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* threadpool.h


* This file declares the functionality associated with

* your implementation of a threadpool.

* 线程池的实现


#ifndef __threadpool_h__

#define __threadpool_h__

#ifdef __cplusplus

extern "C" ...{


// maximum number of threads allowed in a pool


#define MAXT_IN_POOL 200

// You must hide the internal details of the threadpool

// structure from callers, thus declare threadpool of type "void".

// In threadpool.c, you will use type conversion to coerce

// variables of type "threadpool" back and forth to a

// richer, internal type. (See threadpool.c for details.)



typedef void *threadpool;

// "dispatch_fn" declares a typed function pointer. A

// variable of type "dispatch_fn" points to a function

// with the following signature:


// void dispatch_function(void *arg);


typedef void (*dispatch_fn)(void *);


* create_threadpool creates a fixed-sized thread

* pool. If the function succeeds, it returns a (non-NULL)

* "threadpool", else it returns NULL.



threadpool create_threadpool(int num_threads_in_pool);


* dispatch sends a thread off to do some work. If

* all threads in the pool are busy, dispatch will

* block until a thread becomes free and is dispatched.


* Once a thread is dispatched, this function returns

* immediately.


* The dispatched thread calls into the function

* "dispatch_to_here" with argument "arg".





int dispatch_threadpool(threadpool from_me, dispatch_fn dispatch_to_here,

void *arg);


* destroy_threadpool kills the threadpool, causing

* all threads in it to commit suicide, and then

* frees all the memory associated with the threadpool.



void destroy_threadpool(threadpool destroyme);

#ifdef __cplusplus






* threadpool.c


* This file will contain your implementation of a threadpool.

* 此文件包含线路池的具体实现


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <pthread.h>

#include <string.h>

#include "threadpool.h"

typedef struct _thread_st ...{

pthread_t id;

pthread_mutex_t mutex;

pthread_cond_t cond;

dispatch_fn fn;

void *arg;

threadpool parent;

} _thread;

// _threadpool is the internal threadpool structure that is

// cast to type "threadpool" before it given out to callers

// _threadpool是内部线程池结构,转换成类型“threadpool”在提交给使用者之前

typedef struct _threadpool_st ...{

// you should fill in this structure with whatever you need

pthread_mutex_t tp_mutex;

pthread_cond_t tp_idle;

pthread_cond_t tp_full;

pthread_cond_t tp_empty;

_thread ** tp_list;

int tp_index;

int tp_max_index;

int tp_stop;

int tp_total;

} _threadpool;

threadpool create_threadpool(int num_threads_in_pool)


_threadpool *pool;

// sanity check the argument


if ((num_threads_in_pool <= 0) || (num_threads_in_pool > MAXT_IN_POOL))

return NULL;

pool = (_threadpool *) malloc(sizeof(_threadpool));

if (pool == NULL) ...{

fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory creating a new threadpool!

return NULL;


// add your code here to initialize the newly created threadpool

pthread_mutex_init( &pool->tp_mutex, NULL );

pthread_cond_init( &pool->tp_idle, NULL );

pthread_cond_init( &pool->tp_full, NULL );

pthread_cond_init( &pool->tp_empty, NULL );

pool->tp_max_index = num_threads_in_pool;

pool->tp_index = 0;

pool->tp_stop = 0;

pool->tp_total = 0;

pool->tp_list = ( _thread ** )malloc( sizeof( void * ) * MAXT_IN_POOL );

memset( pool->tp_list, 0, sizeof( void * ) * MAXT_IN_POOL );

return (threadpool) pool;


int save_thread( _threadpool * pool, _thread * thread )


int ret = -1;

pthread_mutex_lock( &pool->tp_mutex );

if( pool->tp_index < pool->tp_max_index ) ...{

pool->tp_list[ pool->tp_index ] = thread;


ret = 0;

pthread_cond_signal( &pool->tp_idle );

if( pool->tp_index >= pool->tp_total ) ...{

pthread_cond_signal( &pool->tp_full );



pthread_mutex_unlock( &pool->tp_mutex );

return ret;


void * wrapper_fn( void * arg )


_thread * thread = (_thread*)arg;

_threadpool * pool = (_threadpool*)thread->parent;

for( ; 0 == ((_threadpool*)thread->parent)->tp_stop; ) ...{

thread->fn( thread->arg );

pthread_mutex_lock( &thread->mutex );

if( 0 == save_thread( thread->parent, thread ) ) ...{

pthread_cond_wait( &thread->cond, &thread->mutex );

pthread_mutex_unlock( &thread->mutex );

} else ...{

pthread_mutex_unlock( &thread->mutex );

pthread_cond_destroy( &thread->cond );

pthread_mutex_destroy( &thread->mutex );

free( thread );




pthread_mutex_lock( &pool->tp_mutex );


if( pool->tp_total <= 0 ) pthread_cond_signal( &pool->tp_empty );

pthread_mutex_unlock( &pool->tp_mutex );

return NULL;


int dispatch_threadpool(threadpool from_me, dispatch_fn dispatch_to_here, void *arg)


int ret = 0;

