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2014-01-09 14:31 204 查看


select count(distinct ip) 
from (select ip as ip from comprehensive.f_client_boot_daily where year="2013" and month="10"  
union all 
select pub_ip as ip from f_app_boot_daily where year="2013" and month="10" 
union all select ip as ip from format_log.format_pv1 where year="2013" and month="10" and url_first_id=1 
) d 

       分析:select ip as ip from comprehensive.f_client_boot_daily where year="2013" and month="10"这个语句筛选出来的数据约有10亿条,select pub_ip as ip from f_app_boot_daily where year="2013" and month="10"约有10亿条条,select ip as ip from format_log.format_pv1 where year="2013"
and month="10" and url_first_id=1 筛选出来的数据约有10亿条,总的数据量大约30亿条。这么大的数据量,使用disticnt函数,所有的数据只会shuffle到一个reducer上,导致reducer数据倾斜严重。

select count(*) 
(select ip 
(select ip as ip from comprehensive.f_client_boot_daily where year="2013" and month="10" 
union all 
select pub_ip as ip from f_app_boot_daily where year="2013" and month="10" 
union all select ip as ip from format_log.format_pv1 where year="2013" and month="10" and url_first_id=1
) d 
group by ip ) b 
       然后,合理的设置reducer数量,将数据分散到多台机器上。set mapred.reduce.tasks=50; 

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