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CentOS 5.4 下mercurial的安装

2012-10-19 11:13 323 查看
源码安装xen时,用到了mercurial。google了很久,重点介绍一 下源码安装,然后是两种简便的方法。


[root@localhost mercurial-1.4.1]wget http://mercurial.selenic.com/release/mercurial-1.4.1.tar.gz

2、 编译安装

[root@localhost mercurial-1.4.1] # make all

[root@localhost mercurial-1.4.1]# make install-home

3、 安装检查

[root@localhost mercurial-1.4.1]hg debuginstall

会出现abort: couldn't find mercurial libraries in。。。

[root@localhost mercurial-1.4.1]export PYTHONPATH=${HOME}/lib/python

此时再运行hg debuginstall ,会出现

[root@localhost mercurial-1.4.1]# hg debuginstall

Checking encoding (UTF-8)...

Checking extensions...

Checking templates...

Checking patch...

Checking commit editor...

Checking username...

no username supplied (see "hg help config")

(specify a username in your .hgrc file)

1 problems detected, please check your install!

这 是由于配置文件的原因。源码中contrib文件夹下提供了一个sample.hgrc,可以拷贝过来修改

[root@localhost mercurial-1.4.1]# cd contrib/

[root@localhost contrib]# cp sample.hgrc /root/.hgrc

[root@localhost contrib]# vim /root/.hgrc

这 里改一下:

### show changed files and be a bit more verbose if True

# verbose = True

### username data to appear in comits

### it usually takes the form: Joe User <>

username = zhuliting <> //只修改这一行。

### --- Extensions

[注] 修改配置文件不正确时,运行hg debuginstall会出现

hg: config error at /root/.hgrc:12: ' username = Joe Who <>'

再运行hg debuginstall ,出现这个提示就可以了

[root@localhost contrib]# hg debuginstall

Checking encoding (UTF-8)...

Checking extensions...

Checking templates...

Checking patch...

Checking commit editor...

Checking username...

No problems detected

运 行hg,出现

[root@localhost contrib]# hg

分布式软件配置管理工具 - 水银


add add the specified files on the next commit

annotate show changeset information by line for each file

clone make a copy of an existing repository

commit commit the specified files or all outstanding changes

diff diff repository (or selected files)

export dump the header and diffs for one or more changesets

forget forget the specified files on the next commit

init create a new repository in the given directory

log show revision history of entire repository or files

merge merge working directory with another revision

pull pull changes from the specified source

push push changes to the specified destination

remove remove the specified files on the next commit

serve export the repository via HTTP

status show changed files in the working directory

summary summarize working directory state

update update working directory

使用 "hg help" 获得全部命令的列表,或 "hg -v" 获得详细信息

到这 里,mercurial已经安装成功了。下一次使用hg命令时,首先要设置一下

[root@localhost mercurial-1.4.1]export PYTHONPATH=${HOME}/lib/python

当然,也可以 创建一个软链接。

[注] 其它的简便安装方法:

1、安装软件时,如果只是简单的应用,可安装编译好的二进制包,即yum install mercurial ,我的CentOS 5.4版本下也能成功安装,但刚开始几次都不行,可先安装rpmforge.

[root@localhost ~]# wget

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -Uvh rpmforge-release-0.3.6-1.el5.rf.i386.rpm
然后再yum install mercurial
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标签:  mercurial CentOS