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2012-12-11 06:58 609 查看
前两天的进度似乎有些慢,今天加快了一点, 不把每一步说的那么详细了.




这是一个比较大的问题. 前面,我临时性的把不同地方的验证去掉了. 代码原作者也过来, 畅叙了他关于验证的看法. 他是对的, 这种完全验证的方式,根本上说是 DDD的设计思想。不过,想我所说,我知识临时性的去掉,保证测试的单元性。验证的功能,由验证的测试来驱动。而第二点考虑,我的验证打算放在构造器中,也就是说,如果,有任何错误的输入,连第一道门都进不来。


public class when_create_social_id_with_valid_format {
private Because of = () => subject = new SocialID("430103123456780020");

private It should_create_social_properly =
() => subject.getCardNumber().ShouldEqual("430103123456780020");
private static SocialID subject;
public class when_create_social_id_with_null_string {
private Because of = () =>exception= Catch.Exception(()=>new SocialID(null));

private It should_not_allow_to_create =
() =>exception.ShouldNotBeNull();
private static SocialID subject;
private static Exception exception;

public class when_create_social_id_with_empty_string {
private Because of = () => exception = Catch.Exception(() => new SocialID(string.Empty));

private It should_not_allow_to_create =
() => exception.ShouldNotBeNull();
private static SocialID subject;
private static Exception exception;

public class when_create_social_id_with_2_length_string {
private Because of = () => exception = Catch.Exception(() => new SocialID("12"));

private It should_not_allow_to_create =
() => exception.ShouldNotBeNull();
private static SocialID subject;
private static Exception exception;
public class when_create_social_id_with_20_length_string {
private Because of = () => exception = Catch.Exception(() => new SocialID("12345678901234567890"));

private It should_not_allow_to_create =
() => exception.ShouldNotBeNull();
private static SocialID subject;
private static Exception exception;
public class when_create_social_id_alphet_length_string {
private Because of = () => exception = Catch.Exception(() => new SocialID("A23456789012345678"));

private It should_not_allow_to_create =
() => exception.ShouldNotBeNull();
private static SocialID subject;
private static Exception exception;
public SocialID(String cardNumber)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardNumber))
throw new ApplicationException("Card Number is empty");
if (cardNumber.Length != CARD_NUMBER_LENGTH)
throw new ApplicationException("Card Number Length is wrong.");
if (!SOCIAL_NUMBER_PATTERN.IsMatch(cardNumber))
throw new ApplicationException("Card Number has wrong charactor(s).");





public class when_verify_soical_number:Specification<Verifier>
Because of = () => { code = subject.verify("43010319791211453"); };

private It verify_code_should_match =
() => code.ShouldEqual('4');
private static char code;
namespace Skight.eLiteWeb.Domain.Specs.Properties
public class Verifier
private static char[] VERIFY_CODE =
'1', '0', 'X', '9', '8', '7',
'6', '5', '4', '3', '2'

* 18位身份证中,各个数字的生成校验码时的权值

private static int[] VERIFY_CODE_WEIGHT =
7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1,
6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2
private static int CARD_NUMBER_LENGTH = 18;

public char verify(string source)
* <li>校验码(第十八位数):<br/>
* <ul>
* <li>十七位数字本体码加权求和公式 S = Sum(Ai * Wi), i = 0...16 ,先对前17位数字的权求和;
* Ai:表示第i位置上的身份证号码数字值 Wi:表示第i位置上的加权因子 Wi: 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4
* 2;</li>
* <li>计算模 Y = mod(S, 11)</li>
* <li>通过模得到对应的校验码 Y: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 校验码: 1 0 X 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2</li>
* </ul>
* @param cardNumber
* @return

int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CARD_NUMBER_LENGTH - 1; i++)
char ch = source[i];
sum += ((int) (ch - '0'))*VERIFY_CODE_WEIGHT[i];
return VERIFY_CODE[sum%11];

public SocialID(String cardNumber)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cardNumber))
throw new ApplicationException("Card Number is empty");
if (cardNumber.Length != CARD_NUMBER_LENGTH)
throw new ApplicationException("Card Number Length is wrong.");
if (!SOCIAL_NUMBER_PATTERN.IsMatch(cardNumber))
throw new ApplicationException("Card Number has wrong charactor(s).");

if (cardNumber[CARD_NUMBER_LENGTH - 1] != verifier.verify(cardNumber))
throw new ApplicationException("Card Number verified code is not match.");
this.cardNumber = cardNumber;
至此,代码已经很干净了。 是的,还有进一步的改进,如,3个元素(地区,生日,性别)的提炼应该移到构造器中,各个提取的功能就变成了,简单的数据读取。Social 的类型,不是class而是struct,因为这是典型的
Value Object。 另外,我把15转18位的部分也去掉了,这可以看作一个Utilit,可以在外部做,不是核心功能。





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标签:  重构 身份证 C#