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2013-09-09 15:51 746 查看

public static final String SOCKET_ADDRESS ="socket_cmmb_sim_command";//这个名字要记好,在接受端要用到,可以理解为共享内存的设备文件名。



           try {

                LocalServerSocket server = newLocalServerSocket(SOCKET_ADDRESS);

                while (true) {

                    //Log.i(TAG, "beginaccept");

                    LocalSocket receiver =server.accept();

                    if (receiver != null) {

                        InputStream input =receiver.getInputStream();


                        byte[] bytes = newbyte[4];

                        int size =input.read(bytes, 0, 4);

                        if(size!=4) Log.i(TAG,"received command len:" + String.valueOf(size));


                        int cmd_len =((bytes[0] & 0xFF) << 24)|((bytes[1] & 0xFF) << 16)

                                |((bytes[2]& 0xFF) << 8)|(bytes[3] & 0xFF);


                        Log.i(TAG,"received cmd_len:"+String.valueOf(cmd_len));


                            byte[] ArrayOfByte= new byte[cmd_len];

                            size =input.read(ArrayOfByte, 0, cmd_len);

                            Log.i(TAG,"received data len:" + String.valueOf(size));

                            Parcel parcel =Parcel.obtain();

                           parcel.unmarshall(ArrayOfByte, 0, ArrayOfByte.length);







           } catch (IOException e) {



       private void sendResult(LocalSocket paramLocalSocket, ParcelparamParcel) throws IOException{

           byte[] arrayOfByte1 = new byte[4];

           byte[] arrayOfByte2 = paramParcel.marshall();

           Log.i(TAG, "enter sendResult!");

           arrayOfByte1[0] = 0;

           arrayOfByte1[1] = 0;

           arrayOfByte1[2] = (byte)(arrayOfByte2.length >> 8 & 0xFF);

           arrayOfByte1[3] = (byte)(arrayOfByte2.length & 0xFF);






private void processRequest(LocalSocketparamLocalSocket, Parcel paramParcel)


         int cmd = paramParcel.readInt();



         //String info = "unknown";

         Parcel parcel_info = Parcel.obtain();

         TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager)getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE);

         switch (cmd)


         case CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI:{

              Log.i(TAG, "receivedCMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI command!");


               * 唯一的用户ID:

               * 例如:IMSI(国际移动用户识别码) fora GSM phone.

               * 需要权限:READ_PHONE_STATE


              String info =tm.getSubscriberId();//String

              if(info!=null) Log.i(TAG, info);






         try {

            sendResult(paramLocalSocket, parcel_info);

         } catch (IOException e) {

           // TODO Auto-generated catch block

           Log.e(getClass().getName(), e.getMessage());







#define SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND  "socket_cmmb_sim_command"


   fd = socket_local_client(



                            SOCK_STREAM );

   //check open failed

   if (fd < 0)


          LOGE("Failed to open socket: %s\n\r'",SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);

       goto error;



   //get command data

   p_request.writeInt32 (CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI);

    data = (char *)p_request.data();

   datasize = (int)p_request.dataSize();

   //get command length

   dataLength[0] = dataLength[1] = 0;

   dataLength[2] = (char)((datasize >> 8) & 0xff);

   dataLength[3] = (char)(datasize & 0xff);


   //write command getimsi length

   if(SmsMbbmsSimSocketWrite(fd, dataLength, sizeof(dataLength)) !=sizeof(dataLength))


       LOGE("Failed to write cmmand %d 's length to socket:%s!!!!!\n'", CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);

       goto error;



   //write command getimsi

   if(SmsMbbmsSimSocketWrite(fd, data, datasize) != datasize)


       LOGE("Failed to write cmmand %d to socket: %s!!!!\n'",CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);

       goto error;


    //writeend, start read response

   //read head, include length of data, 4 byte

   if(SmsMbbmsSimSocketRead(fd, response_data, 4) != 4)


       LOGE("Failed to read response command %d 's length from socket:%s!!!!!\n'", CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);

       goto error;


   //LOGD("response_data of length: %d, %d, %d, %d!!!\n",response_data[0], response_data[1], response_data[2], response_data[3]);

   //calculate length

   response_length = ((response_data[0] & 0xff) << 24)

                    | ((response_data[1] &0xff) << 16)

                    | ((response_data[2] &0xff) << 8)

                    | (response_data[3] &0xff);

   //LOGD("response_length = %d\n", response_length);

   //check length

   if(response_length == 0)


       LOGE("response %d 's length from socket: %s is notright!!!!!\n'", CMMB_REQUEST_GET_IMSI, SOCKET_NAME_CMMB_SIM_COMMAND);

       goto error;





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