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Linux I2C驱动源码分析(二)

2013-05-08 14:20 483 查看
转自 http://www.cnblogs.com/nick123/archive/2010/09/06/1819037.html
下面开始分析linux/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-s3c2410.c,在设备与驱动匹配成功后,会执行s3c24xx_i2c_probe()函数,此处传给s3c_i2c_probe 的参数就是 我们注册的i2c 平台设备 s3c_device_i2c0,其源码如下:

/* s3c24xx_i2c_probe called by the bus driver when a suitable device is found*/

static int s3c24xx_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)


struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c;

struct s3c2410_platform_i2c *pdata;

struct resource *res;

int ret;

/*这里pdev->dev.platform_data 在s3c_i2c0_set_platdata()函数中设置,指向了系统初始化时的设置过的s3c2410_platform_i2c结构体*/

pdata = pdev->dev.platform_data;

if (!pdata) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no platform data\n");

return -EINVAL;


/*申请一段sizeof(struct s3c24xx_i2c)的内存,并清0 */

i2c = kzalloc(sizeof(struct s3c24xx_i2c), GFP_KERNEL);

if (!i2c) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "no memory for state\n");

return -ENOMEM;


strlcpy(i2c->adap.name, "s3c2410-i2c", sizeof(i2c->adap.name));

i2c->adap.owner = THIS_MODULE;

i2c->adap.algo = &s3c24xx_i2c_algorithm; /*设置I2C总线的通信函数 */

i2c->adap.retries = 2;

i2c->adap.class = I2C_CLASS_HWMON | I2C_CLASS_SPD;

i2c->tx_setup = 50;


init_waitqueue_head(&i2c->wait); /*初始化等待队列头 */

/* find the clock and enable it */


i2c->dev = &pdev->dev;

i2c->clk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, "i2c");

if (IS_ERR(i2c->clk)) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot get clock\n");

ret = -ENOENT;

goto err_noclk;


dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "clock source %p\n", i2c->clk);


/* map the registers */

/*获取系统的物理地址,中断等资源信息,并进行物理地址到虚拟地址的映射 */

res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);

if (res == NULL) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot find IO resource\n");

ret = -ENOENT;

goto err_clk;


i2c->ioarea = request_mem_region(res->start, resource_size(res),


if (i2c->ioarea == NULL) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot request IO\n");

ret = -ENXIO;

goto err_clk;


i2c->regs = ioremap(res->start, resource_size(res));

if (i2c->regs == NULL) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot map IO\n");

ret = -ENXIO;

goto err_ioarea;


dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "registers %p (%p, %p)\n",

i2c->regs, i2c->ioarea, res);

/* setup info block for the i2c core */

i2c->adap.algo_data = i2c;

i2c->adap.dev.parent = &pdev->dev;

/* initialise the i2c controller */

ret = s3c24xx_i2c_init(i2c); /*控制器的初始化, 后面具体会分析 */

if (ret != 0)

goto err_iomap;

/* find the IRQ for this unit (note, this relies on the init call to

* ensure no current IRQs pending


i2c->irq = ret = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);

if (ret <= 0) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot find IRQ\n");

goto err_iomap;


ret = request_irq(i2c->irq, s3c24xx_i2c_irq, IRQF_DISABLED,

dev_name(&pdev->dev), i2c); /*申请中断 */

if (ret != 0) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot claim IRQ %d\n", i2c->irq);

goto err_iomap;


ret = s3c24xx_i2c_register_cpufreq(i2c);

if (ret < 0) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to register cpufreq notifier\n");

goto err_irq;


/* Note, previous versions of the driver used i2c_add_adapter()

* to add the bus at any number. We now pass the bus number via

* the platform data, so if unset it will now default to always

* being bus 0.


