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2013-12-28 11:55 453 查看
1.当链接ssh服务器端,ssh localhost出现错误“ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused”时,这个有可能是你删除了ssh链接的用户名。如果已经删除了,重装可以解决问题。但是cygrunsrv -R sshd移除ssh服务后,再重新ssh-host-config配置时,总是提示你已经安装了ssh,而无法继续向下安装。如此陷入循环,这时可以尝试在注册表(我安装的都是在Win32+Cygwin)中删除ssh相关目录,然后再重启机器重新安装。

2.当格式化HDFS后,执行bin/hadoop fs -ls /,出现

$ bin/hadoop fs -ls /
13/12/28 11:38:22 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: localhost/ Already tried 0 time(s).
13/12/28 11:38:24 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: localhost/ Already tried 1 time(s).
13/12/28 11:38:26 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: localhost/ Already tried 2 time(s).
13/12/28 11:38:28 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: localhost/ Already tried 3 time(s).
13/12/28 11:38:30 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: localhost/ Already tried 4 time(s).
13/12/28 11:38:32 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: localhost/ Already tried 5 time(s).
13/12/28 11:38:34 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: localhost/ Already tried 6 time(s).

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