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Problem of " Invalid (old?) table or database name"

2012-08-13 18:12 417 查看
对于之前对该问题源码的跟踪的相关内容,可以参考 mysql的"[Warning]
Invalid (old?) table or database name"问题

Heng Wang:

Recently, I encountered a problem, the details is: The mysql error log

always reports a warning like “[Warning] Invalid (old?) table or

database name? Through analysis of the binlog, there are two

statements in this period. The statements like these “create temporary

table [TEMP_TABLE_NAME] select col1,col2,... from [TABLE_NAME];?,

“alter table [TEMP_TABLE_NAME] add unique idx_col1(col1);?

I debug the mysql source attempt to trace the problem where happened,

but has not been able to repeat it. However, I get some ideas on the

problem through trace the mysql source (based on 5.5.20 source). The

detail as follows:

The warning information appears only in the function of

explain_filename (THD* thd, const char *from, char *to , uint

to_length , enum_explain_filename_mode explain_mode ) in line 279 of


I continue to trace the source and find that only the function

innobase_convert_identifier() in line 1946 of ha_innodb.cc call

explain_filename, the function implement as follows:


Convert an SQL identifier to the MySQL system_charset_info (UTF-8)

and quote it if needed.

@return pointer to the end of buf */

static char* innobase_convert_identifier (


char* buf, /*!< out: buffer for converted

identifier */

ulint buflen, /*!< in: length of buf,

in bytes */

const char * id, /*!< in: identifier to convert */

ulint idlen, /*!< in: length of id, in bytes


void* thd, /*!< in: MySQL connection thread,

or NULL */

ibool file_id) /*!< in: TRUE=id is a table or

database name;

FALSE=id is an UTF-8 string */

Next, I trace the source where call the function of

innobase_convert_identifier(), I found that there are two clues.

First, in line 2034 of ha_innodb.cc, the function

innobase_convert_name() call the innobase_convert_identifier() to

convert a table or index name to the MySQL system_charset_info(UTF-8)

and quote it if needed. So I examine the database of production

environment, and find that the charset of all databases and tables are

utf8. So I think the problem can not be caused by charset. The

function implement as follows:


Convert a table or index name to the MySQL system_charset_info (UTF-8)

and quote it if needed.

@return pointer to the end of buf */

extern "C" UNIV_INTERN char* innobase_convert_name (


char* buf, /*!< out: buffer for converted

identifier */

ulint buflen, /*!< in: length of buf,

in bytes */

const char * id, /*!< in: identifier to convert */

ulint idlen, /*!< in: length of id, in bytes


void* thd, /*!< in: MySQL connection thread,

or NULL */

ibool table_id) /*!< in: TRUE=id is a table or

database name;

FALSE=id is an index name */

Second, in line 6269 of ha_innodb.cc, the function create_table_def()

call the innobase_convert_identifier() only when the error state is

DB_DUPLICATE_KEY, and after calling the function of

row_create_table_for_mysql()(row0mysql.c:1820). But I throughout have

not found the detail where change the error state. The function

implement as follows:


Creates a table definition to an InnoDB database. */

static create_table_def (


trx_t* trx, /*!< in: InnoDB

transaction handle */

TABLE* form, /*!< in: information

on table

columns and indexes */

const char * table_name, /*!< in: table name */

const char * path_of_temp_table, /*!< in: if this is a

table explicitly

created by the user

with the

TEMPORARY keyword,

then this

parameter is the dir

path where the

table should be placed

if we create

an .ibd file for it

(no .ibd extension

in the path, though);

otherwise this

is NULL */

ulint flags) /*!< in: table flags */

In summary, I am sure the problem caused by the second clue, and both

two statements call the create_table_def() function. But I still have

not found the specific reason, so I want you to give me some

information and suggestion to trace the problem.


Most probably you are experiencing http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=51180
Heng Wang:

Thank you for you help, but the description of bug #51180 is not very detailed. And the repeat situation seems not to meet our problem. Our mysql server has never been stoped or restarted, and the method of "copy the .frm file and try DROP TABLE " does not
according to our application.

