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2013-06-20 16:39 316 查看

设置应用的:PowerUsageSummary.java文件,会判断:if (mPowerProfile.getAveragePower(PowerProfile.POWER_SCREEN_FULL) < 10)即亮屏时的功耗。这边主要通过:power_profile.xml 进行配置,默认配置是一个很小的值,如0.1mA,而实际配置正常后,如屏亮度为:300mA,此功能即可正常。更详细的内容,请查看:power_profile.xml

<!-- Most values are the incremental current used by a feature,

in mA (measured at nominal voltage).

The default values are deliberately incorrect dummy values.

OEM's must measure and provide actual values before

shipping a device.

Example real-world values are given in comments, but they

are totally dependent on the platform and can vary

significantly, so should be measured on the shipping platform

with a power meter. -->

<item name="none">0</item>

<item name="screen.on">0.1</item> <!-- ~200mA -->
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