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如何在JM8.6中设置编码帧类型为IDR B B P B B P B B P B B I B B P...?

2012-11-16 15:08 411 查看
      在某些“非常特殊”的场合,需要固定H.264的帧类型. H.264的baseline profile中没有B帧,所以可以选用main profile, 在encoder_main.cfg中进行如下设置就可以编码成 IDR B B P B B P B B P B B I B B P...类型的结构. (我用的foreman_part_qicf.yuv是300帧的)



# New Input File Format is as follows

# <ParameterName> = <ParameterValue> # Comment


# See configfile.h for a list of supported ParameterNames


# Files


InputFile             = "foreman_part_qcif.yuv"       # Input sequence, YUV 4:2:0

InputHeaderLength     = 0      # If the inputfile has a header, state it's length in byte here

StartFrame            = 0      # Start frame for encoding. (0-N)
FramesToBeEncoded     = 30      # Number of frames to be coded
FrameRate             = 30    # Frame Rate per second (1-100)

SourceWidth           = 176    # Image width in Pels, must be multiple of 16

SourceHeight          = 144    # Image height in Pels, must be multiple of 16

TraceFile             = "trace_enc.txt"

ReconFile             = "test_rec.yuv"

OutputFile            = "test.264"


# Encoder Control


ProfileIDC            = 77  # Profile IDC (66=baseline, 77=main, 88=extended)

LevelIDC              = 30  # Level IDC   (e.g. 20 = level 2.0)

IntraPeriod           =  4  # Period of I-Frames (0=only first)
IDRIntraEnable       =  0  # Force IDR Intra  (0=disable 1=enable)

QPFirstFrame          = 28  # Quant. param for first frame (intra) (0-51)

QPRemainingFrame      = 28  # Quant. param for remaining frames (0-51)
FrameSkip             =  2  # Number of frames to be skipped in input (e.g 2 will code every third frame)
ChromaQPOffset       =   0  # Chroma QP offset (-51..51).

UseHadamard           =  1  # Hadamard transform (0=not used, 1=used)

SearchRange           = 16  # Max search range

NumberReferenceFrames =  5  # Number of previous frames used for inter motion search (1-16)

PList0References      =  0  # P slice List 0 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)

MbLineIntraUpdate     =  0  # Error robustness(extra intra macro block updates)(0=off, N: One GOB every N frames are intra coded)

RandomIntraMBRefresh  =  0  # Forced intra MBs per picture

InterSearch16x16      =  1  # Inter block search 16x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)

InterSearch16x8       =  1  # Inter block search 16x8  (0=disable, 1=enable)

InterSearch8x16       =  1  # Inter block search  8x16 (0=disable, 1=enable)

InterSearch8x8        =  1  # Inter block search  8x8  (0=disable, 1=enable)

InterSearch8x4        =  1  # Inter block search  8x4  (0=disable, 1=enable)

InterSearch4x8        =  1  # Inter block search  4x8  (0=disable, 1=enable)

InterSearch4x4        =  1  # Inter block search  4x4  (0=disable, 1=enable)

UseFME                =  0  # Use fast motion estimation (0=disable, 1=enable)


# B Slices


NumberBFrames         =  2  # Number of B frames inserted (0=not used) 
QPBPicture            =  30 # Quant. param for B frames (0-51)

DirectModeType        =  1  # Direct Mode Type (0:Temporal 1:Spatial)

DirectInferenceFlag   =  0  # Direct Inference Flag (0: Disable 1: Enable)

BList0References      =  0  # B slice List 0 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)

BList1References      =  0  # B slice List 1 reference override (0 disable, N <= NumberReferenceFrames)

StoredBPictures       =  0  # Stored B pictures (0=off, 1=on)


# SP Frames


SPPicturePeriodicity  =  0  # SP-Picture Periodicity (0=not used)

QPSPPicture           = 28  # Quant. param of SP-Pictures for Prediction Error (0-51)

QPSP2Picture          = 27  # Quant. param of SP-Pictures for Predicted Blocks (0-51)


# Output Control, NALs


SymbolMode             =  1  # Symbol mode (Entropy coding method: 0=UVLC, 1=CABAC)

OutFileMode            =  0  # Output file mode, 0:Annex B, 1:RTP

PartitionMode          =  0  # Partition Mode, 0: no DP, 1: 3 Partitions per Slice


# CABAC context initialization


ContextInitMethod        =  0     # Context init (0: fixed, 1: adaptive)

FixedModelNumber         =  0     # model number for fixed decision for inter slices ( 0, 1, or 2 )


# Interlace Handling


PicInterlace             =  0     # Picture AFF    (0: frame coding, 1: field coding, 2:adaptive frame/field coding)

