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机器学习——深度学习(Deep Learning)

2013-07-01 21:40 471 查看

Deep Learning是机器学习中一个非常接近AI的领域,其动机在于建立、模拟人脑进行分析学习的神经网络,最近研究了机器学习中一些深度学习的相关知识,本文给出一些很有用的资料和心得。

Key Words:有监督学习与无监督学习,分类、回归,密度估计、聚类,深度学习,Sparse DBN,

1. 有监督学习和无监督学习


有监督学习:最常见的是regression & classification。

regression:Y是实数vector。回归问题,就是拟合(X,Y)的一条曲线,使得下式cost function L最小。

classification:Y是一个finite number,可以看做类标号。分类问题需要首先给定有label的数据训练分类器,故属于有监督学习过程。分类问题中,cost function L(X,Y)是X属于类Y的概率的负对数。

| X);

无监督学习:无监督学习的目的是学习一个function f,使它可以描述给定数据的位置分布P(Z)。 包括两种:density
estimation & clustering.

density estimation就是密度估计,估计该数据在任意位置的分布密度


PCA和很多deep learning算法都属于无监督学习。

2. 深度学习Deep Learning介绍

Depth 概念:depth:
the length of the longest path from an input to an output.

Deep Architecture 的三个特点:深度不足会出现问题;人脑具有一个深度结构(每深入一层进行一次abstraction,由lower-layer的features描述而成的feature构成,就是上篇中提到的feature

3篇文章介绍Deep Belief Networks,作为DBN的breakthrough

3.Deep Learning Algorithm 的核心思想:

把learning hierarchy 看做一个network,则




比如每一个neural network 学出的hidden layer就是feature,作为下一次神经网络无监督学习的input……这样一次次就学出了一个deep的网络,每一层都是上一次学习的hidden layer。再用softmax classifier去fine-tuning这个deep network的系数。

这三个点是Deep Learning Algorithm的精髓,我在上一篇文章中也有讲到,其中第三部分:Learning
Features Hierachy & Sparse DBN就讲了如何运用Sparse DBN进行feature学习。

4. Deep Learning 经典阅读材料:

The monograph or review paper Learning Deep Architectures for AI (Foundations & Trends
in Machine Learning, 2009).
The ICML 2009 Workshop on Learning Feature Hierarchies webpage has a list
of references.
The LISA public wiki has a reading
list and a bibliography.
Geoff Hinton has readings from last year’s NIPS

阐述Deep learning主要思想的三篇文章:

Hinton, G. E., Osindero, S. and Teh, Y., A
fast learning algorithm for deep belief netsNeural Computation 18:1527-1554, 2006

Yoshua Bengio, Pascal Lamblin, Dan Popovici
and Hugo Larochelle, Greedy
Layer-Wise Training of Deep Networks, in J. Platt et al. (Eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19 (NIPS 2006),
pp. 153-160, MIT Press, 2007<比较了RBM和Auto-encoder>

Marc’Aurelio Ranzato, Christopher Poultney,
Sumit Chopra and Yann LeCun Efficient
Learning of Sparse Representations with an Energy-Based Model, in J. Platt et al. (Eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems (NIPS 2006), MIT Press, 2007<将稀疏自编码用于回旋结构(convolutional architecture)>

06年后,大批deep learning文章涌现,感兴趣的可以看下大牛Yoshua Bengio的综述Learning
deep architectures for {AI},不过本文很长,很长……

5. Deep Learning工具—— Theano

basic tutorial,然后按照Getting
Started 下载相关数据并用gradient descent的方法进行学习。



Logistic Regression - using Theano for something simple
Multilayer perceptron - introduction to layers
Deep Convolutional Network - a simplified version of LeNet5


Auto Encoders, Denoising Autoencoders - description of autoencoders
Stacked Denoising Auto-Encoders - easy steps into unsupervised pre-training for deep nets
Restricted Boltzmann Machines - single layer generative RBM model
Deep Belief Networks - unsupervised generative pre-training of stacked RBMs
followed by supervised fine-tuning


Chris Bishop, “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, 2007
Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks: a Comprehensive Foundation”,
2009 (3rd edition)
Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart and David G. Stork, “Pattern Classification”, 2001 (2nd edition)

关于Machine Learning更多的学习资料将继续更新,敬请关注本博客和新浪微博Sophia_qing


1. Brief Introduction to ML for AI

2.Deep Learning Tutorial

3.A tutorial on deep learning - Video
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