof(cstring));
readS=sscanf (cstring, "%s %s %s", param1,param2, param3);


f.getline(cstring, sizeof(cstring));
f.getline(cstring, sizeof(cstring));
f.getline(cstring, sizeof(cstring));

readS=sscanf (cstring, "%s %s %i %i %i %i", param1,param2, &x, &y, &w, &h);
box = Rect(x, y, w, h);


void readImageSequenceFiles(char* imgFilePath,vector <string> &imgNames)

char tmpDirSpec[MAX_PATH+1];
sprintf (tmpDirSpec, "%s/*", imgFilePath);

HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(tmpDirSpec , &f);
FindNextFile(h, &f);	//read ..
FindNextFile(h, &f);	//read .
} while(FindNextFile(h, &f));

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