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2013-10-31 11:36 302 查看






从在CListCtrl内部实现改变项目顺序。这是我很早就想学的一些东西,并且同样在Code Project看到很多关于这个的问题。






同样,这篇文章假设你已经至少很熟悉如何使用CListCtrl了。在Code Project有两篇很好的文章介绍了如何使用CListCtrl和CHeadCtrl控件。

并且Chris Maunder写了一篇非常好的文章介绍使用CListCtrl的回调。如果你没有阅读过他们,请赶快阅读下哦。


Drag 和 Drop操作至少涉及以下操作步骤:






m_nDragIndex 是我们将要移动的CListCtrl项目索引

m_nDropIndex 是CListCtrl中鼠标将要停放的索引

m_pDragWnd 和 m_pDropWnd 是拖放涉及的CListCtrl窗口指针

m_bDragging 标识我们正在拖放操作. 在MouseMove函数中使用以便使我们知道何时跟踪

m_pDragImage 是一个CImageList对象指针. MFC使得创建和管理拖放对象的图片变得非常容易

最后需要一个数据结构保存从一个列表拖到另一个列表 (或在同一个列表当中从一个项目到另一个项目)的信息.该结构如下:

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typedef struct {
LVITEM* plvi;
CString sCol2;
} lvItem, *plv

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//// 创建拖动的图片   
    POINT pt;  
    int nOffset = 10; //offset in pixels for drag image (up and 
                          //to the left) 
    pt.x = nOffset;  
    pt.y = nOffset;  
    m_pDragImage = m_listL.CreateDragImage(m_nDragIndex, &pt);  
    ASSERT(m_pDragImage); //make sure it was created
    //We will call delete later (in LButtonUp) to clean this up
    //// Change the cursor to the drag image
    ////    (still must perform DragMove() in OnMouseMove() to show it moving)
    m_pDragImage->BeginDrag(0, CPoint(nOffset, nOffset));  
    m_pDragImage->DragEnter(GetDesktopWindow(), pNMListView->ptAction);  

//// 创建拖动的图片
    POINT pt;
    int nOffset = 10; //offset in pixels for drag image (up and 
                          //to the left)
    pt.x = nOffset;
    pt.y = nOffset;
    m_pDragImage = m_listL.CreateDragImage(m_nDragIndex, &pt);
    ASSERT(m_pDragImage); //make sure it was created
    //We will call delete later (in LButtonUp) to clean this up
    //// Change the cursor to the drag image
    ////    (still must perform DragMove() in OnMouseMove() to show it moving)
    m_pDragImage->BeginDrag(0, CPoint(nOffset, nOffset));
    m_pDragImage->DragEnter(GetDesktopWindow(), pNMListView->ptAction);


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//// 创建拖动的图片
int nOffset = -10; //offset in pixels for drag image

//(positive is up and to the left;

//neg is down and to the right)

if(m_listL.GetSelectedCount() > 1) //more than one item is selected

pt.x = nOffset;
pt.y = nOffset;
m_pDragImage = m_listL.CreateDragImage(m_nDragIndex, &pt);
ASSERT(m_pDragImage); //make sure it was created

//We will call delete later (in LButtonUp) to clean this up

CBitmap bitmap;
if(m_listL.GetSelectedCount() > 1) //more than 1 item in list is selected


m_pDragImage->Replace(0, &bitmap, &bitmap);
//// Change the cursor to the drag image

//// (still must perform DragMove() in OnMouseMove() to show it moving)

m_pDragImage->BeginDrag(0, CPoint(nOffset, nOffset - 4));
m_pDragImage->DragEnter(GetDesktopWindow(), pNMListView->ptAction);
然后我们设置一些成员变量的值。我们设置m_bDragging 为 TRUE,这样我们就知道开始了拖动
//// Set dragging flag and others
m_bDragging = TRUE; //we are in a drag and drop operation

m_nDropIndex = -1; //we don't have a drop index yet

m_pDragList = &m_listL; //make note of which list we are dragging from

m_pDropWnd = &m_listL; //at present the drag list is the drop list

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//// Capture all mouse messages 
    SetCapture ();  

//// Capture all mouse messages
    SetCapture ();




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if (m_bDragging)

