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Revisiting the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns with Entity Framework

2013-08-07 11:33 549 查看
In the past I wrote two


posts about the 
Repository and the 
Unit of Work patterns 

(here and here).

I want to show a better 

and less naive solution 

for imposing the Unit of Work and the Repository patterns with 
Entity Framework.

Revisiting The Repositoy Implementation

In the Repository pattern, I added to the interface two new 

methods for adding and removing an entity:

public interface IRepository<T>

where T : class


T GetById(int id);

IEnumerable<T> GetAll();

IEnumerable<T> Query(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter);

void Add(T entity);

void Remove(T entity);


Also I’ve changed the return type of the Query from IQueryable 

to IEnumerable in order not to enable additional composition 

on that query that will hit the database. 

The implementation of the Repository itself will change as follows:

public abstract class Repository<T> : IRepository<T>

                  where T : class


#region Members


protected IObjectSet<T> _objectSet;




#region Ctor


public Repository(ObjectContext context)


_objectSet = context.CreateObjectSet<T>();





#region IRepository<T> Members


public IEnumerable<T> GetAll()


return _objectSet;



public abstract T GetById(int id);


public IEnumerable<T> Query(Expression<Func<T, bool>> filter)


return _objectSet.Where(filter);



public void Add(T entity)





public void Remove(T entity)






One of the things to notice is that I hold an IObjectSet as my data  

member of the Repository itself instead of holding the context like 

in my previous post. The IObjectSet is a new interface in EF4 

which helps to abstract the use of the created entity sets. 

Now the Repository is better implemented and looks like an 

in-memory collection as it was suppose to be. If I need more specific 

methods I can inherit from this Repository implementation and add the 

desired functionality. As you can see I don’t implement the GetById 

method and enforce my concretes to implement it. 

The DepartmentRepository from the previous post will look like:

public class DepartmentRepository : Repository<Department>


 #region Ctor


public DepartmentRepository(ObjectContext context)

: base(context)






#region Methods


public override Department GetById(int id)


return _objectSet.SingleOrDefault(e => e.DepartmentID == id);





Revisiting The Unit of Work Implementation

After we have our Repository we would like to create a 
Unit of Work to hold the application repositories and to 

orchestrate the persisting of data for some business transactions. 

The new interface for the Unit of Work will look like:

public interface IUnitOfWork


IRepository<Department> Departments { get; }

void Commit();


By of course if you have more repositories in your application you 

will add them to the IUnitOfWork (in the example I only have the 

departments repository). Now the implementation of the Unit of Work 

won’t be a part of the repository (like in the old post) and will look like:

public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork


#region Members


private readonly ObjectContext _context;

private DepartmentRepository _departments;




#region Ctor


public UnitOfWork(ObjectContext context)


if (context == null)


throw new ArgumentNullException("context wasn't supplied");



_context = context;





#region IUnitOfWork Members


public IRepository<Department> Departments




if (_departments == null)


_departments = new DepartmentRepository(_context);


return _departments;





public void Commit()







As can be seen the Unit of Work holds the ObjectContext but 

you could use an IContext interface instead if you like to be more 

abstract and with no dependency on Entity Framework at all. This can be 

achieved by using the T4 templates that were provided in EF4 which you 

will use to add the IContext interface implementation. The 
Unit of Work has a constructor that can be injected using an IoC container. 

The testing program will change into:

using (SchoolEntities context = new SchoolEntities())


UnitOfWork uow = new UnitOfWork(context);

foreach (var department in uow.Departments.GetAll())





foreach (var department in uow.Departments.Query(d => d.Budget > 150000))


Console.WriteLine("department with above 150000 budget: {0}",




Some thing to notice here is that I create the context during 

the running of the program. As I wrote earlier, this can be changed 

to using an IoC container instead which will inject the constructor 



Lets sum up, this offered solution is much better then the naive 

example I gave in the previous posts. It is much more testable and 

abstract and as I wrote you could go further and use an IoC container 

to inject the use of Entity Framework in the Unit of Work 
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