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Storm-源码分析-EventManager (backtype.storm.event)

2013-06-24 17:37 330 查看
Protocol and DataType


定义protocol EventManager, 其实就是定义interface

函数event-manager, 主要做2件事
1. 启动event queue的处理线程, 不断从queue中取出event-fn并执行
2. 返回实现EventManager的匿名record(reify部分, 实现protocol)

这里使用了reify的close over特性, reify会将用到的局部变量打包到闭包内, 包含queue, runner

(ns backtype.storm.event
(:use [backtype.storm log util])
(:import [backtype.storm.utils Time Utils])
(:import [java.util.concurrent LinkedBlockingQueue TimeUnit])

(defprotocol EventManager
(add [this event-fn])
(waiting? [this])
(shutdown [this]))

(defn event-manager
"Creates a thread to respond to events. Any error will cause process to halt"
(let [added (atom 0)
processed (atom 0)
^LinkedBlockingQueue queue (LinkedBlockingQueue.)
running (atom true)
runner (Thread.
(fn []
(while @running
(let [r (.take queue)]
(swap! processed inc)))
(catch InterruptedException t
(log-message "Event manager interrupted"))
(catch Throwable t
(log-error t "Error when processing event")
(halt-process! 20 "Error when processing an event"))
(.setDaemon runner daemon?)
(.start runner)
(add [this event-fn]
;; should keep track of total added and processed to know if this is finished yet
(when-not @running
(throw (RuntimeException. "Cannot add events to a shutdown event manager")))
(swap! added inc)
(.put queue event-fn)
(waiting? [this]
(or (Time/isThreadWaiting runner)
(= @processed @added)
(shutdown [this]
(reset! running false)
(.interrupt runner)
(.join runner)


使用的时候很简单, 如下

let [event-manager processes-event-manager :as managers] [(event/event-manager false) (event/event-manager false)]
(.add processes-event-manager sync-processes)


相当于给event-manager增加EventManager protocol, 反过来说, 给add或其他接口functions增加对event-manager record的support, 因为protocol函数的第一个参数总是类型

比较神奇的是, 闭包产生的效果, 可以在完全没有queue, runner定义或声明的情况下, 方便的操作他们
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