In our application, we need a temporary table to store a large of data summarized from another tables. In order to promote the performance to query the result from temporary table, we add a unique index. The SQL statements like this:


2. “create temporary table [TEMP_TABLE_NAME] select col1,col2,... from [TABLE_NAME];"

3. “alter table [TEMP_TABLE_NAME] add unique idx_col1(col1);"

Please give me more detailed information in order to confirm the problem is the bug #51180.

Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from you.


The 51180 "How to repeat" does not list all the ways to repeat the

issue. It is enough to have an open temporary table (can be also an

internal temporary table, such as for ALTER TABLE) and then do any

operation that invokes explain_filename() at one point or another, for

example, issue SHOW ENGINE InnoDB STATUS in other thread. The issue

here is that explain_filename() is not fully compatible with the

"#sql..." names that are generated for those temp tables. Bug
http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=32430 might provide more background

on this.

Heng Wang:
Thanks Laurynas Biveinis , but I think the bug#51180 is not the same problem. The error log always reports the warning like these:

120410 2:15:21 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql5790_2e86_186e'

120410 2:15:21 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql5790_2e86_186e'

120410 2:15:21 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql5790_2e86_186f'

Through analysis of the binlog,there are three statements in this period. the statements like these:


2. “create temporary table [TEMP_TABLE_NAME] select col1,col2,... from [TABLE_NAME];"

3. “alter table [TEMP_TABLE_NAME] add unique idx_col1(col1);"

And the difference from bug#51180 is the error log never reports the information like these:

<result 2 when explaining filename '#sql2-4947-72390'> does not exist in the InnoDB internal

InnoDB: data dictionary though MySQL is trying to drop it.

So I think there are some other points triggering the problem.

Thank you very much and looking forward to hearing from you.


Perhaps I keep missing some you point you make, but I still think that

this is #51180. The second error message in the bug report, which you

don't have in your logs, is secondary. The bug report is about the

first message, which you do experience, and which is caused by

incorrect temp table name handling in explain_filename().

Heng Wang:
Thanks Laurynas help, The previous emails ignore another warning followed by " Invalid (old?) table or database name ". Now, provide the parts of mysql server error log and attach the
full error log from 2012/08/05 to now in the email, maybe it is useful for confirming the problem.

The detail:

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8ff'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

120807 2:50:32 [Warning] Invalid (old?) table or database name '#sql4925_56c424_8fe'

InnoDB: Warning: hash index ref_count (4) is not zero after fil_discard_tablespace().

index: "PRIMARY" table: "[DATABASE]/"

InnoDB: Warning: hash index ref_count (4) is not zero after fil_discard_tablespace().

index: "PRIMARY" table: "[DATABASE]/

InnoDB: Warning: hash index ref_count (4) is not zero after fil_discard_tablespace().

index: "PRIMARY" table: "[DATABASE]/

InnoDB: Warning: hash index ref_count (4) is not zero after fil_discard_tablespace().

index: "PRIMARY" table: "[DATABASE]/

InnoDB: Warning: hash index ref_count (4) is not zero after fil_discard_tablespace().

index: "PRIMARY" table: "[DATABASE]/

InnoDB: Warning: hash index ref_count (4) is not zero after fil_discard_tablespace().

index: "PRIMARY" table: "[DATABASE]/

InnoDB: Warning: hash index ref_count (4) is not zero after fil_discard_tablespace().

index: "PRIMARY" table: "[DATABASE]/

Thank you very much and look forward to hearing from you.


The error message is annoying but entirely benign. If you want to fix

it, you have to fix explain_filename() only and nothing else.

Yes, I ignored the second error message before. It happens on

tablespace discard (DROP TABLE with file per table enabled) and it

means that not all of the adaptive hash index entries concerning the

tablespace being removed were dropped yet. This should be benign as

well (in the worst case, if those entries are actually never dropped,

this amounts to AHI performance degradation). If you have a repeatable

isolated testcase, feel free to submit a bug report to us. Also try

changing the innodb_lazy_drop_table setting, and testing with at least

Percona Server 5.5.23.

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