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ndk-build all Error: Cannot run program "ndk-build": Launching failed

2014-03-26 17:06 471 查看
转自:Android NDK and Cygwin configuration issue


I have a problem configuring my system for using the NDK over Windows. Those are the step I made:

Installed cygwin.
Downloaded the NDK
Added to windows path:

path to: cygwin\bin
path to sdk\tools
path to sdk\platform-tools
path to ndk

Installed CDT plugin for eclipse

Then in Eclipse I opened the project properties and in the build command I put "ndk-build". And the console shows that error:

[code]Cannot run program "ndk-build": Launching failed             C/C++ Problem

I suppose that is because is trying to execute the ndk-build file over the windows cmd, without using the cygwin. How can I solve that?

Note: if I open a cygwin bash and type ndk-build -version it returns the version info but if I try to execute it in the standard cmd console it returns

[code]'ndkbuild' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.


You need to prepend "bash" before the path to ndk-build in the project properties. So if you installed your NDK on C:\ put

[code]bash C:\android-ndk-r6\ndk-build

in the build command field.
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