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//// Move the drag image   
        CPoint pt(point);    //get our current mouse coordinates
        ClientToScreen(&pt); //convert to screen coordinates
        m_pDragImage->DragMove(pt); //move the drag image to those coordinates
        // Unlock window updates (this allows the dragging image to be shown 
                // smoothly)   

//// Move the drag image
        CPoint pt(point);    //get our current mouse coordinates
        ClientToScreen(&pt); //convert to screen coordinates
        m_pDragImage->DragMove(pt); //move the drag image to those coordinates
        // Unlock window updates (this allows the dragging image to be shown 
                // smoothly)


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// Get the CWnd pointer of the window that is under the

// mouse cursor
CWnd* pDropWnd = WindowFromPoint (pt);
ASSERT(pDropWnd); //make sure we have a window

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//// If we drag outside current window we need 
                //   to adjust the highlights displayed
        if (pDropWnd != m_pDropWnd)  
                        //If we drag over the CListCtrl header, turn off the 
                        // hover highlight
            if (m_nDropIndex != -1)   
                TRACE("m_nDropIndex is -1/n");  
                CListCtrl* pList = (CListCtrl*)m_pDropWnd;  
                VERIFY (pList->SetItemState (m_nDropIndex, 0,   
                // redraw item
                VERIFY (pList->RedrawItems (m_nDropIndex,   
                pList->UpdateWindow ();  
                m_nDropIndex = -1;  
            else //If we drag out of the CListCtrl altogether
                TRACE("m_nDropIndex is not -1/n");  
                CListCtrl* pList = (CListCtrl*)m_pDropWnd;  
                int i = 0;  
                int nCount = pList->GetItemCount();  
                for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++)  
                    pList->SetItemState(i, 0, LVIS_DROPHILITED);  
                pList->RedrawItems(0, nCount);  

//// If we drag outside current window we need 
                //   to adjust the highlights displayed
        if (pDropWnd != m_pDropWnd)
                        //If we drag over the CListCtrl header, turn off the 
                        // hover highlight
            if (m_nDropIndex != -1) 
                TRACE("m_nDropIndex is -1/n");
                CListCtrl* pList = (CListCtrl*)m_pDropWnd;
                VERIFY (pList->SetItemState (m_nDropIndex, 0, 
                // redraw item
                VERIFY (pList->RedrawItems (m_nDropIndex, 
                pList->UpdateWindow ();
                m_nDropIndex = -1;
            else //If we drag out of the CListCtrl altogether
                TRACE("m_nDropIndex is not -1/n");
                CListCtrl* pList = (CListCtrl*)m_pDropWnd;
                int i = 0;
                int nCount = pList->GetItemCount();
                for(i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
                    pList->SetItemState(i, 0, LVIS_DROPHILITED);
                pList->RedrawItems(0, nCount);



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// Save current window pointer as the CListCtrl we are dropping onto

m_pDropWnd = pDropWnd;
// Convert from screen coordinates to drop target client coordinates


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//If we are hovering over a CListCtrl we need to adjust
        //the highlights   
        if(pDropWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS (CListCtrl)))  
            UINT uFlags;  
            CListCtrl* pList = (CListCtrl*)pDropWnd;  
            // Turn off hilight for previous drop target
            pList->SetItemState (m_nDropIndex, 0, LVIS_DROPHILITED);  
            // Redraw previous item
            pList->RedrawItems (m_nDropIndex, m_nDropIndex);  
            // Get the item that is below cursor
            m_nDropIndex = ((CListCtrl*)pDropWnd)->HitTest(pt, &uFlags);  
            // Highlight it 
            pList->SetItemState(m_nDropIndex, LVIS_DROPHILITED,   
            // Redraw item   
            pList->RedrawItems(m_nDropIndex, m_nDropIndex);  
        // Lock window updates   

