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easy Html5 - Jquery Mobile之ToolBars(Header and Footer)

2012-05-07 15:58 561 查看

jquery 在web js框架上的风暴还在继续却也随着移动终端走向了mobile;那么jquery mobile到底包括些什么呢


工具栏是在移动网站和应用中的头部,尾部或者内容中的工具条;Jquery Mobile提供了一套标准的工具和导航栏的工具,可以在绝大多数情况下直接使用;头部一般做网站或应用的标题,功能导航等,一般都是些文字或者按钮;尾部是一个页面的最下端,内容可以根据具体应用需要来排版,也可以放功能导航、各种链接等;内容中使用一般是作为功能的展示,显示内容同时附带着功能;jquery mobile还提供了这些工具栏的一些特性即工具栏定位;通过设置工具栏定位,可以使工具栏一直处于头部或者底部,当滚动时,如果工具栏被滚动到屏幕之外,jquery mobile会自动动画过度将工具条重新显示到头部或者底部;而且任何时候,当点击定位了的工具栏时,点击屏幕会让工具栏消失,再点击时会重新显示;当然还支持全屏的定位模式,当工具条被滚动到屏幕之外时,不会立即显示滚动条,而是当点击屏幕时,工具条会自动显示在固定的位置上。



<div data-role="header" data-theme="c">
<h1>Page Header</h1>
</div><!-- /header -->



<div data-role="header" data-theme="c"  data-position="fixed">

<h1>Page Header</h1>
<!-- <a href="../index.htm" data-icon="back">back</a>-->
<a href="../index.htm" data-icon="check">Save</a>

<!-- <a href="../index.htm" class="ui-btn-left" data-icon="back">back1</a>
<a href="../index.htm" data-icon="check">Save1</a>-->
</div><!-- /header -->

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<div id="mainPage"  data-role="page" data-add-back-btn="true">

<div data-role="header" data-theme="c"  data-position="fixed">

<h1>Page Header</h1>
<a href="../index.htm" data-icon="back">back</a>
<a href="../index.htm" class="ui-btn-right" data-icon="check">Save</a>

<!-- <a href="../index.htm" class="ui-btn-left" data-icon="back">back1</a>
<a href="../index.htm" data-icon="check">Save1</a>-->
</div><!-- /header -->

<div data-role="content">
<h3>About us</h3>
In browsers that support CSS position: fixed (most desktop browsers, iOS5+, Android 2.2+, BlackBerry 6, and others), toolbars that use the "fixedtoolbar" plugin will be fixed to the top or bottom of the viewport, while the page content scrolls freely in between. In browsers that don't support fixed positioning, the toolbars will remain positioned in flow, at the top or bottom of the page.

To enable this behavior on a header or footer, add the data-position="fixed" attribute to a jQuery Mobile header or footer element.

Fullscreen fixed toolbars sit on top of the content at all times when they are visible, and unlike regular fixed toolbars, fullscreen toolbars do not fall back to static positioning when toggled. Instead they disappear from the screen entirely. Fullscreen toolbars are ideal for more immersive interfaces, like a photo viewer that is meant to fill the entire screen with the photo itself and no distractions.

To enable this option on a fixed header or footer, add the data-fullscreen attribute to the element.

</div><!-- /content -->

<div data-role="footer" data-position="fixed">

<h4>Page Fotter</h4>

</div><!-- /footer -->
</div><!-- /page -->




3.当然我们可以再footer里添加各种自定义的功能(因为它只是一个div么 :) );


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