MbInterlace              =  0     # Macroblock AFF (0: frame coding, 1: field coding, 2:adaptive frame/field coding, 3:combined with PicInterlace=0, to do frame MBAFF))

IntraBottom              =  0     # Force Intra Bottom at GOP Period


# Weighted Prediction


WeightedPrediction       =  0     # P picture Weighted Prediction (0=off, 1=explicit mode) 

WeightedBiprediction     =  0     # B picture Weighted Prediciton (0=off, 1=explicit mode,  2=implicit mode) 


# Loop filter parameters


LoopFilterParametersFlag = 0      # Configure loop filter (0=parameter below ingored, 1=parameters sent)

LoopFilterDisable        = 0      # Disable loop filter in slice header (0=Filter, 1=No Filter)

LoopFilterAlphaC0Offset  = 0      # Alpha & C0 offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}

LoopFilterBetaOffset     = 0      # Beta offset div. 2, {-6, -5, ... 0, +1, .. +6}


# Error Resilience / Slices


SliceMode             =  0   # Slice mode (0=off 1=fixed #mb in slice 2=fixed #bytes in slice 3=use callback)

SliceArgument         = 50   # Slice argument (Arguments to modes 1 and 2 above)

num_slice_groups_minus1 = 0  # Number of Slice Groups Minus 1, 0 == no FMO, 1 == two slice groups, etc.

slice_group_map_type    = 6  # 0:  Interleave, 1: Dispersed,    2: Foreground with left-over,

                             # 3:  Box-out,    4: Raster Scan   5: Wipe

                             # 6:  Explicit, slice_group_id read from SliceGroupConfigFileName

slice_group_change_direction_flag = 0    # 0: box-out clockwise, raster scan or wipe right,

                                         # 1: box-out counter clockwise, reverse raster scan or wipe left

slice_group_change_rate_minus1    = 85   #

SliceGroupConfigFileName          = "sg6conf.cfg"   # Used for slice_group_map_type 0, 2, 6

UseRedundantSlice     = 0    # 0: not used, 1: one redundant slice used for each slice (other modes not supported yet)


# Search Range Restriction / RD Optimization


RestrictSearchRange  =  2  # restriction for (0: blocks and ref, 1: ref, 2: no restrictions)

RDOptimization       =  1  # rd-optimized mode decision (0:off, 1:on, 2: with losses)

LossRateA            = 10  # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the first partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 2

LossRateB            =  0  # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the second partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 2

LossRateC            =  0  # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the third partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 2

NumberOfDecoders     = 30  # Numbers of decoders used to simulate the channel, only valid if RDOptimization = 2

RestrictRefFrames    =  0  # Doesnt allow reference to areas that have been intra updated in a later frame.


# Additional Stuff


UseConstrainedIntraPred  =  0  # If 1, Inter pixels are not used for Intra macroblock prediction.

LastFrameNumber          =  0  # Last frame number that have to be coded (0: no effect)

ChangeQPI                = 16  # QP (I-slices)  for second part of sequence (0-51)

ChangeQPP                = 16  # QP (P-frame) for second part of sequence (0-51)

ChangeQPB                = 18  # QP (B-frame) for second part of sequence (0-51)

ChangeQPStart            =  0  # Frame no. for second part of sequence (0: no second part)

NumberofLeakyBuckets     =  8                      # Number of Leaky Bucket values

LeakyBucketRateFile      =  "leakybucketrate.cfg"  # File from which encoder derives rate values

LeakyBucketParamFile     =  "leakybucketparam.cfg" # File where encoder stores leakybucketparams

NumberFramesInEnhancementLayerSubSequence  = 0  # number of frames in the Enhanced Scalability Layer(0: no Enhanced Layer)

NumberOfFrameInSecondIGOP                  = 0  # Number of frames to be coded in the second IGOP

SparePictureOption        =  0   # (0: no spare picture info, 1: spare picture available)

SparePictureDetectionThr  =  6   # Threshold for spare reference pictures detection

SparePicturePercentageThr = 92   # Threshold for the spare macroblock percentage

PicOrderCntType           = 0    # (0: POC mode 0, 1: POC mode 1, 2: POC mode 2)


#Rate control


RateControlEnable    =      0   # 0 Disable, 1 Enable

Bitrate              =  45020   # Bitrate(bps)

InitialQP            =     24   # Initial Quantization Parameter for the first I frame

                                # InitialQp depends on two values: Bits Per Picture,

                                # and the GOP length

BasicUnit            =     11   # Number of MBs in the basic unit

                                # should be a fractor of the total number

                                # of MBs in a frame

ChannelType          =      0   # type of channel( 1=time varying channel; 0=Constant channel)

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