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function isDigit(s)


var patrn=/^[0-9]{1,20}$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true



function isRegisterUserName(s)


var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){4,19}$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true



function isTrueName(s)


var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z]{1,30}$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true



function isPasswd(s)


var patrn=/^(/w){6,20}$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true



function isTel(s)


//var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(/d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?(/d){1,12})+$/;

var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(/d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((/d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true



function isMobil(s)


var patrn=/^[+]{0,1}(/d){1,3}[ ]?([-]?((/d)|[ ]){1,12})+$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true



function isPostalCode(s)


//var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,12}$/;

var patrn=/^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{3,12}$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true



function isSearch(s)


var patrn=/^[^`~!@#$%^&*()+=|///][/]/{/}:;/'/,.<>/?]{1}[^`~!@$%^&()+=|///][/]/{/}:;/'/,.<>?]{0,19}$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true


function isIP(s) //by zergling


var patrn=/^[0-9.]{1,20}$/;

if (!patrn.exec(s)) return false

return true



* FUNCTION: isBetween (定义一个函数名为isBetween)

* PARAMETERS: val AS any value (val是任意数字)

* lo AS Lower limit to check (lo表示最小的数字)

* hi AS Higher limit to check (hi表示最大的数字)


* RETURNS: TRUE if val is between lo and hi both inclusive, otherwise false. (返回的结果:如果val是lo和hi之间的数则为真,否则为假)


function isBetween (val, lo, hi) {

if ((val < lo) || (val > hi)) { return(false); }

else { return(true); }



* FUNCTION: isDate checks a valid date (函数作用日期格式验证,格式为XXXX-XX-XX)

* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String (theStr为要验证的日期)

* CALLS: isBetween, isInt (里面用到了上面定义的isBetween函数和系统自带的isInt 函数)

* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false. (正确返回真,否刚返回假)


function isDate (theStr) {

var the1st = theStr.indexOf('-');

var the2nd = theStr.lastIndexOf('-');

if (the1st == the2nd) { return(false); }

else {

var y = theStr.substring(0,the1st);

var m = theStr.substring(the1st+1,the2nd);

var d = theStr.substring(the2nd+1,theStr.length);

var maxDays = 31;

if (isInt(m)==false || isInt(d)==false || isInt(y)==false) {

return(false); }

else if (y.length < 4) { return(false); }

else if (!isBetween (m, 1, 12)) { return(false); }

else if (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) maxDays = 30;

else if (m==2) {

if (y % 4 > 0) maxDays = 28;

else if (y % 100 == 0 && y % 400 > 0) maxDays = 28;

else maxDays = 29;


if (isBetween(d, 1, maxDays) == false) { return(false); }

else { return(true); }



* FUNCTION: isEuDate checks a valid date in British format (日期格式验证,日期格式为XXXX/XX/XX)

* PARAMETERS: theStr AS String (theStr为要验证的日期)

* CALLS: isBetween, isInt (里面用到了上面定义的isBetween函数和系统自带的isInt 函数)

* RETURNS: TRUE if theStr is a valid date otherwise false. (正确返回真,否刚返回假)


function isEuDate (theStr) {

if (isBetween(theStr.length, 8, 10) == false) { return(false); }

else {

var the1st = theStr.indexOf('/');

var the2nd = theStr.lastIndexOf('/');

if (the1st == the2nd) { return(false); }

else {

var m = theStr.substring(the1st+1,the2nd);

var d = theStr.substring(0,the1st);

var y = theStr.substring(the2nd+1,theStr.length);

var maxDays = 31;

if (isInt(m)==false || isInt(d)==false || isInt(y)==false) {

return(false); }

else if (y.length < 4) { return(false); }

else if (isBetween (m, 1, 12) == false) { return(false); }

else if (m==4 || m==6 || m==9 || m==11) maxDays = 30;

else if (m==2) {

if (y % 4 > 0) maxDays = 28;

else if (y % 100 == 0 && y % 400 > 0) maxDays = 28;

else maxDays = 29;


if (isBetween(d, 1, maxDays) == false) { return(false); }

else { return(true); }





* FUNCTION: Compare Date! Which is the latest! (日期比较,哪个是最近的日期!日期格式为:XXXX-XX-XX)

* PARAMETERS: lessDate,moreDate AS String (lessDate表示小日期,moreDate表示大日期)

* CALLS: isDate,isBetween (用到的方法有上面定义好的isDate、isBetween函数)

* RETURNS: TRUE if lessDate<moreDate (如果前面的日期小于后面的日期则为真,否则返回假)


function isComdate (lessDate , moreDate)


if (!isDate(lessDate)) { return(false);}

if (!isDate(moreDate)) { return(false);}

var less1st = lessDate.indexOf('-');

var less2nd = lessDate.lastIndexOf('-');

var more1st = moreDate.indexOf('-');

var more2nd = moreDate.lastIndexOf('-');

var lessy = lessDate.substring(0,less1st);

var lessm = lessDate.substring(less1st+1,less2nd);

var lessd = lessDate.substring(less2nd+1,lessDate.length);

var morey = moreDate.substring(0,more1st);

var morem = moreDate.substring(more1st+1,more2nd);

var mored = moreDate.substring(more2nd+1,moreDate.length);

var Date1 = new Date(lessy,lessm,lessd);

var Date2 = new Date(morey,morem,mored);

if (Date1>Date2) { return(false);}




* FUNCTION isEmpty checks if the parameter is empty or null (验证 值是否为空)

* PARAMETER str AS String


function isEmpty (str) {

if ((str==null)||(str.length==0)) return true;

else return(false);



* FUNCTION: isInt (验证 值是否为整数)

* PARAMETER: theStr AS String

* RETURNS: TRUE if the passed parameter is an integer, otherwise FALSE

* CALLS: isDigit


function isInt (theStr) {

var flag = true;

if (isEmpty(theStr)) { flag=false; }


{ for (var i=0; i<theStr.length; i++) {

if (isDigit(theStr.substring(i,i+1)) == false) {

flag = false; break;







* FUNCTION: isEmail (验证Email格式)

* PARAMETER: String (Email Address)

* RETURNS: TRUE if the String is a valid Email address

* FALSE if the passed string is not a valid Email Address

* EMAIL FORMAT: AnyName@EmailServer e.g;webmaster@hotmail.com

* @ sign can appear only once in the email address.


function isEmail (theStr) {

var atIndex = theStr.indexOf('@');

var dotIndex = theStr.indexOf('.', atIndex);

var flag = true;

theSub = theStr.substring(0, dotIndex+1)

if ((atIndex < 1)||(atIndex != theStr.lastIndexOf('@'))||(dotIndex < atIndex + 2)||(theStr.length <= theSub.length))

{ return(false); }

else { return(true); }

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