//If we are hovering over a CListCtrl we need to adjust
        //the highlights
        if(pDropWnd->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS (CListCtrl)))
            UINT uFlags;
            CListCtrl* pList = (CListCtrl*)pDropWnd;
            // Turn off hilight for previous drop target
            pList->SetItemState (m_nDropIndex, 0, LVIS_DROPHILITED);
            // Redraw previous item
            pList->RedrawItems (m_nDropIndex, m_nDropIndex);
            // Get the item that is below cursor
            m_nDropIndex = ((CListCtrl*)pDropWnd)->HitTest(pt, &uFlags);
            // Highlight it
            pList->SetItemState(m_nDropIndex, LVIS_DROPHILITED, 
            // Redraw item
            pList->RedrawItems(m_nDropIndex, m_nDropIndex);
        // Lock window updates




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if (m_bDragging)

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// Release mouse capture, so that other controls 
                // can get control/messages
        ReleaseCapture ();  

// Release mouse capture, so that other controls 
                // can get control/messages
        ReleaseCapture ();


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// Note that we are NOT in a drag operation

m_bDragging = FALSE;

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// End dragging image   
        m_pDragImage->DragLeave (GetDesktopWindow ());  
        m_pDragImage->EndDrag ();  
        delete m_pDragImage;   
        //must delete it because it was created at the beginning of the drag  

// End dragging image
        m_pDragImage->DragLeave (GetDesktopWindow ());
        m_pDragImage->EndDrag ();
        delete m_pDragImage; 
        //must delete it because it was created at the beginning of the drag



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CPoint pt (point); //Get current mouse coordinates

ClientToScreen (&pt); //Convert to screen coordinates

// Get the CWnd pointer of the window that is under

//the mouse cursor
CWnd* pDropWnd = WindowFromPoint (pt);
ASSERT (pDropWnd); //make sure we have a window pointer

// If window is CListCtrl, we perform the drop

if (pDropWnd->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS (CListCtrl)))
m_pDropList = (CListCtrl*)pDropWnd;
//Set pointer to the list we are dropping on

DropItemOnList(m_pDragList, m_pDropList);
//Call routine to perform the actual drop


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void DropItemOnList(CListCtrl* pDragList, CListCtrl* pDropList);  

void DropItemOnList(CListCtrl* pDragList, CListCtrl* pDropList);


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void CDragTestDlg::DropItemOnList(CListCtrl* pDragList,
CListCtrl* pDropList)
//This routine performs the actual drop of the item dragged.

//It simply grabs the info from the Drag list (pDragList)

// and puts that info into the list dropped on (pDropList).

//Send: pDragList = pointer to CListCtrl we dragged from,

// pDropList = pointer to CListCtrl we are dropping on.

//Return: nothing.

char szLabel[256];
LVITEM* plvitem;
lvItem* pItem;
lvItem lvi;
// Unhilight the drop target
pDropList->SetItemState (m_nDropIndex, 0, LVIS_DROPHILITED);
//Set up the LV_ITEM for retrieving item from pDragList and adding the

//new item to the pDropList

ZeroMemory(&lviT, sizeof (LVITEM)); //allocate and clear memory space

// for LV_ITEM

lviT.iItem = m_nDragIndex;
lviT.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lviT.pszText = szLabel;
lviT.cchTextMax = 255;
lvi.plvi = &lviT;
lvi.plvi->iItem = m_nDragIndex;
lvi.plvi->mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lvi.plvi->pszText = szLabel;
lvi.plvi->cchTextMax = 255;
if(pDragList->GetSelectedCount() == 1)
// Get item that was dragged

pDragList->GetItem (lvi.plvi);
lvi.sCol2 = pDragList->GetItemText(lvi.plvi->iItem, 1);
// Delete the original item (for Move operation)

// This is optional. If you want to implement a Copy

// operation, don't delete. This works very well though

// for re-arranging items within a CListCtrl. It is written

// at present such that when dragging from one list to the

// other the item is copied, but if dragging within one list,

// the item is moved.

if(pDragList == pDropList)
pDragList->DeleteItem (m_nDragIndex);
if(m_nDragIndex < m_nDropIndex) m_nDropIndex--;
//decrement drop index to account for item

//being deleted above it

// Insert item into pDropList

// if m_nDropIndex == -1, iItem = GetItemCount()

// (inserts at end of list), else iItem = m_nDropIndex

lvi.plvi->iItem = (m_nDropIndex == -1) ?
pDropList->GetItemCount () : m_nDropIndex;
pDropList->InsertItem (lvi.plvi);
pDropList->SetItemText(lvi.plvi->iItem, 1, (LPCTSTR)lvi.sCol2);
// Select the new item we just inserted

pDropList->SetItemState (lvi.plvi->iItem, LVIS_SELECTED,
else //more than 1 item is being dropped

