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Direct2d effects

2013-06-07 22:54 507 查看

Direct2d effects

The Direct2D effects API is an addition to Direct2D that provides image effect processing. Direct2D effects is GPU accelerated, immediate-mode, and is integrated with Direct2D.With Direct2D effects you can combine multiple effects into a graph that is all processed at render time. This graph can include several different categories of Built-in Effects and also enables you to implement your own effects.For more information, see Effects Overview. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh706316(v=vs.85).aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh973240(v=vs.85).aspx

Introduction to Direct2D Effects


How to Apply Effects to Primitives

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh973240(v=vs.85).aspx Direct2D effects provides this set of built-in effects. The effects come in several categories and are listed below.FilterGaussian blur effect
Directional blur effect
Convolve matrix effect
Morphology effect

CompositionComposite effect
Arithmetic composite effect
Blend effect

TransparencyLuminance to alpha effect

PhotoHistogram effect
Brightness effect

ColorDiscrete transfer effect
Table transfer effect
Linear transfer effect
Gamma transfer effect
Color matrix effect
Saturation effect
Hue rotation effect
Color management effect
Premultiply effect
Unpremultiply effect
DPI compensation effect
Opacity metadata effect

Lighting and StylizingPoint-specular effect
Spot-specular effect
Distant-specular effect
Point-diffuse effect
Spot-diffuse effect
Distant-diffuse effect
Shadow effect
Displacement map effect

SourceBitmap source effect
Flood effect
Turbulence effect

TransformTile effect
Crop effect
Border effect
Scale effect
2D affine transform effect
3D perspective transform effect
3D transform effect
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