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linux expect自动登录ssh,ftp

2014-01-10 18:37 537 查看
linux expect自动登录ssh,ftpexpect是一种能够按照脚本内容里面设定的方式与交互式程序进行“会话”的程序。根据脚本内容,Expect可以知道程序会提示或反馈什么内容以及 什么是正确的应答。它是一种可以提供“分支和嵌套结构”来引导程序流程的解释型脚本语言shell功能很强大,但是不能实现有交互功能的多机器之前的操作,例如ssh和ftp.而expect可以帮助我们来实现.一,安装expect1 yum install expect 其实expect根bash形势上差不多的.二,实例1,ssh实现自动登录,并停在登录服务器上1 #!/usr/bin/expect -f 2 set ip [lindex $argv 0 ] //接收第一个参数,并设置IP3 set password [lindex $argv 1 ] //接收第二个参数,并设置密码4 set timeout 10 //设置超时时间5 spawn ssh root@$ip //发送ssh请滶6 expect { //返回信息匹配7 "*yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue} //第一次ssh连接会提示yes/no,继续8 "*password:" { send "$password\r" } //出现密码提示,发送密码9 } 10 interact //交互模式,用户会停留在远程服务器上面.运行结果如下:11 root@ubuntu:/home/zhangy# ./test.exp admin 12 spawn ssh root@ 13 Last login: Fri Sep 7 10:47:43 2012 from 14 [root@linux ~]# 这个例子有统一的接口,根据IP和密码可以连接到不同的机器.如果你嫌输入IP和密码麻烦,看下面的例子15 #!/usr/bin/expect -f 16 set ip 17 set password admin 18 set timeout 10 19 spawn ssh root@$ip 20 expect { 21 "*yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue} 22 "*password:" { send "$password\r" } 23 } 24 interact 运行结果如下:25 root@ubuntu:/home/zhangy# ./web.exp 26 spawn ssh root@ 27 Last login: Fri Sep 7 12:59:02 2012 from 28 [root@linux ~]# 2,ssh远程登录到服务器,并且执行命令,执行完后并退出29 #!/usr/bin/expect -f 30 set ip 31 set password admin 32 set timeout 10 33 spawn ssh root@$ip 34 expect { 35 "*yes/no" { send "yes\r"; exp_continue} 36 "*password:" { send "$password\r" } 37 } 38 expect "#*"39 send "pwd\r"40 send "exit\r"41 expect eof 运行结果如下:42 root@ubuntu:/home/zhangy# ./test3.exp 43 spawn ssh root@ 44 root@'s password: 45 Last login: Fri Sep 7 14:05:07 2012 from 46 [root@localhost ~]# pwd 47 /root 48 [root@localhost ~]# exit 49 logout 50 Connection to closed. 3,远程登录到ftp,并且下载文件51 #!/usr/bin/expect -f 52 set ip [lindex $argv 0 ] 53 set dir [lindex $argv 1 ] 54 set file [lindex $argv 2 ] 55 set timeout 10 56 spawn ftp $ip 57 expect "Name*"58 send "zwh\r"59 expect "Password:*"60 send "zwh\r"61 expect "ftp>*"62 send "lcd $dir\r"63 expect { 64 "*file" { send_user "local $_dir No such file or directory";send "quit\r" } 65 "*now*" { send "get $dir/$file $dir/$file\r"} 66 } 67 expect { 68 "*Failed" { send_user "remote $file No such file";send "quit\r" } 69 "*OK" { send_user "$file has been download\r";send "quit\r"} 70 } 71 expect eof 运行结果如下:72 root@ubuntu:/home/zhangy# ./test2.exp /var/www/www aaa.html 73 spawn ftp 74 Connected to 75 220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5) 76 Name ( zwh 77 331 Please specify the password. 78 Password: 79 230 Login successful. 80 Remote system type is UNIX. 81 Using binary mode to transfer files. 82 ftp> lcd /var/www/www 83 Local directory now /var/www/www 84 ftp> get /var/www/www/aaa.html /var/www/www/aaa.html 85 local: /var/www/www/aaa.html remote: /var/www/www/aaa.html 86 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV. 87 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for /var/www/www/aaa.html (66 bytes). 88 226 File send OK. 89 66 bytes received in 0.00 secs (515.6 kB/s) 90 quit aaa.html has been download 91 221 Goodbye. 原文地址 http://blog.51yip.com/linux/1462.html
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