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Asp.net MVC routing 路由

2012-11-25 22:52 411 查看
Asp.net MVC routing是一个独立于FrameWork的独立组件。

Introduce to Routing :

Routing within the Asp.net MVC framework serves two main purposes:

It matches incoming requests that would not otherwise match a file on the file system and maps the request to a controller action.


2.It constructs outgoing Urls that correspond to controller actions.


asp.net MVC 路由的唯一限制就是两个连续的参数是不被允许的。例如:

{language}-{country}/{controller}/{action } ,和 {controller}.{action}.{id}都是可以的,但是{controller}{action}/{id}是不允许的。

asp.net MVC 添加路由:routes.MapRoute(“simple”,”{Controller}/{action}/{id}”,new{id=UrlParameter.Optional});

Note that the same thing can also be accomplished by setting the id to be an empty string :{id=””}.This semms a lot more concise(简洁) ,so ahy not user this? What,s the difference

Remember earlier when we mentioned that Url parameter values are parsed out of the URL and put into a dictionary.Well when you user UrlParameter.Optional as a default value and no value is supplied in the Url,routing doesn’t even add an entry to the dictionary.If the default value is set to an empty string,the route value dictionary will contain a value with the key “id” and the value as an empty string.In some cases,this distinction is important.It lets you know the difference between the id not being specified,and it being specified but left empty.



routes.MapPageRoute("Static", "static/url", "~/views/home/index.cshtml");



@Html.RouteLink("static", new { controller = "home", action = "index", id = UrlParameter.Optional })



Use names for all your routes and always use the route name when generate URLs.使用Route的名称来进行URL的生成,无论任何时候都要这样。

2.Catch All Parameters 捕获所有的参数信息

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)


routes.MapRoute(“catchAll”,”query/{query-name}/{*extrastuff} );



/query/select/a/b/c extrastuff=”a/b/c”

/query/select/a/b/c/ extrastuff=”a/b/c”

/query/select/ extrastuff=”” 此时参数为一个空字符串

3.Multiple URL parameters in a segment

When matcging incoming requests,literals within the route URL are matched exactly.URL parameters are matched greedily.



{filename}.{ext} /foo.xml.aspx filename=”foo.xml” ext=”aspx” 注意第一个参数没有在foo停止,而是也匹配了后面的内容

my{title}-{cat} /myhouse-dweing title=”house” ,cat=”dweing”

{foo}xyz{bar} xyzxyzxyzblah foo=”xyzxyz”,bar=”blah” 这些都足以表明参数匹配是贪婪匹配

StopRoutingHandler and IgnoreRoute 有时候我们也不想让某些请求进行Routing处理,例如CSS、js、jpg和其他一些资源文件。


routes.Add(new Route("{resource}.axd", new StopRoutingHandler()));





上面的图表示的asp.net MVC路由映射的原理图,代表了路由映射的基本步骤。

The High-Level Request Routing Pipeline
The routing pipeline consists of the following high-level steps:
1. The UrlRoutingModule attempts to match the current request with the routes registered in
the RouteTable.
2. If a route matches, the Routing module grabs the IRouteHandler from that route.
3. The Routing module calls GetHandler method of the IRouteHandler, which returns the
IHttpHandler that will be used to process the request.
4. ProcessRequest is called on the HTTP handler, thus handing off the request to be handled.
5. In the case of ASP.NET MVC, the IRouteHandler is an instance of MvcRouteHandler, which,
in turn, returns an MvcHandler that implements IHttpHandler. The MvcHandler is responsible
for instantiating the controller, which in turn calls the action method on that controller.
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