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zabbix value type导致的断图一例 推荐

2014-03-15 03:17 429 查看

select i.itemid,h.host from items i,hosts h where i.hostid=h.hostid and h.host='xxxx' and i.name in ('regionserver writeRequestsCount','regionserver requests');
| itemid | host                                         |
|  53855 | xxxx |
|  53895 | xxxx |
3.在server端的数据库中查看item的lastvalue的同步时间,发现出问题的item lastclock存在些问题,有问题的item有时候会很长时间都不会更新。
select current_timestamp();
| current_timestamp() |
| 2014-03-14 11:22:23 |
select itemid,key_,delay,lastvalue,from_unixtime(lastclock,'%Y%m%d %H:%i:%S') from items where itemid in ('53855','53895');
| itemid | key_                                          | delay | lastvalue | from_unixtime(lastclock,'%Y%m%d %H:%i:%S') |
|  53855 | hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]           |    60 | 0         | 20140314 11:15:19                          |
|  53895 | hadoop_stats[regionserver,writeRequestsCount] |    60 | 291       | 20140314 11:21:52                          |

select from_unixtime(clock,'%Y%m%d %H:%i:%S'),value from history_uint where itemid in ('53855');
| 20140314 11:12:02                      |     0 |
| 20140314 11:26:10                      |     0 |
| 20140314 11:27:11                      |     0 |
| 20140314 11:28:12                      |     0 |
| 20140314 11:29:13                      |    10 |
| 20140314 11:30:28                      |     0 |
| 20140314 11:31:29                      |     0 |
| 20140314 11:32:29                      |     0 |
| 20140314 11:33:30                      |     0 |
| 20140314 11:34:46                      |     0 |
Received value xxx
value type的信息,看来和数据的类型有关系。

select id,from_unixtime(clock,'%Y%m%d %H:%i:%S'),value from proxy_history where itemid in ('53855');
| id | from_unixtime(clock,'%Y%m%d %H:%i:%S') | value |
| 4792921942 | 20140314 11:12:02 | 0 |
| 4792948233 | 20140314 11:13:19 | Received value [283.33334] is not suitablefor value type [Numeric (unsigned)] and data type [Decimal] |
| 4792967862 | 20140314 11:14:19 | Received value [266.33334] is not suitablefor value type [Numeric (unsigned)] and data type [Decimal] |
| 4792987031 | 20140314 11:15:19 | Received value [315.33334] is not suitablefor value type [Numeric (unsigned)] and data type [Decimal] |
| 4793199599 | 20140314 11:26:10 | 0 |
| 4793219166 | 20140314 11:27:11 | 0 |
| 4793239212 | 20140314 11:28:12 | 0 |
| 4793258721 | 20140314 11:29:13 | 10 |
| 4793283508 | 20140314 11:30:28 | 0 |
| 4793303560 | 20140314 11:31:29 | 0 |
| 4793322826 | 20140314 11:32:29 | 0 |
| 4793342173 | 20140314 11:33:30 | 0 |
6.查看item的设置,发现value type设置的是
问题rc找到了,为了方便可以直接通过update 数据库来fix这个问题。
update items set value_type=0 where value_type=3 and (key_ like 'hadoop_stats[regionserver%' or key_ like 'hadoop_stats[hmaster%');
不过发现一个比较奇怪的问题,在value type不正确的时候,agent数据获取并不是根据interval来的,有时候会间隔10min左右。。这样也加剧了history表中数据丢失的严重性,不知道是不知zabbix agent内部的机制,有时间需要看看代码才行。

7964:20140314:111202.800 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:111319.053 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [283.33334]
7964:20140314:111419.454 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [266.33334]
7964:20140314:111519.532 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [315.33334]
7964:20140314:112610.705 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:112711.308 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:112812.375 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:112913.086 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [10.0]
7964:20140314:113028.703 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:113129.180 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:113229.941 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:113330.568 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:113446.343 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]
7964:20140314:113546.977 For key [hadoop_stats[regionserver,requests]] received value [0.0]

再附一个value type和history的对应关系:

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标签:  zabbix 断图 value type