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Ext JS 4.1.1 (GA)发布

2012-07-07 09:25 369 查看

Ext JS 4.1.1 (GA) Now Available

We are pleased to announce today that Ext JS 4.1.1 (GA) is available for download! The product pages will be updated shortly with links to the respective GPL and Commercial downloads. If you cannot wait, you can grab them from here:

Commercial - http://cdn.sencha.com/extjs-4.1.1-commercial.zip

GPL - http://cdn.sencha.com/extjs-4.1.1-gpl.zip

We cannot thank everyone in the community enough for all their help! Thanks for all your efforts in testing the 2 pre-releases and reporting the problems you encountered. We wish we could have fixed every bug, but we believe we have fixed the most severe and widely impacting of the bunch.

Now that 4.1.1 has shipped, this forum will remain but should only be used for reference. Please use the regular forums for discussing released versions. If you have reported bugs in this forum, please either re-post in the Bugs forum or ask one of the moderators if they would move your thread for you. Not only does our support team continue that forum, but others in the community can often help find workarounds or patches.

For those with Support, we will be continuing to fix bugs on the 4.1.x release. The nightly builds will be available on the support portal.


Bugs Fixed

Charts (6)EXTJSIV-6275 - Line chart messed up after disabling and enabling lines though legend
EXTJSIV-6323 - Charts don't render with either constrain, or both maximum and minimum
EXTJSIV-6324 - Problem using minimum, maximum and majorTicksSteps together
EXTJSIV-6359 - Chart should display integers on axis
EXTJSIV-6583 - Chart redraw on store update fails in inactive card
EXTJSIV-6585 - Rapid clicks on pie chart causes slices to shrink or disappear
Core (10)EXTJSIV-3932 - dom.style.setExpression not implemented in IE8
EXTJSIV-5956 - Ext.extend does not handle constructor properly using 3-argument form
EXTJSIV-6087 - Ext.data.TreeStore CRUD regression
EXTJSIV-6452 - Container's private floatingItems collection should be floatingDescendants
EXTJSIV-6453 - Container-owned floating items appear at wrong level in the ComponentQuery hierarchy
EXTJSIV-6456 - ComponentQuery :last selector fails with a single item
EXTJSIV-6484 - Ext.AbstractManager.onAvailable listener isn't removed properly
EXTJSIV-6499 - Reusing id's for elements recently removed from the DOM would incorrectly reference old element
EXTJSIV-6570 - Ext.Element getStyle can throw in IE6/7 reading font styles
EXTJSIV-6612 - Observable.resumeEvents should tolerate being called when suspendCount is zero
Data (6)EXTJSIV-5253 - Ext.data.writer.Json no longer respects dateFormat
EXTJSIV-5995 - Model field disappear when using idProperty
EXTJSIV-6480 - loadData reading an Array uses the wrong field order to read the data items.
EXTJSIV-6523 - data.Reader will not read data where a model is included
EXTJSIV-6545 - Can't reload buffered store after filtering
EXTJSIV-6627 - Model.copy passes its data into the new constructor as raw which gets converted.
DataView (1)EXTJSIV-6524 - AbstractView should not cancel SPACE key event if target is an input element.
Documentation (3)EXTJSIV-5148 - Ext.selection.Model documentation bug
EXTJSIV-6187 - Grouping and locking features do not work together
EXTJSIV-6573 - AbstractComponent.render missing in the API docs
Examples (4)EXTJSIV-6449 - Simple Tasks reminder window does not lay out when resized.
EXTJSIV-6450 - Themes example's layout expands vertical slider's element to 100% width
EXTJSIV-6462 - Chart rendering is broken by moving its ancestors in the DOM in IE
EXTJSIV-6717 - Combination Examples - Feed Viewer: Getting error upon clicking on any feed in the preview panel when "Hide" option is selected in the preview drop down menu.
Forms (15)EXTJSIV-6071 - The title of the MultiSelect is not displayed
EXTJSIV-6085 - "Custom Layout " Alert message borderline is missing under "Radio Groups " in IE6
EXTJSIV-6086 - labelWidth is ignored with labelAlign top
EXTJSIV-6127 - TextField emptyText cannot be entered as the value
EXTJSIV-6160 - Ext.form.field.Time does not initialize value correctly
EXTJSIV-6227 - Adding a new field to a form layout fails on IE
EXTJSIV-6311 - Time field clears value on blur.
EXTJSIV-6371 - Fields with labelAlign top need to not make label its own row - causes too many problems
EXTJSIV-6402 - DisplayField doesn't update size after a value change
