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BackTrack5安装Vmware Tools

2014-02-27 19:28 113 查看
第一次在BackTrack5上安装Vmware Tools时,每次安装到一半均提示某文件权限不够,无法继续安装。当通过chmod命令更改安装软件与所提示的文件的权限后,又会提示某文件缺失或没有操作权限。反复卸载安装后仍有该问题,于是上网搜索相关资料。

找到了一份《Back track 5 官方安装VMtool说明书》,上面有如下说明:

Installing VMware Tools in BackTrack

NOTE: Our VMware image ofBackTrack has VMware Tools installed by default.

§ In case you need to manually install the VMware Tools you first have toprepare your kernel source by issuing the following commands:

//为了避免需要人工安装VMware Tools ,必须用以下命令手动关闭若干系统服务

root@bt:~# prepare-kernel-sources

root@bt:~# cd /usr/src/linux

root@bt:~# cp -rf include/generated/* include/linux/

§ Next on the VMware Player, we click Virtual Machine -> Install VMwareTools, this will mount a CDcontaining an archive.

//在虚拟机软件菜单栏中“虚拟机”选项中选择“Install VMware Tools“

§ Now let's quickly setup the VMware Tools by issuing the following commands:

root@bt:~# cp -f /media/VMware\ Tools/VMwareTools-8.4.6-385536.tar.gz /root/

root@bt:~# tar xvfz VMwareTools-8.4.6-385536.tar.gz

root@bt:~# cd vmware-tools-distrib/

root@bt:~/vmware-tools-distrib# ./vmware-install.pl

之后便可以正常安装VMware Tools了,里面提示的选项只要选择默认按回车就可以了。

如果前几次曾错误的安装了VMware Tools,那么如上所示安装时会提示此前错误安装的需要卸载。此时只要多重复几次上述最后一条指令直至能够进行安装即可。
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