_threadpool *pool = (_threadpool *) from_me;

pthread_attr_t attr;

_thread * thread = NULL;

// add your code here to dispatch a thread

pthread_mutex_lock( &pool->tp_mutex );

if( pool->tp_index <= 0 && pool->tp_total >= pool->tp_max_index ) ...{

pthread_cond_wait( &pool->tp_idle, &pool->tp_mutex );


if( pool->tp_index <= 0 ) ...{

_thread * thread = ( _thread * )malloc( sizeof( _thread ) );

thread->id = 0;

pthread_mutex_init( &thread->mutex, NULL );

pthread_cond_init( &thread->cond, NULL );

thread->fn = dispatch_to_here;

thread->arg = arg;

thread->parent = pool;

pthread_attr_init( &attr );

pthread_attr_setdetachstate( &attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED );

if( 0 == pthread_create( &thread->id, &attr, wrapper_fn, thread ) ) ...{


printf( "create thread#%ld
", thread->id );

} else ...{

ret = -1;

printf( "cannot create thread
" );

pthread_mutex_destroy( &thread->mutex );

pthread_cond_destroy( &thread->cond );

free( thread );


} else ...{


thread = pool->tp_list[ pool->tp_index ];

pool->tp_list[ pool->tp_index ] = NULL;

thread->fn = dispatch_to_here;

thread->arg = arg;

thread->parent = pool;

pthread_mutex_lock( &thread->mutex );

pthread_cond_signal( &thread->cond ) ;

pthread_mutex_unlock ( &thread->mutex );


pthread_mutex_unlock( &pool->tp_mutex );

return ret;


void destroy_threadpool(threadpool destroyme)


_threadpool *pool = (_threadpool *) destroyme;

// add your code here to kill a threadpool

int i = 0;

pthread_mutex_lock( &pool->tp_mutex );

if( pool->tp_index < pool->tp_total ) ...{

printf( "waiting for %d thread(s) to finish
", pool->tp_total - pool->tp_index );

pthread_cond_wait( &pool->tp_full, &pool->tp_mutex );


pool->tp_stop = 1;

for( i = 0; i < pool->tp_index; i++ ) ...{

_thread * thread = pool->tp_list[ i ];

pthread_mutex_lock( &thread->mutex );

pthread_cond_signal( &thread->cond ) ;

pthread_mutex_unlock ( &thread->mutex );


if( pool->tp_total > 0 ) ...{

printf( "waiting for %d thread(s) to exit
", pool->tp_total );

pthread_cond_wait( &pool->tp_empty, &pool->tp_mutex );


for( i = 0; i < pool->tp_index; i++ ) ...{

free( pool->tp_list[ i ] );

pool->tp_list[ i ] = NULL;


pthread_mutex_unlock( &pool->tp_mutex );

pool->tp_index = 0;

pthread_mutex_destroy( &pool->tp_mutex );

pthread_cond_destroy( &pool->tp_idle );

pthread_cond_destroy( &pool->tp_full );

pthread_cond_destroy( &pool->tp_empty );

free( pool->tp_list );

free( pool );




* threadpool_test.c, copyright 2001 Steve Gribble


* Just a regression test for the threadpool code.

* 仅为以上线程池代码的一个测试


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <unistd.h>

#include <pthread.h>

#include <errno.h>

#include <stdarg.h>

#include "threadpool.h"

extern int errno;

void mylog( FILE * fp, const char *format, /**//*args*/ ...)


va_list ltVaList;

va_start( ltVaList, format );

vprintf( format, ltVaList );

va_end( ltVaList );

fflush( stdout );


void dispatch_threadpool_to_me(void *arg) ...{

int seconds = (int) arg;

fprintf(stdout, " in dispatch_threadpool %d
", seconds);

fprintf(stdout, " thread#%ld
", pthread_self() );


fprintf(stdout, " done dispatch_threadpool %d
", seconds);


int main(int argc, char **argv) ...{

threadpool tp;

tp = create_threadpool(2);

fprintf(stdout, "**main** dispatch_threadpool 3

dispatch_threadpool(tp, dispatch_threadpool_to_me, (void *) 3);

fprintf(stdout, "**main** dispatch_threadpool 6

dispatch_threadpool(tp, dispatch_threadpool_to_me, (void *) 6);

fprintf(stdout, "**main** dispatch_threadpool 7

dispatch_threadpool(tp, dispatch_threadpool_to_me, (void *) 7);

fprintf(stdout, "**main** done first


fprintf(stdout, "

fprintf(stdout, "**main** dispatch_threadpool 3

dispatch_threadpool(tp, dispatch_threadpool_to_me, (void *) 3);

fprintf(stdout, "**main** dispatch_threadpool 6

dispatch_threadpool(tp, dispatch_threadpool_to_me, (void *) 6);

fprintf(stdout, "**main** dispatch_threadpool 7

dispatch_threadpool(tp, dispatch_threadpool_to_me, (void *) 7);

fprintf(stdout, "**main done second

destroy_threadpool( tp );




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