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2013-10-14 01:43 357 查看
其中CJK中日韩统一表意文字(CJK Unified Ideographs),目的是要把分别来自中文、日文、韩文、越文中,本质、意义相同、形状一样或稍异的表意文字(主要为汉字,但也有仿汉字如日本国字、韩国独有汉字、越南的喃字)于ISO
10646及Unicode标准内赋予相同编码。CJK 是中文(Chinese)、日文(Japanese)、韩文(Korean)三国文字的缩写。顾名思义,它能够支持这三种文字。


protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName,
Reader reader) {
if (matchVersion.onOrAfter(Version.LUCENE_36)) {
final Tokenizer source = new StandardTokenizer(matchVersion, reader);
// run the widthfilter first before bigramming, it sometimes combines characters.
TokenStream result = new CJKWidthFilter(source);
result = new LowerCaseFilter(matchVersion, result);
result = new CJKBigramFilter(result);
return new TokenStreamComponents(source, new StopFilter(matchVersion, result, stopwords));
} else {
final Tokenizer source = new CJKTokenizer(reader);
return new TokenStreamComponents(source, new StopFilter(matchVersion, source, stopwords));



public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
while (true) {
if (hasBufferedBigram()) {

// case 1: we have multiple remaining codepoints buffered,
// so we can emit a bigram here.
if (outputUnigrams) {

// when also outputting unigrams, we output the unigram first,
// then rewind back to revisit the bigram.
// so an input of ABC is A + (rewind)AB + B + (rewind)BC + C
// the logic in hasBufferedUnigram ensures we output the C,
// even though it did actually have adjacent CJK characters.

if (ngramState) {
} else {
ngramState = !ngramState;
} else {
return true;
} else if (doNext()) {

// case 2: look at the token type. should we form any n-grams?

String type = typeAtt.type();
if (type == doHan || type == doHiragana || type == doKatakana || type == doHangul) {

// acceptable CJK type: we form n-grams from these.
// as long as the offsets are aligned, we just add these to our current buffer.
// otherwise, we clear the buffer and start over.

if (offsetAtt.startOffset() != lastEndOffset) { // unaligned, clear queue
if (hasBufferedUnigram()) {

// we have a buffered unigram, and we peeked ahead to see if we could form
// a bigram, but we can't, because the offsets are unaligned. capture the state
// of this peeked data to be revisited next time thru the loop, and dump our unigram.

loneState = captureState();
return true;
index = 0;
bufferLen = 0;
} else {

// not a CJK type: we just return these as-is.

if (hasBufferedUnigram()) {

// we have a buffered unigram, and we peeked ahead to see if we could form
// a bigram, but we can't, because its not a CJK type. capture the state
// of this peeked data to be revisited next time thru the loop, and dump our unigram.

loneState = captureState();
return true;
return true;
} else {

// case 3: we have only zero or 1 codepoints buffered,
// so not enough to form a bigram. But, we also have no
// more input. So if we have a buffered codepoint, emit
// a unigram, otherwise, its end of stream.

if (hasBufferedUnigram()) {
flushUnigram(); // flush our remaining unigram
return true;
return false;

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标签:  lucene Analyzer 中文