//We have to parse through all of the selected items from the

// DragList
//1) Retrieve the info for the items and store them in memory

//2) If we are reordering, delete the items from the list

//3) Insert the items into the list (either same list or

// different list)

CList<lvItem*, lvItem*> listItems;
//Retrieve the selected items

POSITION pos = pDragList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
//iterator for the CListCtrl

while(pos) //so long as we have a valid POSITION, we keep

// iterating

plvitem = new LVITEM;
ZeroMemory(plvitem, sizeof(LVITEM));
pItem = new lvItem;
//ZeroMemory(pItem, sizeof(lvItem));

//If you use ZeroMemory on the lvItem struct,

//it creates an error when you try to set sCol2

pItem->plvi = plvitem;
pItem->plvi->iItem = m_nDragIndex;
pItem->plvi->mask = LVIF_TEXT;
pItem->plvi->pszText = new char;
//since this is a pointer to the string, we need a

//new pointer to a new string on the heap

pItem->plvi->cchTextMax = 255;
m_nDragIndex = pDragList->GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
//Get the item

pItem->plvi->iItem = m_nDragIndex; //set the index in

//the drag list to the selected item

pDragList->GetItem(pItem->plvi); //retrieve the

// information

pItem->sCol2 = pDragList->GetItemText(
pItem->plvi->iItem, 1);
//Save the pointer to the new item in our CList

} //EO while(pos) -- at this point we have deleted the moving

// items and stored them in memory

if(pDragList == pDropList) //we are reordering the list (moving)

//Delete the selected items

pos = pDragList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
pos = pDragList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
m_nDragIndex = pDragList->GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
//since we are MOVING, delete the item

if(m_nDragIndex < m_nDropIndex) m_nDropIndex--;
//must decrement the drop index to account

//for the deleted items

} //EO while(pos)

} //EO if(pDragList...
//Iterate through the items stored in memory and add them

//back into the CListCtrl at the drop index

listPos = listItems.GetHeadPosition();
pItem = listItems.GetNext(listPos);
m_nDropIndex = (m_nDropIndex == -1) ?
pDropList->GetItemCount() : m_nDropIndex;
pItem->plvi->iItem = m_nDropIndex;
pDropList->InsertItem(pItem->plvi); //add the item

pDropList->SetItemText(pItem->plvi->iItem, 1,
//highlight/select the item we just added

//increment the index we are dropping at to keep the

//dropped items in the same order they were in in the

//Drag List. If we dont' increment this, the items are

//added in reverse order

//Lastly, we need to clean up by deleting our "new"


delete pItem;
} //EO while(listPos)

