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How to Install RSyslog+MySQL with LogAnalyzer on CentOS

2013-03-01 07:31 741 查看
Gathering information message is important on Data Center, in some situations you’ll want to store all entries of logfiles on another server. If a server crashes or gets hacked it will be able to trace through logfiles from your machine. this is can be accomplished
by using centralized log server that receive messages from another hosts. A syslog facility can receive messages from Unix/Linux hosts but also network devices and windows hosts.

In this post, I want to explain step installation of Rsyslog, and Centralized log using MySQL Database. And using LogAnalyzer web interface, for graphical view and administrative.

Step Installation:

1. First we need to install the following packages:

# yum install rsyslog rsyslog-mysql mysql-server php-mysql php-gd httpd mod_ssl

2. Configure rsyslog, mysqld, and httpd to run on startup:

#  chkconfig --add rsyslog

#  chkconfig --add mysqld

#  chkconfig --add httpd

#  chkconfig rsyslog on

#  chkconfig httpd on

#  chkconfig mysqld on

#  service rsyslog start

#  service mysqld start

#  service httpd start

3. Configure RSyslog with MySQL Database Connection

Assuming for example:

user: root

password: sql password

host: localhost

db to create: Rsyslogdb

RSyslog-mysql database installation path: /usr/share/doc/rsyslog-mysql-2.0.0/createDB.sql

Create database:

# mysql –u root –psqlpassword

mysql> CREATE DATABASE Rsyslogdb;

Export rsyslog database table:

# mysql –u root –psqlpassword Rsyslogdb < /usr/share/doc/rsyslog-mysql-2.0.0/createDB.sql

Setup MySQL permission (must be same with /etc/rsyslog.conf and /path/to/loganalyzer/config.php)

# mysql –u root –psqlpassword

mysql> GRANT ALL ON Rsyslogdb.* TO ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY 'sqlpassword';

4. Configure RSyslog

edit rsyslog configuration file

vi /etc/rsyslog.conf

add this line below:

$ModLoad ommysql

$ModLoad imuxsock

$ModLoad imklog

$Modload imudp

$UDPServerRun 514

$Modload imtcp

$InputTCPServerRun 514

## Optional


## Optional

$RepeatedMsgReduction ()

$template dbFormat,"insert into SystemEvents (Message, Facility,FromHost, Priority, DeviceReportedTime, ReceivedAt, InfoUnitID, SysLogTag) values ('%msg%', %syslogfacility%, '%HOSTNAME%',%syslogpriority%, '%timereported:::date-mysql%', '%timegenerated:::date-mysql%',
%iut%, '%syslogtag%')",sql

*.*       : ommysql:localhost,Ryslog,root,sqlpassword

*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none            /var/log/messages

authpriv.*                                          /var/log/secure

mail.*                                              /var/log/maillog

cron.*                                              /var/log/cron

*.emerg                                             *

uucp,news.crit                                      /var/log/spooler

local7.*                                             /var/log/boot.log

5. Restarting rsyslog service:

# service rsyslog restart

6. Centralized Syslog Server

Edit file: /etc/sysconfig/rsyslog (add this line)

# vi /etc/sysconfig/rsyslog


7. Log Analyzer Installation

Download the latest installation :


# cd /tmp

# wget http://download.adiscon.com/loganalyzer/loganalyzer-3.0.6.tar.gz

# tar -zxvf loganalyzer-3.0.6.tar.gz

# cd /tmp/loganalyzer-3.0.6/src/

# mkdir /var/www/html/Rsyslog

# cp –R * /var/www/html/Rsyslog

# cp loganalyzer-3.0.6/contrib/configure.sh /var/www/html/

# chmod +x configure.sh

# ./configure.sh

After you execute configuration.sh files, it will create an empty config.php that used for Log Analyzer Configuration.

Open your favorite web browser and navigate into your homepage (i.e: http://localhost),
then fill in and follow the Log Analyzer configuration steps to complete. From here RSyslog can be displayed on Show Events tab, choose MySQL Native to load your syslog messages on this machine into your RSyslog database on MySQL.

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