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linux locate 文件系统快速检索

2012-06-26 11:19 204 查看
locate 命令



part 1: 使用locate manual
$ man locate
locate(1) locate(1)
locate - find files by name
locate [OPTION]... PATTERN...
part 2: locate 的搜索机制

whereis 严格来讲是从你环境变量的路径(path等主要路径)中查找目标。速度快,范围有限。只能用于程序名的搜索,而且只搜索二进制文件(参数-b)、man说明文件(参数-m)和源代码文件(参数-s)。如果省略参数,则返回所有信息。


$ whereis grep
grep: /bin/grep /usr/share/man/man1/grep.1.gz
$ whereis -b grep
grep: /bin/grep
$ whereis -m grep
grep: /usr/share/man/man1/grep.1.gz
$ whereis -s grep

locate则是从 updatedb命令生成的数据库中查找目标。全盘文件检索 ,需要要定时运行updatedb更新数据库 ,以保证内容的实时性


$ locate xyz.py # 查找一个不出在的文件 xyz.py, 找不到结果
$ touch xyz.py # 手动建立xyz.py, 并
$ locate xyz.py # 使用 locate 查找,仍然查不到
$ sudo updatedb # 更新数据库
$ locate xyz.py # 再次locate 查找, okay

find 是“最强大,最复杂,最灵活” 的查找命令,可以用它找到任何你想找的文件

$ which find
$ which cp
$ which grep

$ type cd

cd is a shell builtin
$ type python
python is /usr/bin/python
$ type -p python
$ which python

part 3: OPTIONS

param 1:
-b, --basename
Match only the base name against the specified patterns.
This is the opposite of --wholename.
# 查询文件系统中文件名含有 pattern 的文件
$ locate -b 'ue' |less
param 2:
-c, --count
Instead of writing file names on standard output, write
the number of matching entries only.
# 查询文件系统中文件名含有 pattern 的文件的个数
$ locate -c 'ue'

param 3:
-d, --database DBPATH
Replace the default database with DBPATH. DBPATH is a
:-separated list of database file names. If more than
one --database option is specified, the resulting path is
a concatenation of the separate paths.

An empty database file name is replaced by the default
database. A database file name - refers to the standard
input. Note that a database can be read from the stan鈥?
dard input only once.
# 指定所以来的数据库的路径(一般使用缺省的数据库)

param 4:

-e, --existing
Print only entries that refer to files existing at the
time locate is run.
# 显示执行locate 命令时匹配的文件列表。

param 5:
-L, --follow
When checking whether files exist (if the --existing
option is specified), follow trailing symbolic links.
This causes broken symbolic links to be omitted from the
This is the default behavior. The opposite can be speci鈥?
fied using --nofollow.
# 统计是将链接文件一并统计在内

param 6:
-i, --ignore-case
Ignore case distinctions when matching patterns.
# 进行文件名匹配时,不区分大小写

param 7:
-l, --limit, -n LIMIT
Exit successfully after finding LIMIT entries. If the
--count option is specified, the resulting count is also
limited to LIMIT.
# 进行文件名匹配时,只显示指定数目的匹配结果

param 8:

-w, --wholename

Match only the whole path name against the specified pat鈥?
This is the default behavior. The opposite can be speci鈥?
fied using --basename.
# 进行文件名匹配时,进行全名匹配。 即 locate -w 'ue' , 只会查找出文件名为 ue 的文件, 文件名中含有 ue 的将不会被统计出。



$ locate e100




$ locate -i itco_wdt



$ locate -r /ls$ 查找以/ls$结尾的文件



$ locate -r mkfs*3 查找文件名包含mkfs和3的文件



$ locate -r ^/boot/grub/me 查找以/boot/grub/me开头的文件


RPM包mlocate(有些Linux发行版为slocate)会提供一个cron作业,每天运行一次updatedb命令,用于更新文件locate数据库。由于用户要找的文件可能在数据库上次更新后已删除,可以使用locate -e检查数据库中找到的文件是否仍然存在:

$ locate -e myfilename


# updatedb

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