/* 向对应的I2C总线(总线号)注册adapter */

i2c->adap.nr = pdata->bus_num;

ret = i2c_add_numbered_adapter(&i2c->adap);

if (ret < 0) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "failed to add bus to i2c core\n");

goto err_cpufreq;


platform_set_drvdata(pdev, i2c);

dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s: S3C I2C adapter\n", dev_name(&i2c->adap.dev));

return 0;




free_irq(i2c->irq, i2c);











return ret;


系统在初始化时会将系统硬件中的时钟注册进系统,用双向循环连接起来,在linux/arch/arm/plat-s3c24xx/s3c244x.c中,s3c244x_init_clocks ()函数完成这个操作这个操作。

void __init s3c244x_init_clocks(int xtal)


/* initialise the clocks here, to allow other things like the

* console to use them, and to add new ones after the initialisation







/* s3c2410_baseclk_add()

* Add all the clocks used by the s3c2410 or compatible CPUs

* such as the S3C2440 and S3C2442.

* We cannot use a system device as we are needed before any

* of the init-calls that initialise the devices are actually

* done.*/

int __init s3c2410_baseclk_add(void)


unsigned long clkslow = __raw_readl(S3C2410_CLKSLOW);

unsigned long clkcon = __raw_readl(S3C2410_CLKCON);

struct clk *clkp;

struct clk *xtal;

int ret;

int ptr;

clk_upll.enable = s3c2410_upll_enable;

if (s3c24xx_register_clock(&clk_usb_bus) < 0)

printk(KERN_ERR "failed to register usb bus clock\n");

/* register clocks from clock array */

clkp = init_clocks;

for (ptr = 0; ptr < ARRAY_SIZE(init_clocks); ptr++, clkp++) {

/* ensure that we note the clock state */

clkp->usage = clkcon & clkp->ctrlbit ? 1 : 0;

ret = s3c24xx_register_clock(clkp);

if (ret < 0) {

printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to register clock %s (%d)\n",

clkp->name, ret);



/* We must be careful disabling the clocks we are not intending to

* be using at boot time, as subsystems such as the LCD which do

* their own DMA requests to the bus can cause the system to lockup

* if they where in the middle of requesting bus access.


* Disabling the LCD clock if the LCD is active is very dangerous,

* and therefore the bootloader should be careful to not enable

* the LCD clock if it is not needed.


/* install (and disable) the clocks we do not need immediately */

clkp = init_clocks_disable;

for (ptr = 0; ptr < ARRAY_SIZE(init_clocks_disable); ptr++, clkp++) {

ret = s3c24xx_register_clock(clkp);

if (ret < 0) {

printk(KERN_ERR "Failed to register clock %s (%d)\n",

clkp->name, ret);


s3c2410_clkcon_enable(clkp, 0);


/* show the clock-slow value */

xtal = clk_get(NULL, "xtal");

printk("CLOCK: Slow mode (%ld.%ld MHz), %s, MPLL %s, UPLL %s\n",

print_mhz(clk_get_rate(xtal) /

( 2 * S3C2410_CLKSLOW_GET_SLOWVAL(clkslow))),

(clkslow & S3C2410_CLKSLOW_SLOW) ? "slow" : "fast",

(clkslow & S3C2410_CLKSLOW_MPLL_OFF) ? "off" : "on",

(clkslow & S3C2410_CLKSLOW_UCLK_OFF) ? "off" : "on");


return 0;




.name = "i2c",

.id = -1,

.parent = &clk_p,

.enable = s3c2410_clkcon_enable,

.ctrlbit = S3C2410_CLKCON_IIC,




/* find the clock and enable it */

i2c->dev = &pdev->dev;

i2c->clk = clk_get(&pdev->dev, "i2c");

if (IS_ERR(i2c->clk)) {

dev_err(&pdev->dev, "cannot get clock\n");

ret = -ENOENT;

goto err_noclk;


dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "clock source %p\n", i2c->clk);


clk_get(&pdev->dev, "i2c")函数用于获取时钟信息,函数内部会将传入的“i2c”字符串和系统中各时钟的名字进行比较,看是否匹配,看上面的分析可知,I2C控制器时钟注册时的时钟名也是“i2c”,这个过程实际上和device,driver的匹配过程是类似的。clk_get源码如下:

struct clk *clk_get(struct device *dev, const char *id)


struct clk *p;

struct clk *clk = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);

int idno;

if (dev == NULL || dev->bus != &platform_bus_type)

idno = -1;


idno = to_platform_device(dev)->id;


list_for_each_entry(p, &clocks, list) {

if (p->id == idno &&

strcmp(id, p->name) == 0 &&

try_module_get(p->owner)) {

clk = p;