void CDragTestDlg::DropItemOnList(CListCtrl* pDragList,
CListCtrl* pDropList)
//This routine performs the actual drop of the item dragged.
//It simply grabs the info from the Drag list (pDragList)
// and puts that info into the list dropped on (pDropList).
//Send: pDragList = pointer to CListCtrl we dragged from,
// pDropList = pointer to CListCtrl we are dropping on.
//Return: nothing.
char szLabel[256];
LVITEM* plvitem;
lvItem* pItem;
lvItem lvi;
// Unhilight the drop target
pDropList->SetItemState (m_nDropIndex, 0, LVIS_DROPHILITED);
//Set up the LV_ITEM for retrieving item from pDragList and adding the
//new item to the pDropList
ZeroMemory(&lviT, sizeof (LVITEM)); //allocate and clear memory space
// for LV_ITEM
lviT.iItem = m_nDragIndex;
lviT.mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lviT.pszText = szLabel;
lviT.cchTextMax = 255;
lvi.plvi = &lviT;
lvi.plvi->iItem = m_nDragIndex;
lvi.plvi->mask = LVIF_TEXT;
lvi.plvi->pszText = szLabel;
lvi.plvi->cchTextMax = 255;
if(pDragList->GetSelectedCount() == 1)
// Get item that was dragged
pDragList->GetItem (lvi.plvi);
lvi.sCol2 = pDragList->GetItemText(lvi.plvi->iItem, 1);
// Delete the original item (for Move operation)
// This is optional. If you want to implement a Copy
// operation, don't delete. This works very well though
// for re-arranging items within a CListCtrl. It is written
// at present such that when dragging from one list to the
// other the item is copied, but if dragging within one list,
// the item is moved.
if(pDragList == pDropList)
pDragList->DeleteItem (m_nDragIndex);
if(m_nDragIndex < m_nDropIndex) m_nDropIndex--;
//decrement drop index to account for item
//being deleted above it
// Insert item into pDropList
// if m_nDropIndex == -1, iItem = GetItemCount()
// (inserts at end of list), else iItem = m_nDropIndex
lvi.plvi->iItem = (m_nDropIndex == -1) ?
pDropList->GetItemCount () : m_nDropIndex;
pDropList->InsertItem (lvi.plvi);
pDropList->SetItemText(lvi.plvi->iItem, 1, (LPCTSTR)lvi.sCol2);
// Select the new item we just inserted
pDropList->SetItemState (lvi.plvi->iItem, LVIS_SELECTED,
else //more than 1 item is being dropped
//We have to parse through all of the selected items from the
// DragList
//1) Retrieve the info for the items and store them in memory
//2) If we are reordering, delete the items from the list
//3) Insert the items into the list (either same list or
// different list)
CList<lvItem*, lvItem*> listItems;
//Retrieve the selected items
POSITION pos = pDragList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
//iterator for the CListCtrl
while(pos) //so long as we have a valid POSITION, we keep
// iterating
plvitem = new LVITEM;
ZeroMemory(plvitem, sizeof(LVITEM));
pItem = new lvItem;
//ZeroMemory(pItem, sizeof(lvItem));
//If you use ZeroMemory on the lvItem struct,
//it creates an error when you try to set sCol2
pItem->plvi = plvitem;
pItem->plvi->iItem = m_nDragIndex;
pItem->plvi->mask = LVIF_TEXT;
pItem->plvi->pszText = new char;
//since this is a pointer to the string, we need a
//new pointer to a new string on the heap
pItem->plvi->cchTextMax = 255;
m_nDragIndex = pDragList->GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
//Get the item
pItem->plvi->iItem = m_nDragIndex; //set the index in
//the drag list to the selected item
pDragList->GetItem(pItem->plvi); //retrieve the
// information
pItem->sCol2 = pDragList->GetItemText(
pItem->plvi->iItem, 1);
//Save the pointer to the new item in our CList
} //EO while(pos) -- at this point we have deleted the moving
// items and stored them in memory
if(pDragList == pDropList) //we are reordering the list (moving)
//Delete the selected items
pos = pDragList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
pos = pDragList->GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
m_nDragIndex = pDragList->GetNextSelectedItem(pos);
//since we are MOVING, delete the item
if(m_nDragIndex < m_nDropIndex) m_nDropIndex--;
//must decrement the drop index to account
//for the deleted items
} //EO while(pos)
} //EO if(pDragList...
//Iterate through the items stored in memory and add them
//back into the CListCtrl at the drop index
listPos = listItems.GetHeadPosition();
pItem = listItems.GetNext(listPos);
m_nDropIndex = (m_nDropIndex == -1) ?
pDropList->GetItemCount() : m_nDropIndex;
pItem->plvi->iItem = m_nDropIndex;
pDropList->InsertItem(pItem->plvi); //add the item
pDropList->SetItemText(pItem->plvi->iItem, 1,
//highlight/select the item we just added
//increment the index we are dropping at to keep the
//dropped items in the same order they were in in the
//Drag List. If we dont' increment this, the items are
//added in reverse order
//Lastly, we need to clean up by deleting our "new"
delete pItem;
} //EO while(listPos)




但你将注意到这个不会获取第二列的信息。那时我们为什么需要lvItem结构,我们使用pItem->sCol2=pDragList->GetItemText(pItem->plvi->iItem, 1);








(译者注:最后一句我也不知道说的啥,只能猜测,所以把原文抄上: Try it to see what I mean. Move the part where we delete the item to AFTER we have added the item to the list. Drag items around in the list and see what happens.)


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