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2014-02-19 20:06 603 查看
package demo01

//Date:2014-2-19 20:04:25

import (

func NilTestBase() {



type Person struct {
type Student struct {
type IPerson interface {

func (*Person) speak() {
fmt.Println("I am a person")

func test01() Person {
var p Person
return p

//func test02() Person {
// var s Student
// return s

func test03() interface{} {
var s Student
return s

func test04() IPerson {
var p *Person = nil
fmt.Println("in test04:", p == nil) //true
return p

func test05() {
i := test04()
fmt.Println("in test05:", i == nil) //false
fmt.Println("in test05:", i.(*Person) == nil) //true

func test06() {
fmt.Printf("0.Type of nil:%T \n", nil)

f := new(interface{})
fmt.Printf("1.Type of f:%T \n", f)
fmt.Println("2.*f==nil:", *f == nil)

p := new(Person)
fmt.Printf("3.Type of p:%T \n", p)
fmt.Printf("4.Type of *p:%T \n", *p)

ip := new(IPerson)
fmt.Printf("5.Type of ip:%T \n", ip)
fmt.Println("6.*ip==nil:", *ip == nil) //true

var p1 *Person = nil
var rip IPerson = p1
fmt.Println("7.rip==nil:", rip == nil) //false
fmt.Printf("8.Type of rip:%T \n", rip)

var b *IPerson
fmt.Println("9.b==nil:", b == nil) //true

0.Type of nil:<nil>
1.Type of f:*interface {}
2.*f==nil: true
3.Type of p:*demo01.Person
4.Type of *p:demo01.Person
5.Type of ip:*demo01.IPerson
6.*ip==nil: true
7.rip==nil: false
8.Type of rip:*demo01.Person
9.b==nil: true

func nilStringTest() {
var a string
var b *string = &a
fmt.Println("b==nil:", b == nil)
//fmt.Println("*b==nil:", *b == nil)
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标签:  go语言 struct interface