/* s3c24xx_i2c_init initialise the controller, set the IO lines and frequency*/

static int s3c24xx_i2c_init(struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c)


unsigned long iicon = S3C2410_IICCON_IRQEN | S3C2410_IICCON_ACKEN;

struct s3c2410_platform_i2c *pdata;

unsigned int freq;

/* get the plafrom data */

pdata = i2c->dev->platform_data;

/* inititalise the gpio */

if (pdata->cfg_gpio)

pdata->cfg_gpio(to_platform_device(i2c->dev)); /*I2C控制器IO的初始化

/* write slave address */

/* 写入从设备的地址 */

writeb(pdata->slave_addr, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICADD);

dev_info(i2c->dev, "slave address 0x%02x\n", pdata->slave_addr);

/* 使能接收发送中断和I2C总线应答信号 */

writel(iicon, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);

/* we need to work out the divisors for the clock... */

/*这里freq用来获取实际的I2C时钟频率,具体指为97KHZ,后面会分析 */

if (s3c24xx_i2c_clockrate(i2c, &freq) != 0) {

writel(0, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);

dev_err(i2c->dev, "cannot meet bus frequency required\n");

return -EINVAL;


/* todo - check that the i2c lines aren't being dragged anywhere */

dev_info(i2c->dev, "bus frequency set to %d KHz\n", freq);

dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "S3C2410_IICCON=0x%02lx\n", iicon);

return 0;


/* s3c24xx_i2c_clockrate


* work out a divisor for the user requested frequency setting,

* either by the requested frequency, or scanning the acceptable

* range of frequencies until something is found


static int s3c24xx_i2c_clockrate(struct s3c24xx_i2c *i2c, unsigned int *got)


struct s3c2410_platform_i2c *pdata = i2c->dev->platform_data;

/*从系统平台时钟队列中获取pclk的时钟频率,大小为50MHZ */

unsigned long clkin = clk_get_rate(i2c->clk);

unsigned int divs, div1;

unsigned long target_frequency;

u32 iiccon;

int freq;

i2c->clkrate = clkin;

clkin /= 1000; /* clkin now in KHz */

dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "pdata desired frequency %lu\n", pdata->frequency);

target_frequency = pdata->frequency ? pdata->frequency : 100000;

target_frequency /= 1000; /* Target frequency now in KHz */

/* 目标频率在前面default_i2c_data0中frequency为100KHZ,根据PCLK和目标频率计算分频系数,计算后实际频率为97KHZ,即freq 为97K*/

freq = s3c24xx_i2c_calcdivisor(clkin, target_frequency, &div1, &divs);

if (freq > target_frequency) {


"Unable to achieve desired frequency %luKHz." \

" Lowest achievable %dKHz\n", target_frequency, freq);

return -EINVAL;


*got = freq; /*通过传入的指针返回实际频率 */

/* 根据时钟选择和分频系数配置对应硬件寄存器 */

iiccon = readl(i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);

iiccon &= ~(S3C2410_IICCON_SCALEMASK | S3C2410_IICCON_TXDIV_512);

iiccon |= (divs-1);

if (div1 == 512)

iiccon |= S3C2410_IICCON_TXDIV_512;

writel(iiccon, i2c->regs + S3C2410_IICCON);

/* 判断是否为S3C2440 */

if (s3c24xx_i2c_is2440(i2c)) {

unsigned long sda_delay;

if (pdata->sda_delay) {

sda_delay = (freq / 1000) * pdata->sda_delay;

sda_delay /= 1000000;

sda_delay = DIV_ROUND_UP(sda_delay, 5);

if (sda_delay > 3)

sda_delay = 3;

sda_delay |= S3C2410_IICLC_FILTER_ON;

} else

sda_delay = 0;

dev_dbg(i2c->dev, "IICLC=%08lx\n", sda_delay);

writel(sda_delay, i2c->regs + S3C2440_IICLC);


return 0;


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