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c# json 解析

2014-02-28 14:35 197 查看
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using JsonFx ;
using JsonFx.Json ;

public class TestJson : MonoBehaviour {

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {

//string  json =   setJsonArray() ;

//getJsonArray(json) ;

     //  初始化model  序列成json
string  mm  = setObject() ;

    //   将json映射成model
getObject(mm) ;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


string  setJsonArray()
Hashtable  one = new Hashtable() ;
one.Add("one" , "oooooooooooooo") ;

string[]   strs = {"111","2222"};

List<Hashtable>   list = new List<Hashtable>() ;
list.Add( one ) ;
list.Add( one ) ;

List<string>  listStr = new List<string>() ;
listStr.Add("1111") ;
listStr.Add("2222") ;

Hashtable  ht = new Hashtable() ;

ht.Add("name" , "xixi" ) ;
ht.Add("gender", "male") ;
ht.Add("one",one) ;
ht.Add("strs",strs) ;
ht.Add("list",list) ;
ht.Add("listStr",listStr) ;
Debug.Log(  JsonWriter.Serialize( ht)  ) ;
return JsonWriter.Serialize( ht ) ;

void   getJsonArray( string  json ){
// about  hashtable   http://www.cnblogs.com/liuwenjun830/archive/2006/07/28/462182.html Dictionary<string,object>  ht =  JsonReader.Deserialize<Dictionary<string,object>>( json ) ;

Debug.Log(  ht.Count ) ;

//  is   exit   or  not
Debug.Log( ht.ContainsKey("name") );
//  out:  True
Debug.Log( ht.ContainsKey("name11") );
//  out :  False

Debug.Log(ht["name"].ToString() ) ;
//  out :  xixi

//Debug.Log(ht["name11"].ToString() ) ;
//  out : error  -- NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an objec

//  get  string
Debug.Log(ht["name"].ToString() ) ;

//  get  string[]
string[]  str = (string[])   ht["strs"]  ;
Debug.Log(" str  lenth : " + str.Length + "  11 : " + str[0] ) ;

//  get  Dictionary
Dictionary<string,object>   one = ( Dictionary<string,object>)   ht["one"] ;
Debug.Log("  one : " + one["one"].ToString() ) ;
// out :    one : oooooooooooooo

Dictionary<string,object>[]   list = ( Dictionary<string,object>[])   ht["list"] ;
Debug.Log("  list  length : " +list.Length  + "----" + list[0]["one"].ToString()) ;
//out :  list  length : 2----oooooooooooooo

string   setObject()
ManModel  mm = new ManModel() ;
mm.name = "A JUN" ;
mm.gender = "boy" ;
mm.age = "12" ;

ManModel  wife  = new ManModel() ;
wife.name = " Kear" ;
wife.gender = "gril" ;
wife.age =  "21" ;

mm.wife = wife ;

ManModel  friendOne  = new ManModel() ;
friendOne.name = " F one" ;
friendOne.gender = "gril" ;
friendOne.age =  "222" ;

ManModel  friendTwo  = new ManModel() ;
friendTwo.name = " daomei" ;
friendTwo.gender = "boy" ;
friendTwo.age =  "2333" ;

List<ManModel>   friends  = new List<ManModel>() ;
friends.Add( friendOne ) ;
friends.Add( friendTwo ) ;

mm.friends = friends ;

Debug.Log ( JsonWriter.Serialize( mm ) ) ;
//  {"name":"A JUN","gender":"boy","age":"12","address":null,"wife":{"name":" Kear","gender":"gril","age":"21","address":null,"wife":null,"friends":null},"friends":[{"name":" F one","gender":"gril","age":"222","address":null,"wife":null,"friends":null},{"name":" daomei","gender":"boy","age":"2333","address":null,"wife":null,"friends":null}]}
return JsonWriter.Serialize( mm ) ;

void  getObject( string  json )
ManModel  mm =  JsonReader.Deserialize<ManModel>( json ) ;

Debug.Log( mm.name ) ;
//  out : A JUN
Debug.Log( mm.address== null ) ;
//  out : True

Debug.Log( mm.wife.name) ;
//  out :  Kear

Debug.Log(mm.friends[0].name ) ;
//  out :  F one


public class ManModel
public string  name ;
public string  gender ;
public string   age ;
public string  address ;

public ManModel  wife ;
public List<ManModel>  friends ;

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