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[matlab]mathworks上的cody challenge题解及一些常用函数的总结(8)

2013-09-29 00:33 981 查看
Part 8. Problem 71 - Problem 80.

前几天把暑假剩的两道题过了,把cody challenge做完了。最近快放国庆了,又有大段空闲时间了,白天学学算法,晚上把这个坑填了...


Problem 71. Read a column of numbers and interpolate missing data

% Given an input cell array of strings s, pick out the second column and turn it into a row vector of data. Missing data will be indicated by the number 9999. If you encounter missing data, you should perform linear interpolation to the nearest accurate data points (missing data will not occur in the first or last element).
% The first row is always descriptive text. So if the input cell array s is
%  s = { ...
%     'Day  Temp'
%     '  1   -5'
%     '  2   19'
%     '  3   1'
%     '  4   9999'
%     '  5   3'};
% then the output variable t is the following row vector.
%  t = [-5 19 1 2 3];
% Here's an example of real-world data.

function ans = read_and_interp(s)
s = str2num(char(s(2:end)));
id = (s(:,2) ~= 9999);
interp1(s(id,1), s(id,2), s(:,1))';


Problem 72. Interpolator

% You have a two vectors, a and b. They are monotonic and the same length. Given a value, va, where va is between a(1) and a(end) find the a(n), a(n+1) that flank it. Now interpolate the value, vb, such that it is proportionally between b(n) and b(n+1).
% va can land exactly on a value of a.

function ans = interpolator(va, a, b)
interp1(a, b, va, 'linear');

题目要求的是实现线性拟合的功能。给出两个序列{ai}和{bi},使得b = f(a)。要求的是在某一点f(x)的值。


Problem 73. Replace NaNs with the number that appears to its left in the row

% Replace NaNs with the number that appears to its left in the row.
% If there are more than one consecutive NaNs, they should all be replaced by the first non-NaN value to the immediate left of the left-most NaN. If the NaN is in the first column, default to zero.
% For example, if
% x = [NaN  1   2  NaN NaN 17  3  -4 NaN]
% then
% y = [ 0   1   2   2   2  17  3  -4  -4]

function x = replace_nans(x)
for i = find(isnan(x))
if i == 1
x(i) = 0;
x(i) = x(i-1);


Problem 74. Balanced number

% Given a positive integer find whether it is a balanced number. For a balanced number the sum of first half of digits is equal to the second half.
% Examples:
%  Input  n = 13722
%  Output tf is true
% because 1 + 3 = 2 + 2.
%  Input  n = 23567414
%  Output tf = true
% All palindrome numbers are balanced.
% This is partly from Project Euler, Problem 217.

function ans = isBalanced(n)
n = num2str(n); hf = floor(length(n)/2);
sum(n(1:hf)) == sum(n(end-hf+1:end));


Problem 75. Find the palindrome

% Given the string a, find the longest palindromic sub-string b.
% So when
%  a = 'xkayakyy';
% you should return
%  b = 'kayak';

function b = pal(a)
mxlen = 0;
for i = 1:length(a)
for j = i:length(a)
if all(a(i:j) == a(j:-1:i))
nowlen = j - i + 1;
if nowlen > mxlen
mxlen = nowlen;
b = a(i:j);


Problem 76. De-dupe

% Remove all the redundant elements in a vector, but keep the first occurrence of each value in its original location. So if
%  a = [5 3 6 4 7 7 3 5 9]
% then
%  dedupe(a) = [5 3 6 4 7 9]

function ans = dedupe(a)
unique(a, 'stable');


Problem 77. Clean the List of Names

% Given a list of names in a cell array, remove any duplications that result from different capitalizations of the same string. So if
%  names_in = {'bert','arthur','Bert','Fred'};
% the
%  names_out = clean_list(names_in)
% results in
%  names_out = {'bert','arthur','Fred'};
% Always take the first occurrence of the duplicated string

function ans = clean_list(in)
[~, ans] = unique(upper(in), 'stable');


Problem 78. Implement a ROT13 cipher

% Replace each character in string s1 with the character that is shifted 13 positions from it (wrap back to the beginning if necessary). So A ? N, B ? O, and so on until Y ? L and Z ? M. Case of the output should match the case of the input, so a ? n. Non-alphabetic characters are left in place and untouched.
% If
%  s1 = 'I love MATLAB'
% then
%  s2 = 'V ybir ZNGYNO'
% See the Wikipedia article for more info.

function s = rot13(s)
id = (s >= 'a' & s <= 'z');
s(id) = char(mod(s(id) - 'a' + 13, 26) + 'a');
id = (s >= 'A' & s <= 'Z');
s(id) = char(mod(s(id) - 'A' + 13, 26) + 'A');

Problem 79. DNA N-Gram Distribution

% Given a string s and a number n, find the most frequently occurring n-gram in the string, where the n-grams can begin at any point in the string. This comes up in DNA analysis, where the 3-base reading frame for a codon can begin at any point in the sequence.
% So for
%  s = 'AACTGAACG'
% and
%  n = 3
% we get the following n-grams (trigrams):
% Since AAC appears twice, then the answer, hifreq, is AAC. There will always be exactly one highest frequency n-gram.
% This problem was originally inspired by a MATLAB Newsgroup discussion.

function s = nGramFrequency(s, n)
s = arrayfun(@(x) s(x:x+n-1), 1:length(s)-n+1, 'UniformOutput', false);
u = unique(s);
cellfun(@(x) sum(strcmp(x, s)), u, 'UniformOutput', false);
[~, id] = max([ans{:}]);
s = u{id};


Problem 80. Test for balanced parentheses

% Given the input inStr, give the boolean output out indicating whether all the parentheses are balanced.
% Examples:
%     If inStr is '(()', the output is false.
%     If inStr is '(xyz)(ab)' the output is true.
%     If inStr is ')(', the output is false.
% The string may include characters other than ( and ), but you should ignore them.
% Incidentally, this problem was inspired from the Rosetta Code site. Why not create a few problems of your own by poking around the tasks at Rosetta Code?

function ans = isBalanced(str)
cumsum((str == '(') - (str == ')'));
ans(end) == 0 & all(ans >= 0);




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