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2013-05-21 14:01 260 查看
less filename


shift + g 查询最新的


ctrl + insert 复制

shift + insert 粘贴

g help

b 向后翻(看之前的日志)

f 往前翻(看最新的日志)

执行g ,即可查看完整的less 参考命令


Commands marked with * may be preceded by a number, N.

Notes in parentheses indicate the behavior if N is given.

h H Display this help.

q :q Q :Q ZZ Exit.



e ^E j ^N CR * Forward one line (or N lines).

y ^Y k ^K ^P * Backward one line (or N lines).

f ^F ^V SPACE * Forward one window (or N lines).

b ^B ESC-v * Backward one window (or N lines).

z * Forward one window (and set window to N).

w * Backward one window (and set window to N).

ESC-SPACE * Forward one window, but don't stop at end-of-file.

d ^D * Forward one half-window (and set half-window to N).

u ^U * Backward one half-window (and set half-window to N).

ESC-) RightArrow * Left one half screen width (or N positions).

ESC-( LeftArrow * Right one half screen width (or N positions).

F Forward forever; like "tail -f".

r ^R ^L Repaint screen.

R Repaint screen, discarding buffered input.


Default "window" is the screen height.

Default "half-window" is half of the screen height.



/pattern * Search forward for (N-th) matching line.

?pattern * Search backward for (N-th) matching line.

n * Repeat previous search (for N-th occurrence).

N * Repeat previous search in reverse direction.

ESC-n * Repeat previous search, spanning files.

ESC-N * Repeat previous search, reverse dir. & spanning files.

ESC-u Undo (toggle) search highlighting.

&pattern * Display only matching lines


Search patterns may be modified by one or more of:

^N or ! Search for NON-matching lines.

^E or * Search multiple files (pass thru END OF FILE).

^F or @ Start search at FIRST file (for /) or last file (for ?).

^K Highlight matches, but don't move (KEEP position).




g < ESC-< * Go to first line in file (or line N).

G > ESC-> * Go to last line in file (or line N).

p % * Go to beginning of file (or N percent into file).

t * Go to the (N-th) next tag.

T * Go to the (N-th) previous tag.

{ ( [ * Find close bracket } ) ].
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