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check sharepoint server is standalone or farm mode

2013-03-01 16:43 232 查看

# <summary>

# Check the SUT server installation mode.

# </summary>

# <param name="sutVersion">The sut server version.

# Note:its value is gotton by calling function "GetSharePointServerVersion"</param>

# <param name="computerName">The computer name of the server.</param>

# <param name="userName">The user name of the server, must be in the format DOMAIN\User_Alias.</param>

# <param name="password">The password of the user name.</param>

# <returns>

# A string value, true if the server installation mode is StandAlone, otherwise false.

# </returns>


function CheckServerInstallationMode










    # Parameter validation


 if($sutVersion -eq $null -or $sutVersion -eq "")


     Throw "Parameter sutVersion cannot be empty."


    if($computerName -eq $null -or $computerName -eq "")


     Throw "Parameter computerName cannot be empty."


    if($userName -eq $null -or $userName -eq "")


     Throw "Parameter userName cannot be empty."


    if($password -eq $null -or $password -eq "")


     Throw "Parameter password cannot be empty."





     {$_ -eq "WindowsSharePointServices3" -or $_ -eq "SharePointServer2007"} {$sutShortVersion = "12.0"; break}

     {$_ -eq "SharePointFoundation2010"  -or $_ -eq "SharePointServer2010"} {$sutShortVersion = "14.0"; break}

     {$_ -eq "SharePointFoundation2013" -or $_ -eq "SharePointServer2013"} {$sutShortVersion = "15.0"; break}   



    $securePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force

    $credential = new-object Management.Automation.PSCredential($userName,$securePassword)

    $isStandaloneInstallation = invoke-command -computer $computerName -Credential $credential -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -scriptblock{





     $ServerModeChildItem = get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Web Server Extensions\$sutShortVersion\WSS"

        $isStandaloneInstallation = "false"

        if($ServerModeChildItem.ServerRole -ieq "SINGLESERVER")


            $isStandaloneInstallation = "true"


        return $isStandaloneInstallation


    }-ArgumentList $sutShortVersion


    if($isStandaloneInstallation -eq $null -or $isStandaloneInstallation -eq "")


  Output "Select the SUT server installation mode: " "Cyan"

        Output "1: Standalone mode" "Cyan"

        Output "2: Farm mode" "Cyan"

        $isStandaloneInstallation = @('1','2')



            [String]$readLine = Read-Host

            if($isStandaloneInstallation -contains $readLine)






                Output """$readLine"" is not a correct input, retry with a correct number from the values listed." "Yellow"



        if ($readLine -eq "1")


            $isStandaloneInstallation = "true"

   Output "Your input SUT server installation mode is StandAlone" "Yellow"




            $isStandaloneInstallation = "false"

   Output "Your input SUT server installation mode is Farm" "Yellow"





    return $isStandaloneInstallation 

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