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2013-06-08 16:54 417 查看
source : http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_610c4a3601018did.html

1.下载 boost-1_52 http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.52.0/
2. 将文件解压在/usr/local/目录下
3. 进入/usr/local/boost-1_52_0/ 目录, 在terminal中输入
4.进入/usr/local/boost-1_52_0/ 目录,在terminal中输入
            sudo ./bjam  --layout=versioned --build-type=complete --toolset=gcc install 



   (1)修改/etc/profie文件 末尾添加

            export BOOST_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/boost-1_52

            export BOOST_LIB=/usr/local/lib

    (2)在/etc/profile.d/ 中新建一个shell文件boost.sh


             export BOOST_INCLUDE=/usr/local/include/boost-1_52

             export BOOST_LIB=/usr/local/lib



#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>

#include <iostream>

int main()


        using boost::lexical_cast;

        int a = lexical_cast<int>("123");

        double b = lexical_cast<double>("123.12");



        return 0;



g++ test.cpp -I$BOOST_INCLUDE -L$BOOST_LIB -o test






Set up a Code::Blocks global variable for Boost

global variable

This step only needs to be performed once, after which the global
variable you’ve created will be available for any project.
Open the Settings menu and select “Global variables…”
Click the “New” button next to the Current variable list, specify a name like “boost”, and hit OK
In the “base” field of the Builtin fields section, browse for the base of your Boost location — the path you specified in the –prefix option of the build command( * mandatory)
In the “include” field, browse for the header files location — the path can same with the “base” or like “/usr/local/include” or /usr/include.
In the “lib” field, browse for the “stage/lib” subfolder of your Boost installation — it should be the path in the “base” field with “/stage/lib” tacked on. (This is the folder that
contains either multiple lib*.a or *.libfiles.)[maybe a path like "/usr/local/lib" or  "/usr/lib"].
Hit the Close button to save your global variable

Add Boost search directories to your project

search directories - compiler

search directories - linker

Right-click your project’s name in the Projects section of the Management window and select “Build options…”
Highlight the root of your project in the tree on the left side of the Project build options window
Select the “Search directories” tab
With the “Compiler” subtab selected, click the Add button, enter “$(#boost.include)”
(without the quotes), and hit OK
With the “Linker” subtab selected, click the Add button, enter “$(#boost.lib)”
(without the quotes), and hit OK

Include Boost headers and link with Boost libraries

Your project is now ready to use the Boost libraries. For each library you want to use, do the following:
#include <boost/*.hpp> in your source file
In your project’s build options, highlight the root of your project, select the “Linker settings” tab, and add “boost_*” to your Link libraries[or another way under "Other
link options" something like "-lboost_system -lboost_thread -..."]

Add Other libraries into Code::Blocks

The same way like boost, just do as above steps, enjoy.

linux下安装boost  : http://blog.csdn.net/simtwo/article/details/8083598


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