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2013-03-18 13:15 429 查看
jboss类的加载顺序:1)系统包2)jboss-deployment-structure.xml或者 Dependencies: manifest entry for modules 或者 through Class-Path: for jar files. 3)本地包WEB-INF/classes和WEB-INF/lib下的内容 4)内部依赖类:如ear的子包相互依赖

应用程序模块加载的命名约定: deployment.myarchive.war ,deployment.myear.ear.mywar.war.不多解释,观察下特征.




jboss-deployment-structure.xml的作用,放在顶级应用中包添加或者删除依赖性。文件方放在META-INF (或者WEB-INF)中.
<jboss-deployment-structure xmlns="urn:jboss:deployment-structure:1.2">
<!-- Make sub deployments isolated by default, so they cannot see each others classes without a Class-Path entry设置ear的子应用的包不依赖 -->
<!-- This corresponds to the top level deployment. For a war this is the war's module, for an ear -->
<!-- This is the top level ear module, which contains all the classes in the EAR's lib folder     -->
<!-- exclude-subsystem prevents a subsystems deployment unit processors running on a deployment设置不加载服务器配置文件中的子应用 -->
<!-- which gives basically the same effect as removing the subsystem, but it only affects single deployment -->
<subsystem name="resteasy" />
<!-- Exclusions allow you to prevent the server from automatically adding some dependencies 禁止服务器自动添加某些依赖   -->
<module name="org.javassist" />
<!-- This allows you to define additional dependencies, it is the same as using the Dependencies: manifest attribute 添加依赖 -->
<module name="deployment.javassist.proxy" />
<module name="deployment.myjavassist" />
<!-- Import META-INF/services for ServiceLoader impls as well -->
<module name="myservicemodule" services="import"/>
<!-- These add additional classes to the module. In this case it is the same as including the jar in the EAR's lib directory 可以添加一些格外的包-->
<resource-root path="my-library.jar" />
<sub-deployment name="myapp.war">
<!-- This corresponds to the module for a web deployment -->
<!-- it can use all the same tags as the <deployment> entry above -->
<!-- Adds a dependency on a ejb jar. This could also be done with a Class-Path entry -->
<module name="deployment.myear.ear.myejbjar.jar" />
<!-- Set's local resources to have the lowest priority -->
<!-- If the same class is both in the sub deployment and in another sub deployment that -->
<!-- is visible to the war, then the Class from the other deployment will be loaded,  -->
<!-- rather than the class actually packaged in the war. -->
<!-- This can be used to resolve ClassCastExceptions  if the same class is in multiple sub deployments 设置本地包加载优先级最后-->
<local-last value="true" />
<!-- Now we are going to define two additional modules -->
<!-- This one is a different version of javassist that we have packaged -->
<module name="deployment.myjavassist" >
<resource-root path="javassist.jar" >
<!-- We want to use the servers version of javassist.util.proxy.* so we filter it out-->
<exclude path="javassist/util/proxy" />
<!-- This is a module that re-exports the containers version of javassist.util.proxy -->
<!-- This means that there is only one version of the Proxy classes defined          -->
<module name="deployment.javassist.proxy" >
<module name="org.javassist" >
<include path="javassist/util/proxy" />
<exclude path="/**" />

在<subsystemxmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.0"> 可以设置全局依赖性:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:ee:1.0">
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