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2014-02-23 09:36 561 查看


而这些界面有关的东西通过不同的工具有不同实现方式. 所以,找到和选择合适的工具对学习使用任何语言都是极其重要的.

从所用语言的版本Python有2.7+ 和3.3+两条路线, 两者语法上有很多不同, 前者应该最适合初学,后者更适合应用;

从所用的编辑器或IDE,比较受推崇的是pycharm, 有professional收费和community免费版本

从所需要的各种package来看, 如果全部一个个安装不是不可行,太麻烦了.


Alternative Implementations

This site hosts the "traditional" implementation of Python (nicknamed CPython). A number of alternative implementations are available as well, namely

IronPython (Python running on .NET)

Jython (Python running on the Java Virtual Machine)

PyPy (A fast python implementation with a JIT compiler)

Stackless Python (Branch of CPython supporting microthreads)

Other parties have re-packaged CPython. These re-packagings often include more libraries or are specialized for a particular application:

ActiveState ActivePython (commercial and community versions, including scientific computing modules)

pythonxy (Scientific-oriented Python Distribution based on Qt and Spyder)

winpython (WinPython is a portable scientific Python distribution for Windows)

Conceptive Python SDK (targets business, desktop and database applications)

Enthought Canopy (a commercial distribution for scientific computing)

Portable Python (Python and add-on packages configured to run off a portable device)

PyIMSL Studio (a commercial distribution for numerical analysis – free for non-commercial use)

Anaconda Python (a full Python distribution for data management, analysis and visualization of large data sets)

eGenix PyRun (a portable Python runtime, complete with stdlib, frozen into a single executable file)

打包的方式, python(x y)是个很好的选项:


Download page with changelog.


en, fr

Updated Feb 17 (5 days ago) by grizzly.nyo

Current release

Python(x,y) current version is (License):

Python(x,y)- - provided by NTUA
Python(x,y)- - provided by ConnectMV
Python(x,y)- - provided by University
of Kent

Installation notes

It is recommended to uninstall any other Python distribution before installing Python(x,y)
You may update your Python(x,y) installation via individual package installers which are updated more frequently -- see the plugins page
Please use the Issues page to request new features or report unknown bugs
Python(x,y) can be easily extended with other Python libraries because Python(x,y) is compatible with all Python modules installers: distutils installers (.exe), Python eggs (.egg), and all other NSIS (.exe) or MSI (.msi) setups
which were built for Python 2.7 official distribution - see the plugins page for customizing options
Another Python(x,y) exclusive feature: all packages are optional (i.e. install only what you need)
Basemap users (data plotting on map projections): please see the AdditionalPlugins


The following installers will help you keep your Python(x,y) installation up-to-date: only installed plugin will be updated according to the change log.

InstallerSizeRequired version
Py(x,y)- MB2.7.3.0
Py(x,y)- MB2.7.2.2
Py(x,y)- MB2.7.2.0
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.5
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.4
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.3
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.2
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.1
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.5.0
Py(x,y)- MB2.6.2.0
Py(x,y)-2.1.17b.exe8 MB2.1.16
Py(x,y)-2.1.17a.exe8 MB2.1.15
Py(x,y)-2.1.15.exe60 MB2.1.14
Py(x,y)-2.1.14.exe26 MB2.1.13
Py(x,y)-2.1.13.exe95 MB2.1.12
Py(x,y)-2.1.12.exe41 MB2.1.11
Py(x,y)-2.1.11.exe73 MB2.1.10

Unstable release

Python(x,y) latest unstable release is None

Plugin updates

The following plugins will certainly be included in Python(x,y) next release: (maybe they are already included in current release and this page hasn't been refreshed yet, please check on standard plugins page)

Changes history

Version (02/15/2014)

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