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2012-08-21 16:48 459 查看

word -工具- 宏- 创建 - 添加下面代码,文件夹路径和浏览器路径自己修改

Private Sub Document_Close()

On Error Resume Next

Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls("Google搜索").Delete '恢复原有菜单

Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls("Baidu搜索").Delete '恢复原有菜单

Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls("work").Delete '恢复原有菜单

Application.CommandBars("Text").Reset '重新设置右键菜单,彻底恢复默认设置

End Sub


Private Sub Document_Open()

On Error Resume Next

Dim BtnGoogle As CommandBarButton

Dim BtnBaidu As CommandBarButton

Dim Btnfile As CommandBarButton

Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls("Google搜索").Delete '预防性删除

Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls("Baidu搜索").Delete '预防性删除

Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls("work").Delete '预防性删除

Application.CommandBars("Text").Reset '重新设置右键菜单,彻底恢复默认设置

Set BtnBaidu = Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=1) '第一项

Set BtnGoogle = Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=2) '第二项

Set Btnfile = Application.CommandBars("Text").Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, Before:=3) '第三项

With BtnGoogle

.Caption = "&Google搜索" '命令名称

.FaceId = 86 '命令的FaceId,字母G

.Visible = True '可见

.OnAction = "GoogleSearch" '指定响应过程名

End With

With BtnBaidu

.Caption = "&Baidu搜索" '命令名称

.FaceId = 81 '命令的FaceId

.Visible = True '可见

.OnAction = "BaiduSearch" '指定响应过程名

End With

With Btnfile

.Caption = "&work" '命令名称

.FaceId = 85 '命令的FaceId

.Visible = True '可见

.OnAction = "CommandButton1_Click" '指定响应过程名

End With

End Sub


Sub GoogleSearch()

Dim sSearch$, sSel$

sSel = Trim(Selection.Text)

sSearch = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\360Chrome\Chrome\Application\360chrome.exe ""http://www.google.com.hk/search?client=Juncox&hl=zh-CN&q=" & sSel & """" '两种形式结果是一致的

' sSearch = "explorer " & Chr(34) & "http://www.google.cn/search?client=Juncox&hl=zh-CN&q=" & sSel & Chr(34)

Shell sSearch

End Sub

Sub BaiduSearch()

Dim sSearch$, sSel$

sSel = Trim(Selection.Text)

sSearch = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\360Chrome\Chrome\Application\360chrome.exe ""http://www.baidu.com/baidu?tn=Juncox&word=" & sSel & """"

' sSearch = "explorer " & Chr(34) & "http://www.baidu.com/baidu?tn=Juncox&word=" & sSel & Chr(34)

Shell sSearch

End Sub

Sub CommandButton1_Click()

mOpen = Shell("Explorer.exe E:\company\work\", vbNormalFocus)

End Sub
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