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2013-12-24 10:08 316 查看
 x86 架构的内核实现原子整数的时候,用到了 LOCK_PREFIX 这个宏

    static __inline__ void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v)


     __asm__ __volatile__(

     LOCK_PREFIX "addl %1,%0"

     :"+m" (v->counter)

     :"ir" (i));


    在 CONFIG_SMP 的时候:

    #define LOCK_PREFIX \

     ".section .smp_locks,\"a\"\n" \

     " .align 4\n" \

     " .long 661f\n" /* address */ \

     ".previous\n" \

     "661:\n\tlock; "


    .section .smp_locks,"a"

     .align 4

     .long 661f




    本来觉得直接加上 lock 前缀即可,前面一堆干吗用的一直不明白,终于决定要搞懂,

    翻开 as 手册,查了个明白,现逐条解释如下:

    .section .smp_locks,"a"

    下面的代码生成到 .smp_locks 段里,属性为"a", allocatable,参考 as 7.76 .section


     .align 4


     .long 661f

    生成一个整数,值为下面的 661 标号的实际地址,f 表示向前引用,如果 661 标号出现

    在前面,要写 661b。


    代码生成恢复到原来的段,也就是 .text


    数字标号是局部标号,5.3 Symbol Names


    开始生成指令,lock 前缀

    这段代码汇编后,在 .text 段生成一条 lock 指令前缀 0xf0,在 .smp_locks 段生成

    四个字节的 lock 前缀的地址,链接的时候,所有的 .smp_locks 段合并起来,形成一个

    所有 lock 指令地址的数组,这样统计 .smp_locks 段就能知道代码里有多少个加锁的






    int module_finalize(const Elf_Ehdr *hdr,

     const Elf_Shdr *sechdrs,

     struct module *me)


     const Elf_Shdr *s, *text = NULL, *alt = NULL, *locks = NULL,

     *para = NULL;

     char *secstrings = (void *)hdr + sechdrs[hdr->e_shstrndx].sh_offset;

     for (s = sechdrs; s e_shnum; s++) {

     if (!strcmp(".text", secstrings + s->sh_name))

     text = s;

     if (!strcmp(".altinstructions", secstrings + s->sh_name))

     alt = s;

     if (!strcmp(".smp_locks", secstrings + s->sh_name))

     locks= s;

     if (!strcmp(".parainstructions", secstrings + s->sh_name))

     para = s;


     if (alt) {

     /* patch .altinstructions */

     void *aseg = (void *)alt->sh_addr;

     apply_alternatives(aseg, aseg + alt->sh_size);


     if (locks && text) {

     void *lseg = (void *)locks->sh_addr;

     void *tseg = (void *)text->sh_addr;

     alternatives_smp_module_add(me, me->name,

     lseg, lseg + locks->sh_size,

     tseg, tseg + text->sh_size);


     if (para) {

     void *pseg = (void *)para->sh_addr;

     apply_paravirt(pseg, pseg + para->sh_size);


     return module_bug_finalize(hdr, sechdrs, me);


    上面的代码说,如果模块有 .text 和 .smp_locks 段,就调这个来处理,做什么呢?

    void alternatives_smp_module_add(struct module *mod, char *name,

     void *locks, void *locks_end,

     void *text, void *text_end)


     struct smp_alt_module *smp;

     unsigned long flags;

     if (noreplace_smp)


     if (smp_alt_once) {

     if (boot_cpu_has(X86_FEATURE_UP))

     alternatives_smp_unlock(locks, locks_end,

     text, text_end);






    static void alternatives_smp_unlock(u8 **start, u8 **end, u8 *text, u8



     u8 **ptr;

     char insn[1];

     if (noreplace_smp)


     add_nops(insn, 1);

     for (ptr = start; ptr text_end)


     text_poke(*ptr, insn, 1);



    看到这里就能明白,这是内核配置了 smp,但是实际运行到单处理器上时,通过运行期间

    打补丁,根据 .smp_locks 里的记录,把 lock 指令前缀替换成 nop 以消除指令加锁的

    开销,这个优化真是极致了……,可能考虑很多用户直接使用的是配置支持 SMP 编译好

    的内核而特地对 x86/x64 做的这个优化。







     * Alternative inline assembly for SMP.


     * The LOCK_PREFIX macro defined here replaces the LOCK and

     * LOCK_PREFIX macros used everywhere in the source tree.


     * SMP alternatives use the same data structures as the other

     * alternatives and the X86_FEATURE_UP flag to indicate the case of a

     * UP system running a SMP kernel. The existing apply_alternatives()

     * works fine for patching a SMP kernel for UP.


     * The SMP alternative tables can be kept after boot and contain both

     * UP and SMP versions of the instructions to allow switching back to

     * SMP at runtime, when hotplugging in a new CPU, which is especially

     * useful in virtualized environments.


     * The very common lock prefix is handled as special case in a

     * separate table which is a pure address list without replacement ptr

     * and size information. That keeps the table sizes small.

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