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Python解决codeforces ---- 1

2013-09-30 15:07 253 查看
 第一题 1A

A. Theatre Square

time limit per test
2 seconds

memory limit per test
64 megabytes

standard input

standard output

Theatre Square in the capital city of Berland has a rectangular shape with the size n × m meters. On the occasion of the city's anniversary,
a decision was taken to pave the Square with square granite flagstones. Each flagstone is of the size a × a.

What is the least number of flagstones needed to pave the Square? It's allowed to cover the surface larger than the Theatre Square, but the Square has to be covered. It's not allowed to break the flagstones. The sides of flagstones
should be parallel to the sides of the Square.


The input contains three positive integer numbers in the first line: n,  m and a (1 ≤  n, m, a ≤ 109).


Write the needed number of flagstones.

Sample test(s)

6 6 4





my_list = raw_input().split()

n = int(my_list[0])
m = int(my_list[1])
a = int(my_list[2])

print (n/a+(n%a>0))*(m/a+(m%a>0))

 第二题 2A

A. Winner

time limit per test
1 second

memory limit per test
64 megabytes

standard input

standard output

The winner of the card game popular in Berland "Berlogging" is determined according to the following rules. If at the end of the game there is only one player with the maximum number of points, he is the winner. The situation becomes more difficult if the number
of such players is more than one. During each round a player gains or loses a particular number of points. In the course of the game the number of points is registered in the line "name
score", where name is a player's name, and score is the number of points gained in
this round, which is an integer number. If score is negative, this means that the player has lost in the round. So, if two or more players have the maximum number of points (say, it equals to m)
at the end of the game, than wins the one of them who scored at least m points first. Initially each player
has 0 points. It's guaranteed that at the end of the game at least one player has a positive number of points.


The first line contains an integer number n (1  ≤  n  ≤  1000), n is
the number of rounds played. Then follow n lines, containing the information about the rounds in "name
score" format in chronological order, where name is a string of lower-case Latin letters with the length from 1 to 32, and score is
an integer number between -1000 and 1000, inclusive.


Print the name of the winner.

Sample test(s)

mike 3
andrew 5
mike 2


andrew 3
andrew 2
mike 5





# define some variable
n = int(raw_input())
maxScore = {}
input = []

# n times input
while n > 0:
list = raw_input().split()
name = list[0]
score = int(list[1])
if maxScore.has_key(name):
maxScore[name] += score
maxScore[name] = score
n -= 1

# find maxScore = ans
ans = 0
for key in maxScore:
ans = max(ans , maxScore[key])

# def to find the time >= ans
def getTime(str):
sum = 0
cnt = 0
for list in input:
name = list[0]
score = int(list[1])
if name == str:
sum += score
if sum >= ans:
return cnt
cnt += 1

# one by one if score == ans
time = 2147483647
for key in maxScore:
if maxScore[key] == ans:
t = getTime(key)
if time > t:
time = t
ansName = key

# output
print ansName

 第三题 3A

A. Shortest path of the king

time limit per test
1 second

memory limit per test
64 megabytes

standard input

standard output

The king is left alone on the chessboard. In spite of this loneliness, he doesn't lose heart, because he has business of national importance. For example, he has to pay an official visit to square t.
As the king is not in habit of wasting his time, he wants to get from his current position s to square t in
the least number of moves. Help him to do this.

In one move the king can get to the square that has a common side or a common vertex with the square the king is currently in (generally there are 8 different squares he can move to).


The first line contains the chessboard coordinates of square s, the second line — of square t.

Chessboard coordinates consist of two characters, the first one is a lowercase Latin letter (from a to h),
the second one is a digit from 1to 8.


In the first line print n — minimum number of the king's moves. Then in n lines
print the moves themselves. Each move is described with one of the 8: L, R, U, D, LU, LD, RU or RD.

L, R, U, D stand
respectively for moves left, right, up and down (according to the picture), and 2-letter combinations stand for diagonal moves. If the answer is not unique, print any of them.

Sample test(s)




 思路:由于每一个点可以往周围的8个方向移动,那么我们很快的求出最少需要的步数为ans = max(abs(s.x-t.x) , abs(s.y-t.y)),我们求出了最少需要的几步之后我们直接去模拟,只要满足走这一步能够减少距离那么就是符合的走法


# Class for Point
class Point:
def __init__(self , x , y):
self.x = x
self.y = y

# input start and end Point
str = raw_input()
start = Point(8-int(str[1]) , ord(str[0])-97)

str = raw_input()
end = Point(8-int(str[1]) , ord(str[0])-97)

# solve this problem
dir = [[-1,0],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[1,-1],[0,-1],[-1,-1]]
move = ["U","RU","R","RD","D","LD","L","LU"]
ans = max(abs(start.x-end.x) , abs(start.y-end.y))

# output
print ans
m = ans

x = start.x
y = start.y

# print "%d %d" % (start.x , start.y)
# print "%d %d" % (end.x , end.y)

while m > 0:
for i in range(8):
tmpx = x+dir[i][0]
tmpy = y+dir[i][1]
if (tmpx >= 0 and tmpx < 8 and tmpy >= 0 and tmpy < 8):
dis = max(abs(tmpx-end.x) , abs(tmpy-end.y))
if dis < m:
print move[i]
x = tmpx
y = tmpy
m -= 1

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