EXTJSIV-6416 - Calling setText on unrendered TextField does not work
EXTJSIV-6445 - standardSubmit: true is broken for forms with params
EXTJSIV-6478 - Ext.form.BasicForm fails to correctly read the response of a file upload
EXTJSIV-6568 - HtmlEditor leaks memory on window unload in IE6/7
EXTJSIV-6579 - HtmlEditor contents are cleared by initial Ext.example.msg
EXTJSIV-6594 - enforceMaxLength with no maxLength in textfield allows only one char
Grid (18)EXTJSIV-5343 - Lockable views do not handle drag between two sides well or dragging of or between group headers.
EXTJSIV-6075 - Checkbox selection model's header checkbox not in sync if records are added/removed
EXTJSIV-6242 - Grid row editor does not close when record being edited is removed
EXTJSIV-6264 - Grid filter range menu iconCls conflicts with Panel iconCls - rename to itemIconCls
EXTJSIV-6419 - Grid Filters JS error when click on any column header after filtering Date and swap columns
EXTJSIV-6420 - Grid row heights aren't synced in locked grid on IE9 standards.
EXTJSIV-6421 - Locking grid headers misplaced after column hide
EXTJSIV-6440 - BorderLayout: collapsed GridPanel on south looks inconsistent after expand
EXTJSIV-6463 - Infinite grid alignment is skewed by presence of group headers
EXTJSIV-6477 - Arrow keys become unresponsive when arrowing through records in a buffered grid
EXTJSIV-6481 - Firefox 13 new default smooth scrolling leads to very slow grid scrolling
EXTJSIV-6482 - Grid RowExpander is not reinserted after reconfigure
EXTJSIV-6509 - Using getEditor on a grid column creates an orphaned component resulting in a memory leak
EXTJSIV-6531 - Grid reconfigure fails with hideHeaders
EXTJSIV-6546 - PagingScroller onCacheClear assumes view is rendered
EXTJSIV-6584 - Cell editing in locked grid causes JS error
EXTJSIV-6644 - CellSelectionModel selects the wrong cell in a locked grid
EXTJSIV-6718 - Tab key causes error when cell editing with row selection model
Layouts (5)EXTJSIV-5131 - ShrinkWrap layouts can fail with constrained widths / heights
EXTJSIV-6041 - In IE8/9 "strict" mode, Box layout's perpendicular overflow does not work
EXTJSIV-6049 - Auto-width grid in vbox stretches to 10,000px
EXTJSIV-6369 - Closing floated/collapsed panel in border layout causes JS error
EXTJSIV-6528 - Ext.layout.container.BoxOverflow.Menu.destroy throws Exception
Menu (1)EXTJSIV-6386 - Picking a date doesn't work when Date field inside Menu
Misc (2)EXTJSIV-6348 - Drag-drop on invalid dropzone leaves no focus
EXTJSIV-6510 - IE 6 nonsecure items warning when using Ext.History
Panel (4)EXTJSIV-5149 - "mini" collapseMode in border layout doesn't seem to work
EXTJSIV-6372 - Multiple issues with Panel.setBodyStyle
EXTJSIV-6373 - Specifying Panel header config and closable: true causes error
EXTJSIV-6448 - Left and right aligned headers in panel drag are not layed out properly
Theme (2)EXTJSIV-6163 - SplitButton with arrowAlign bottom and Gray theme - CSS issue on mouse over
EXTJSIV-6425 - Sass function theme-background-image throws exception without a return value and css doesn't compile
Toolbars (2)EXTJSIV-6251 - Toolbar defaults override single item settings
EXTJSIV-6451 - Form fields clone in overflow menu of toolbar do not sync the original field value
Tree (9)EXTJSIV-5248 - Ext.data.TreeStore setting the root property in the proxy doesn't work
EXTJSIV-6005 - Ext.data.TreeStore with Ext.data.proxy.Rest does not pass ids correctly
EXTJSIV-6302 - NodeInterface qtip and qtitle not updated
EXTJSIV-6417 - tree.selectPath(tree.getRootNode().getPath()) doesn't select
EXTJSIV-6418 - Folder keeps displaying collapse button after all leaves are dragged away
EXTJSIV-6443 - expandable: false has no effect in tree grid
EXTJSIV-6473 - Spacebar not toggling checkbox state in TreePanel
EXTJSIV-6554 - Tree view refresh event is fired before the render event
EXTJSIV-6580 - Tree node parentId doesn't respect useNull
Window (6)EXTJSIV-5889 - Dragging a header-constrained window below Viewport bottom scrolls the Viewport
EXTJSIV-6033 - Ext.window.Window fire incorrect events when maximized/restored
EXTJSIV-6234 - Constrained window in a border layout is displaying at wrong location.
EXTJSIV-6297 - Constraining a window to a panel using the "constrain" config does not work when "autoShow" is true
EXTJSIV-6397 - Form submit with waitMsg:'string' called from Window focuses the Window which hides any MessageBox
EXTJSIV-6547 - Window is not closed on Esc
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