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C++ STL MAP 使用方法与应用介绍(二)

2013-04-29 18:41 549 查看

下面举例说明什么是一对一的数据映射。比如一个班级中,每个学生的学号跟他的姓名就存在着一一映射的关系,这个模型用map可能轻易描述,很明显学号用int描述,姓名用字符串描述(本篇文章中不用char *来描述字符串,而是采用STL中string来描述),下面给出map描述代码:

Map<int, string> mapStudent;

1.       map的构造函数


Map<int, string> mapStudent;

2.       数据的插入



#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<int, string> mapStudent;
mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(1, "student_one"));
mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(2, "student_two"));
mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(3, "student_three"));
map<int, string>::iterator  iter;

for(iter = mapStudent.begin(); iter != mapStudent.end(); iter++)
cout<<iter->first<<"   "<<iter->second<<endl;
1   student_one
2   student_two
3   student_three

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.783 s
Press any key to continue.



#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<int, string> mapStudent;
mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type (1, "student_one"));
mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type (2, "student_two"));
mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type (3, "student_three"));
map<int, string>::iterator  iter;
for(iter = mapStudent.begin(); iter != mapStudent.end(); iter++)
cout<<iter->first<<"   "<<iter->second<<endl;
1   student_one
2   student_two
3   student_three

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.783 s
Press any key to continue.



#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<int, string> mapStudent;
mapStudent[1] =  "student_one";
mapStudent[2] =  "student_two";
mapStudent[3] =  "student_three";
map<int, string>::iterator  iter;
for(iter = mapStudent.begin(); iter != mapStudent.end(); iter++)
cout<<iter->first<<"   "<<iter->second<<endl;
1   student_one
2   student_two
3   student_three

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.783 s
Press any key to continue.



mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type (1, “student_one”));

mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type (1, “student_two”));


Pair<map<int, string>::iterator, bool> Insert_Pair;

Insert_Pair = mapStudent.insert(map<int, string>::value_type (1, “student_one”));



#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<int, string> mapStudent;
pair<map<int, string>::iterator, bool> Insert_Pair;
mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(1, "student_one"));
mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(2, "student_two"));
mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(3, "student_three"));
mapStudent[1] =  "student_one";
mapStudent[2] =  "student_two";
mapStudent[3] =  "student_three";
Insert_Pair = mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(1, "student_insert"));
1   student_one
2   student_two
3   student_three
Insert Failure
Insert Failure
1   student_one
2   student_two
3   student_three


map<int, string>::iterator  iter;
for(iter = mapStudent.begin(); iter != mapStudent.end(); iter++)
cout<<iter->first<<"   "<<iter->second<<endl;
Insert_Pair = mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(6, "student_insert"));
if(Insert_Pair.second == true)
cout<<"Insert Successfully"<<endl;
cout<<"Insert Failure"<<endl;
Insert_Pair =mapStudent.insert(pair<int, string>(1, "student_two"));
if(Insert_Pair.second == true)
cout<<"Insert Successfully"<<endl;
cout<<"Insert Failure"<<endl;

for(iter = mapStudent.begin(); iter != mapStudent.end(); iter++)
cout<<iter->first<<"   "<<iter->second<<endl;
1   student_one
2   student_two
3   student_three
Insert Successfully
Insert Failure
1   student_one
2   student_two
3   student_three
6   student_insert

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.835 s
Press any key to continue.



#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
map<int, string> mapStudent;
mapStudent[1] =  "student_one";
mapStudent[1] =  "student_two";
mapStudent[2] =  "student_three";
map<int, string>::iterator  iter;
for(iter = mapStudent.begin(); iter != mapStudent.end(); iter++)
cout<<iter->first<<"   "<<iter->second<<endl;
1   student_two
2   student_three

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.888 s
Press any key to continue.


3.       map的大小


Int nSize = mapStudent.size();

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标签:  STL C C++ CC++ 应用